Monday, December 24, 2012

Is there anybody that has lived in Italy and the U.S that I can ask a couple questions for school? Please

Is there anybody that has lived in Italy and the U.S that I can ask a couple questions for school? Please?

Other - Italy - 5 Answers
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1 :
Just post a couple questions here. There are a lot of people here that have lived in both Italia and the US, including myself
2 :
Yes have lived in Italy for 13 years and been back in the states now for 6 years since 3 of 2000 but I will answer any questions you want to know about Italy and the Island of Sicily. Just write me at I will answer any questions you want.
3 :
I'm an America who has been living in Rome for a looooong time. Feel free to get in touch with me! :o)
4 :
I'm an American living near Milan, have been here for little over 4.5 years, married to a local and teaching English. Feel free to contact me anytime.
5 :
im from the states, more specifically los angeles, and ive been living here in florence, italy since 2002, studying industrial design at the university of florence. if you have any questions feel free to ask!
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Sunday, December 16, 2012

How do young people dress in Italy

How do young people dress in Italy?
I have to do a project for school, I'm looking more for specifics, like what trends and stuff.
Other - Italy - 4 Answers
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1 :
I'm from Italy...and I'm really sorry because my english is terrible. I'm trying to help you! Usually we dress jeans and t-shirts not very long. When it's cold we like to dress shirts with jumpers! We don't dress long t-shirts and something like that! Baci :)
2 :
hI I am also doing a project about Milano italy for class and i am looking for some interesting fact about Milano trends..
3 :
About the same as young people in the US, Great Britain, and other countries in Europe.
4 :
girls in italy usually wears tight jeans, sneakers (most part nike or converse all star or hogan) and t-shirt or jersey or sweater, it depends on the season but still tight and short, and mostly v-neck i think. on saturday and sunday they often wears skirt and boots and sometimes they wears shirt, specially with sweater. boys usually wears jeans and sneakers (same brands like girls) and t-shirt or sweater, with shirt on saturday.. anyway it all depends on the area you are in but i think this is the majority
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Saturday, December 8, 2012

American attending a Japanese law school

American attending a Japanese law school?
I plan on studying here in the US for two years and finishing my bachelor's in Italy. What requirements do I still need to be eligible to enter a Japanese law school? Thank you very much. But, what if my degree is from Italy, will that add any difficulty?
Japan - 7 Answers
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1 :
The requirement itself is to be a college graduate or equivalent, so that won't be a problem. You have to pass a series of entrance exams, and they are all in Japanese, so you need to prepare for that. There's no special requirement for an American, but there is no extra accommodation either, so you'll be competing with Japanese students for admission. You're still eligible to apply to Japanese law school with an Italian degree. If you don't prepare to take exams in Japanese, though, the entrance exam will be impossible for you.
2 :
You would need an excellent level of Japanese and would then need to do an entrance exam at the university. If you passed that would also allow you to apply for the student visa which should be straight forward from there. After that it would just require money :)
3 :
I believe that Temple University School of Law might what you're looking for. They have a campus in Tokyo. Contact them and I am sure one of their staff will explain what options are available to you.
4 :
You need no special things, beside having a visa and speaking very good Japanese. Some point however to remember: * The Japanese legal system, and legal education is completely different than the American. So figure out what you would like to do and where in the rest of your life, and check, if such a degree help it or not. * The Japanese bar exam can extremely difficult (depending what exactly want to do), so check what you would like to do. Do know what you are after.
5 :
A degree from Italy will be of no value in Japan. To study law in Japan you will need native level Japanese and at least $80,000+ for college costs,plus living costs.And I don't think you can finish a US BA degree in another country.
6 :
You need as much knowledge about Japanese law as Japanese students who majored in law for four years in Japanese universities. Plus, a native-level Japanese language proficiency to be eligible to take the entrance exam to begin with.
7 :
I agree with Left Coast... You also need to keep in mind that the entrance to Japanese law school has a higher than 99% FAILURE rate. There is actually a pretty bad lawyer shortage in Japan right now. A better plan might be to get your law degree elsewhere with a focus in international law or Japanese law and come here to practice. There are actually quite a few highly successful practicing foreign lawyers in Japan right now expressly because the Japanese exams are so rediculously impossible.
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Saturday, December 1, 2012

I'm planning to teach English in Italy this September; should I work in private or public schools

I'm planning to teach English in Italy this September; should I work in private or public schools?
I've heard a lot of horror stories about private language schools and I don't want to make the mistake of chosing the wrong employer for my first job. I am in love with Italy and want my first job teaching English in Italy to be a good one! Can anybody help?
Primary & Secondary Education - 5 Answers
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1 :
You'll need to check out the possibility of working in a public school- you need some pretty strong credentials and experience. Although it may pay less and be more demanding on your time, you may want to start in the private sector. Just choose carefully!!
2 :
yeah , you should be speaking reader if you don't speak italian!! also you can teach privatly!
3 :
You need to be there to look for a job because Italian employers want to have a face-to-face interview with the candidate. Some schools don't require a TESOL or TEFL certificate, but don't expect too much from them. It's also preferable to gain some experience in another country before applying for a job in some European countries because you want to avoid working for the chain schools that pay very low, and living in Europe is expensive. Here's more information about Italy
4 :
There are a few horror stories from both private and public schools. For example, the state run universities in Italy have been found guilty of paying their English teachers less than their Italian teachers and there's huge problems with this. But... in general most schools (both public and private) are legit and fine to work for. When you get the job offer check out the details and play it by ear: if it doesn't sound up to scratch then forget it and move on, otherwise go for it. On another tack, depending on your qualifications and experience you are more likely to find work in the private sector than the public. It's not easy for a newcomer to step into a decent job in a state school.
5 :
You should do a public teaching, then you will learn more about the culture and how Italy works and things like that. Thanks
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Saturday, November 24, 2012

would you let your child go to another country on a school trip

would you let your child go to another country on a school trip?
im a freshmen in high school and my spanish class is going on a field trip to italy and spain in the summer of 2011. by then i'll be 16 years old. as of now my mom isnt agreeing to let me go. and i just want your opinion of what you think. and if you would could you help me come up with some things that will help convince my mom to let me go.
Family - 7 Answers
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1 :
I would let you go as long as I knew there were responsible adults who would be going with you and you were guaranteed to always be in their care. Better yet I would go with you. Who wouldn't love to Italy and Spain. It isn't something I would ever make my child miss out on if they could go.
2 :
I went to France when I was in Middle School and my parents didn't have a problem with it. I was a good kid with good grades who didn't get into any trouble, though, so they didn't need to worry about me doing something bad. I was with the school teacher and a number of chaperones, so we had plenty of supervision. Don't know what you could say to convince your mom. It really all depends on how comfortable she is. Italy/Spain is a long ways away!
3 :
Well first of all, there will be supervision if you are going with your class so tell her that. Also tell her that it may be an experience that you may never get the chance to have again. Tell her that its something you really really want to do. Also, you should reassure your mom that nothing bad will happen, and that you will be responsible.
4 :
You should go because it might be the only opportunity you have to go to Europe in the forseeable future. You will be with a group of friends and safely chaperoned by teachers and parents.. It will be cheaper than ever going there on your own because these groups know how to obtain discounts. The activities will be scheduled by people who have been there before and know the great places. The trip will give your self-confidence a terrific boost. You will be old enough to behave yourself and not do anything foolish. You can practice Spanish in the actual country where it originated. Having a second language is a wonderful career boost for your future. How's that?
5 :
I'm sure that if it's a school planned trip that it should be safe. I'm assuming it's going to be chaperoned and they will have limits as to where you're going to be allowed to wander off to. It can be dangerous for Americans in other countries, especially tourists who are unfamiliar with the area and most likely not fluent speakers of Italian and Spanish. I also believe that everyone should have the opportunity to see another country and expereince it's culture at some point in their lives. If you are mature enough to appreciate the visit abroad, then Europe is a good place to start.
6 :
that's unfair. 16 is old enough to go to a different country, even 13 is. Tell her that your teachers will be there
7 :
im a freshman in high school too. my mom let me go to spain (spanish exchange program) on your trip, teachers are also going too right? i stayed for about a week, and it was AWSOME!!! i had so much fun, and my spanish has gotten 100% better. show her, not tell her. think of ideas that you think might impress your mom that you are responsible enough to go. But she might not be letting you go because the cost of the trip? (i payed half of my plane ticket and ect. with babysitting money) Or she might just miss you too much. (i got tackled with hugs when i got back ^_^)
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Friday, November 16, 2012

Go to school and open my own fashion store in Chicago

Go to school and open my own fashion store in Chicago?
I will go to Chicago College, Columbia to start fashion design this summer. I want to have my own fashion store, but I am afraid that I have debt from school, so how can I borrow more money to open the store? My fashion styles are hip and funky but still elegant and wearable. How can I start for networking or find a facotry in China, India or Italy
Fashion & Accessories - 4 Answers
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1 :
opening a store is more of an after college thing. becuase going to school and working would be a lot on your hands. i recommend finishing college and then opening a store where you can fully dedicate your time to
2 :
OMG that is sooooooo cool! yay! i will so go and visit your store email me and tell me what you will name it haha i didnt help you but AHHHHHH thats so cooL!
3 :
Your college will provide business and fashion merchandising classes and your instructors will share their knowledge of the fashion business. If you ever want couture millinery for your store, contact me. I make fabulous hats.
4 :
You have to go to different banks and ask them about their 'buisness loans.' Apply for the loan which has the lowest interest rate. I'd suggest you try Chase and Bank of America first. On the other hand, the benefit of being in school enables you to apply for 'student loans'; these are loans which you can apply for and do not need to start paying off until 6 months after you are out of school. However, unlike business loans which enable you to apply for a large amount, some banks allow you to only apply up to a certain amount for student loans. If you wanted to go with the student loan idea, and they are only able to give you a certain amount, take that student loan and search another bank for student loans in order to pay for the rest of your fashion store.
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Thursday, November 8, 2012

study in usa

study in usa????????!!!!!?
im 14 and im a good student at italy school but id like to study in usa!!!!!!! what could i do? Thanx!!!!!!!!!!!!
Studying Abroad - 2 Answers
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1 :
I'd tell you to wait until you turned 18 or even 20 maybe to come to college in the US because right now you're a bit too young. Unless of course your parents are going to let you come to the US on your own. Then if that's the thing, sure. You can come here, maybe move in with a relative, enroll in a high school and do your best there. Once you're out of high school you can enroll in a college (of your choice) and go from there. Good luck! (:
2 :
How long are you planning on studying in the US? A semester? A year? You could look up student exchange program websites where families take in foreign students and allow them to have a full on cultural immersion. You could live a life as an American for a while, the length of time depends on how long your agreement is between yourself and the American family. Check out: Google link: I wish you the best of luck! P.S. I love italy, I went to Amalfi a couple weeks ago. It was absolutely beautiful!
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Thursday, November 1, 2012

What are some interesting facts about the Pantheon in Rome, Italy

What are some interesting facts about the Pantheon in Rome, Italy?
I am doing a paper for school about the Pantheon in Rome, but I don't have a lot of anything yet! HELP!
Other - Italy - 6 Answers
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1 :
"Only in a city such as Rome could the Pantheon be considered quaint. Found in a city containing hundreds of opportunities to view overwhelming ruins, the Roman Pantheon slips dreamily into the landscape. Of all the great buildings constructed during the crest of the Roman Empire, only this one still stands. Seemingly impervious to time or destruction, the walls and dome of the Roman Pantheon rise from Piazza della Rotonda, and bath the square in a warm, protecting light."
2 :
3 :
The Pantheon (= the temple of all gods) was a pagan temple built by Emperor Hadrian in 126 AD and stands at the spot where legend has it that an eagle took the dead Romulus (founder of Rome) and took him to heaven as a god among gods. In the seventh century was converted into a church under the name "Santa Maria ad Martyres". For this reason it is the only building of ancient Rome to be come down to us practically intact. The dome has a diameter of 43.44 meters and this is the largest masonry dome in the entire history of architecture. There is a moat around the Pantheon. A curious Roman legend tells that a great magician named Pietro Bailardowho had used the services of the devil, at the end of his life he decided to repent and came to Rome to confess and take the Eucharist. But when he went outside the Pantheon he found the devil waiting for him to get what was due, then the magician threw nuts to the devil and ran back into the Pantheon. To anger the devil caught fire and sank to the underworld leave a moat around the church. According to others the devil before sinking nervously began to turn around the Pantheon, a long time to form a groove. Some of the Kings of Italy (from the unification of Italy until the end of World War II, Italy was a monarchy) are buried in the Pantheon.
4 :
panteon is a greek temple with a dome, I visited it last week, it's a shabby building in the city center, not very interesting, around it you can find better attractions!!!
5 :
Pantheon was builded in roman era ,it has 2000 years of story. actually it's a monumenti that houses the toombs members of italian monarchy (Savoia family).
6 :
Nobody has said yet: - it has no windows, light comes in from a circular hole in the centre of the ceiling (obviously when it rains the inside gets wet) - its dome is the most ancient still standing in the world (it is perfectly preserved since 2,000 years ago) - the painter Raphael is also buried there
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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

How do get information for entering in NYU dentistry school

How do get information for entering in NYU dentistry school?
I live in Italy but have lived most of my life in the States now that high school is almost over I'd like to come back to USA and enter a good med school..i'd like to know how i can get help doing that?and what are the main requirements..
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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1 :
Start here and click your way around the site:
2 :
Read up on them on their web site and contact the department for international programs for help.
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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

16yr old going on school trip; sharing a room. i need your help.

16yr old going on school trip; sharing a room. i need your help.?
This has nothing really to do with health but I need a guy's view. So here's the situation. I'm currently 16 and have been given the opportunity to go to Italy as a school trip next spring (i'll be 17 then). I have just learned that the students will be staying in triple rooms. This means it would be myself and 2 other boys. I am a bit 'jittery' when it comes to these kind of things because I don't like these type of awkward situations. It's a 10 day trip and an experience of a life time. I am unsure if I should go or pass up the offer. I was hoping you guys could give me your input, advice, and maybe even personal experiences with this kind of situation. Anything would be great. If you would like more details, just ask and i'll be more than happy to let you know. to be honest i dont really know what im scared of, it's just that i've never really spent the night with other people like my age, especially not in a hotel. and i don't really have close friends that are going. i do have a guy that i get along great with that might be going but i'm not sure if he is or not, or if he would want to room with me.
Men's Health - 9 Answers
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1 :
'Go for it. You will have a place to dress/undress in private, no worries. They are alot of reasons for having more than 2 in a room (cost and such) but one reason is no one will do anything if it's 2 against one. Go have a ball.
2 :
Well what exactly are you nervous about?? I really wouldnt worry about it if I were you. I have been on school trips like this and we hardly were ever in our room. We got there at night, showered and passed out. Then got up really early the next day and went out. Are you scared they are going to do something to you? Do you have any of your friends going that you trust? Try rooming with them
3 :
Hey Justwonering, It's really hard to determine exactly what your concerns are from the question. Please feel free to email me through Yahoo Answers if there are specific concerns I can help you with. I've had a lot of experience being in situations like the ones you describe, Boy Scouts, Navy, Traveling, Burning Man etc. Jim
4 :
If you think that is awkward then you should feel how I feel when I have to take a shower with 5 naked men in the gym.
5 :
dude you should totally go it shall really fun as i can already tell sharing rooms on a trip to italy thats all i needed to hear dude its gonna be awesome
6 :
What is awkward about that?
7 :
Dont be Nervous about sharing a room with a guy or even sleeping in the same bed. Trips like that are pretty fun. I mean really your just a bunch of guys.
8 :
I had a trip to D.C. last summer and I stayed in a room with 3 of my friends. There is no awkward experience at all and we had a guy confessional which was cool. Take it from me dude, don't pass it up if you really want to go, go. Trust me, sleeping with 3 guys in the same room (no homo) will be the least of your problems.
9 :
Take the trip and leave your phobias behind. You sound like you don't have any experience being nude around other guys or even changing in the same room. You have a while to work on that- spend more time yourself nude for one thing, that gets your body used to nudity as normal, not just for sex. Likely you won't get nude that much in front of the other guys anyway, if at all. But nothing wrong with changing clothes with other guys, that's really a recent thing, 20 yrs or more ago, was accepted as the norm. You should not let your apprehension of sharing a room with other guys ruin the trip of your life- just makes no sense, and you need to decide that it is normal for guys to dress and undress together, and yeah, even see other guys nude. The norm in any locker room or college dorm. Maybe in fact you need to join a gym and get used to changing around other guys. Remember too-- every guy is pretty much the same down below, nothing to be ashamed of. Good luck.
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Monday, October 8, 2012

How safe is Catania !

How safe is Catania !?
I want to go and study Italian there ! The school is called Scuola Ulisse... Would you reccomend another school in Italy !? Guiseppe : Can you elaborate your answer ?
Other - Italy - 2 Answers
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1 :
Its a big city, so just like any other city it has its good and bad parts. My husband was born and raised in Catania, his family still lives there. Its a beautiful city, lots to do and I highly recommend you go. It would be a great life experience.
2 :
well, i wouldn't define it "safe", just keep your eyes open.
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Monday, October 1, 2012

What are some programs that offer full ride scholarships to high school students wishing to study abroad

What are some programs that offer full ride scholarships to high school students wishing to study abroad?
The countries I'm primarily interested in are China, Japan, the Korea's, Norway, Spain, Italy, Mexico, and most other european countries. I'm looking for a scholarship that is 2011-2012 and that is too selective (meaning only gives scholarships to people who go to certain schools, live in certain areas, or whatever else). All information regarding the subject I am asking about will be greatly appreciated.
Studying Abroad - 2 Answers
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1 :
Hi Stephanie, try going here: Go down the page a bit and click on "GSE Abroad". :) Good luck!!
2 :
You can get info about such college scholarships and grants online here -
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Monday, September 24, 2012

When will your school open after summer holidays

When will your school open after summer holidays?
Here in Italy they will open between the 10th and the 25th of September. What about US, UK and Australia? And when did your school close for summer holidays? Here they closed during the first week of June Do you really go to school in August? Wow. This sounds reaaally weird to me! Here August is considered the best holiday period of the year, and the hottest too. It would be impossible to go to school!
Primary & Secondary Education - 8 Answers
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1 :
Im in the US in Georgia, schools closed for the summer the last week of May. The kids went back to school August 5
2 :
CALIFORNIA! yay haha (thats where I live) But My school stoped about... june 15ish? and starts monday!! (24th) my friends started last week so ya we are all different..
3 :
in Massachusetts! city Lynn some start September 9th and some start September 3rd and in Malden they start August 28! im lucky cause i start school September 9th :]
4 :
here in AR we went to school on august the 19th some started earlier =\
5 :
I live in England and broke up on the 17th July and go back on 3rd September. Yeah, we have a short holiday over here.
6 :
my school opens on monday.
7 :
in in the u.s school starts August 31st and ended june 12
8 :
In The UK my school goes back on the wednesday9th of september because monday is teacher training day and tuesday is year sevens day all by them selves without anyothr years :D
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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Is it safe to say that the best place to learn Italian opera is in Italy and German opera in Germany

Is it safe to say that the best place to learn Italian opera is in Italy and German opera in Germany?
Most operas are in either Italian or German. A person once told me that if you want to study opera, it's better to study in Europe. And since there are more Italian and German operas than any other operas out there, you should definitely choose either Italy or Germany. The decision should be based on your type of voice and repertoire. If you want to study Italian opera, you should go to Italian conservatories. If you want to study German opera, you should go to German conservatories. I know there are a lot of good music schools/colleges in Italy and Germany to study opera. But what about conservatories in other countries/continents, such as UK, Russia, Austria, USA, Japan, Australia etc? Surely Italy and Germany are not the only places in the world to study opera, right? If you happen to meet an aspiring opera singer, would you also recommend them to study in Europe? Do you also agree that Italy and Germany are the best places in the world to study opera? What is your opinion on that? Thanks. Oh hello, mamianka! Long time no see LOL. Glad to hear (or read) from you again. @Tinpanallycat : I understand your point. Yes sometimes it does help to learn opera in its roots a.k.a back to its origin place so we're able to get the soul of it. It's like you can learn the technique everywhere, but the authentic feeling of it, sometimes you can only get it in its native land.
Performing Arts - 3 Answers
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1 :
No, as there are people who perform operas around the world. Being in Europe doesn't make them any better at opera than standing in a garage makes me a car.
2 :
This is hogwash. I learned to speak German in Hartford, CT, understand Italian opera in NY, and how to make Polish pierogi in New Bedford, MA. The world gets smaller everyday - and so do some people's minds. Nobody is going to *stay where they ought to* or *go back where they came from*. Most countries - especially in Europe - expect their native ethnicities to be a *minority* in a few decades. The quality of education is dependent upon the quality of THAT SCHOOL you attend - be it in London or Indianapolis. Yes, there are people who *enjoy* studying abroad, especially if it gives them an opportunity to practice speech in a certain language, with native speakers - but it is not necessary to be able to speak Italian, just sing in it - ditto for all the other languages. My husband improves his Spanish by speaking to our landscapers - we have *native speakers* living across the street, and can find at least TEN languages in the neighborhood, all spoke by natives. My adult son is a basso with a full-voice low C (yup - 2 leger lines . . ) and for a while in college he dated, a Russian piano student. Somebody got things confused about his having a Polish/Slavic Mom (his last name does not reflect this) and thought HE was Russian - because with that low voice, he sang so much of that literature. Nope - just a freak. Study with the BEST TEACHER and BEST PROGRAM you can find - and if you are learning German opera in Cleveland, or Italian opera in Milan - so be it. Two of our other family members who were opera majors, and the side of the family that is Italian, DID study in Italy - but then, again, so did another member whose major is business. Hey - Semester Abroad is a wonderful thing. Go where the QUALITY is - not necessarily based on an ethnic choice.
3 :
I just LOVE these people who have never been outside their own country and NEVER LIVED in Europe who are so full of how great it is to study in Amerika. If you want to study GERMAN opera.. the best place is AUSTRIA.. Vienna is preferable but Salizburg is cheaper and smaller and you will actually learn more. As for ITALIAN.. you definitely need to live in ITALY and I would suggest FLORANCE because that is where the best opera is done. What these people who have NEVER LIVED IN EUROPE don't understand is.. there is MORE to learning a language or opera than just learning the WORDS.. It's the SPIRIT of the land.. the feeling you get from generations of musicians and perfumers who have come before you.. CENTURIES BEFORE AMERIKA and you take THAT into your soul.. something that AmeriKans would NEVER UNDERSTAND because with AmeriKans.. it's all about THEM and they don't have any sensitivity to OTHER COUNTRIES AND CULTURES. Nothing can compare to sitting in La Scala and hearing an Italian opera or in the Vienna Opera House and hearing an performance in German or being in the Paris Opera House during a performance of something like Manon Lescout IN the original FRENCH. The rest of the world knows that AmeriKans have no HEART and no SOUL and it shows in everything they do.. such as MAKING WAR just because they CAN.
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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Is it safe to say that the best place to learn Italian opera is in Italy and German opera in Germany

Is it safe to say that the best place to learn Italian opera is in Italy and German opera in Germany?
Most operas are in either Italian or German. A person once told me that if you want to study opera, it's better to study in Europe. And since there are more Italian and German operas than any other operas out there, you should definitely choose either Italy or Germany. The decision should be based on your type of voice and repertoire. If you want to study Italian opera, you should go to Italian conservatories. If you want to study German opera, you should go to German conservatories. I know there are a lot of good music schools/colleges in Italy and Germany to study opera. But what about conservatories in other countries/continents, such as UK, Russia, Austria, USA, Japan, Australia etc? Surely Italy and Germany are not the only places in the world to study opera, right? If you happen to meet an aspiring opera singer, would you also recommend them to study in Europe? Do you also agree that Italy and Germany are the best places in the world to study opera? What is your opinion on that? Thanks. LOL to i.jones
Classical - 5 Answers
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1 :
not necessarily. in fact, some of the best schools for music (to learn opera in Italian and German) are in neither places; these can in be in the us, but more so in russia.
2 :
I wouldn't say so even opera originated in Italy and Germany. There are some good music schools that teaches opera everywhere in the world.
3 :
It might be "safe to say that", but it wouldn't be true. Mexico city has a fine conservatory .... surely the students there are not all studying mariachi music.
4 :
The best place to study German *culture* is Germany, and the best place to study Italian *culture* is Italy. That will include, of course, the role that opera plays in each of those cultures respectively. How you weight that with regard to your studies in opera is a very personal decision only you can make for yourself, and will differ for everyone and anyone faced with the same considerations. There is no generalised view on this possible that I can see. All the best,
5 :
I think that most opera singers who aren't Italian enunciate horribly. That leads me to suspect that Italian diction class for voice majors is not enough, and that opera singers need a more intensive foreign language experience. Placido Domingo's enunciation sounds good to me, though, so a foreign language experience in Spanish might be close enough. Maybe I. Jones' suggestion is a good one.
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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Place to learn italian in italy near the snow

Place to learn italian in italy near the snow?
Hi Does anyone know somewhere in Italy that I can go learn italian that is close to skiing. I am hoping to go in January and planning on staying in Florence for 3 weeks to learn italian then wanted to go to another school. Thanks! Jess
Other - Italy - 5 Answers
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1 :
You can choose Aosta, in the heart of the Alps. Otherwise Milan, a big city that is not so far from Valtellina (a couple of hours by car). I live in Milan and I usually go to Livigno every winter weekend. I suggest you to avoid Bolzano because there they mostly speak German.
2 :
The Alps It must not be supposed that this region is always marked by the presence of the characteristic trees. and close from mountains IL SILLABO Via Alberti 31 52027 San Giovanni Valdarno (Ar) Fax: 0039 055942439 Website: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ has individual and group lessons good luck Jess ------------------------------------------------------------ Learn to Speak Italian Study Italian where it is spoken: Florence, Milan, Rome and Siena
3 :
Jess I have the perfect place for you. It is near the best Italian ski resorts and is a great school in a lovely town -
4 :
What does got to do Florence with skiing...?
5 :
There are a couple of ski resorts not far from Florence. Ever heard of Abetone or Abbadia San Salvatore? You could go there to ski on weekends, just be sure to reserve your hotel rooms well in advance, as the place tends to be packed during the holiday season (which in Italy lasts until January 6th).
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Friday, August 24, 2012

Is it safe to study abroad in Italy

Is it safe to study abroad in Italy?
I'm a high school student and I wanted to know if it was safe to study abroad for a month in Italy during the summer. Please do not answer if you have never been. Please don't be rude. I know there is some crime rate I believe. Oh the city I will be studying the most in is Florence if I do end up going.Thanks!
Studying Abroad - 2 Answers
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1 :
Italy has a very low rate of violent crimes among non-criminals; therefore it is very safe, provided you are not a mafioso or a drug smuggler. There is a very high crime rate for tax evasion, corruption, and drug smuggling, though. It is on the average regarding crimes against property (theft, robbery). Therefore, you'd better keep safe your valuable things.
2 :
florence is a calm city, don't be afraid. good luck
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Thursday, August 16, 2012

How expensive is it to live in Rome italy

How expensive is it to live in Rome italy?
im thinking of studying abroad next year, and i would love to go to Rome, as my school has a study abroad program there. Is it expensive to find an apartment there?
Other - Italy - 5 Answers
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1 :
To rent the average apartment in Rome is 1000 to 2500 Euros per month (2 bedrooms). And meals are on average 30 euros per person-WITHOUT wine !! But the nightlife in Rome is expensive and spending leisure time would be prohibitively expensive to you. You would probably be better off living on the outskirts of the city where it is much cheaper and have to share to cut down costs.
2 :
living in rome is quite expensive,but you can rent a room in the centre from 500 € on.
3 :
its very expensive, ever since they took the euro as there currency...
4 :
I live in Rome and I can tell you that it is an expensive city and there are rentals of apartments that you can share with other kids your own age so paying less, (careful when you take a taxi or eat them at the restaurant you can also cheat seeing that you are a tourist, this summer, 2 tourists ordered 2 pasta dishes and seafood quality is not much came out that they had to pay 600 euros), but when you do the walks in the evening in different squares, the Fontana di Trevi The Colloseum, is fantastic. For more information contact me (I used google translator)
5 :
I say we become "roomates" and split the cost. What do you say? I need some change
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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

teens: how many breaks do you get during the school year

teens: how many breaks do you get during the school year?
I get 2 days in November ( thanksgiving and Black Friday) Christmas Break Regents week in January, we're not allowed to be in school unless we have an exam to take. If not we have to be home. So the school year coming up, I get to stay home for a week and my sister has to go to school ( cause she's not in High school yet) Winter Break in February ( that's when I'm going to Italy with my school though) Spring Break. Another Regents week in June, and since I'd have no exams, no school for me again, but half the USA is out of school anyways for summer... and all of those holidays like Martin Luther King Jr day, election day, etc.. how about you? BQ- what did you have for breakfast?
Adolescent - 23 Answers
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1 :
There is Thanksgiving long weekend in October, Christmas/New Year's break which is about 2 weeks, March break for a week in March, Easter weekend which is a 4 dour weekend and we have a few random days off throughout the year. BQ: A bowl of Shreddies. :)
2 :
In England, we have six weeks in summer (Over end of july and august), a week in october off, two weeks at christmas, a week in february, two weeks at easter and a week in may. We also get five days off throughout the year, (Just one day, five times).
3 :
Winter Break (It used to be Christmas Break but people got all mad blah blah blah) Spring Break 3 days off the week of Thanksgiving And then we have all those holidays off (Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, ect.) BQ: Bagel!!
4 :
We have a long weekend in November for Thanksgiving, A 2 week winter break for Christmas (;D) ! week for Spring Break, and then the 2 month summer break. Then we just have the other holiday off like Memorial day, MLK day..... BQ: cinnamon toast crunch ;D
5 :
Thanksgiving break-1 week Christmas break 2 weeks Spring break for 1 week in March
6 :
I get Labor Day off (+1) Columbus Day (+1) Then a few days off for Thanksgiving (+5) Then two weeks off for Christmas Break (+14) Martin Luther King Jr. Day (+1) Sfaff Development Day (+1) Then one week off for Spring Break (+7) Good Friday (+1) Memorial Day (+1) So I get 32 Days off. BQ: Waffles :D (although I prefer pancakes)
7 :
Oddly, two days after the first two days of school are off. Various inservices, Thanksgiving, Christmas until New Year's, MLK and President's day, but if we had a snow day those become regular school days. Spring break, Memorial day, During finals we don't have to go to school unless we have an exam, and the last two days of school no one goes to because there aren't any classes.
8 :
In italy we have 3 months in summer,2 weeks for Christmas and one week in spring and the indipendent'sday. I eat nutella for breakfast xD aaaaaaaaa damn i should stop with that! kiss
9 :
We have 7 weeks for summer (end June-mid august) then 1 week in october. Then 2 weeks for Christmas and new year. Then 1 week in February. Then 2 weeks for Easter. Than back to summer again lol. We have like odd Monday and Tuesdays off ( bank holidays etc) throughout the year. I live in Scotland:) BQ: toast :)
10 :
We get Halloween Off and the day after, and a week of "fall break" A week for Thanksgiving 2, almost three weeks for Christmas and New Years 2 weeks for spring break 4 days for Easter, Good Friday, saturday, Easter, and Monday. Of course MLK Jr day, Presidents Day, Labor Day, those holidays, you know? We get out of school Early May, and I go back on Tuesday. BQ: Protein Shake
11 :
Thanksgiving in October Christmas / new years break. Family day in February March Break and other holidays.
12 :
Thanksgiving break which is only a few days a winter break which lasts from Christmas Eve to the day after New Year's spring break (aka Easter break) which is only three days plus the weekend the beginning of June to the end of August and then days like Martin Luther King Jr, Presidents, Veterans, Columbus, ect. Froot Loops
13 :
We have labor day weekend, then thanksgiving which is 3 days in November, then a pretty long christmas break which goes from like the 18th of december all the way to the 2nd or 3rd of January. then we have a weeklong "midwinter" break in february, spring break in april, memorial day weekend in may, then we're out of school until the beginning of september. I haven't had breakfast yet. :)
14 :
We have a week in October, then 2-3 weeks over christmas and New year. A week in February for half term. Then at Easter we have around 3 weeks, then a may bank holiday and one whit week end of may/early June. Lastly we have six weeks in summer (July-September). Also, we do not have to make up snow days xD we were off for a week last january as well so that was good. If you are in year 11 usually you get to finish around mid may for study leave, thats what I had this summer, so ive been off school for 11 weeks and dont go back until 7th September :) BQ; well nothing really, I just ate dinner, its nearly 7pm.
15 :
I don't know all of them. We get a few days off a year because it's teacher work day and they have to do grades. We get 2 weeks off for Christmas I think, 1 or 2 days for Thanksgiving, 1 week for spring break, MArtin Luther King day maybe? Not sure about Labor day. Then we have summer vacation from early-mid june to mid August. BQ: Rice chex cereal with vanilla almond milk and 1/2 a banana with some hazelnut coffee. :)
16 :
Thanksgiving break (2 and a half days), Winter Break in December (2 weeks), Spring Break in April (1 week). Then we have random days off. BQ: Carnation Instant Breakfast.
17 :
One week off in October Two weeks off for Christmas One week off in February Two weeks off for Easter Then the usual inservice days, meetings, bank holidays etc etc. Haven't really looked at my schedule for next year yet. BQ: Cornflakes
18 :
October half term - Usually about a Week Chirstmas Break - 2 Weeks February Half Term - 1 Week Easter Half Term - 2 Weeks June Half Term- 1 Week Summer - 5/6 Weeks BQ: A sausage Roll , really bad I know :/
19 :
a week at the end of october 3 weeks at christmas 2 weeks in february 2 weeks in may 8 weeks at summer and then inset days, every couple of months you get one day off and like bank holidays
20 :
1 day- Thanksgiving 1 day- Family Day 1 day- Victoria Day 2 weeks- Christmas and New Year 1 week- March break Good Friday Easter Monday 2 months- Summer Break and a few others [: BQ: whole grain cereal
21 :
I have 7. -My first break is 4 days off in September, it's called open weekend. I go to boarding school so it's the first time in the year that we're allowed to go home. -Second is Thanksgiving break for 10 days -Third is Christmas beak for 19 days -Fourth is 3 days off in January for another open weekend -Fifth is 9 days off in February for winter break -Sixth is 10 days off in April for Thanksgiving -Seventh is summer break My school doesn't have individual days off like MLKJ Day and such. BQ: I haven't had breakfast yet, I think I'm going to have Cheerios :)
22 :
I get about 4 breaks. I had tacos and a bagel.
23 :
Christmas Easter Summer And a little mid term in march i think.
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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Where can i find high school summer internship programs

Where can i find high school summer internship programs?
For the summer, where can i apply for one at? When I go to college, i want to major in business and italian so when i graduate i can do business between the us and italy.
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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1 : - I found such internship info here. It has lots of internships, job openings and scolarships for college students.
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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

How would you make announcements for a European Club in high school

How would you make announcements for a European Club in high school?
I am president of the european club. I gave one announcement over the loud speaker. But no one comes to the club. my first announcement was... "Come to the European club if you are intrested about European cultures like Germany, Italy, France and more. Stop by a room C-14 if you are interested." Is there a better announcement? Because I think mine sucked. Can anyone help me?
Primary & Secondary Education - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Join Facebook, and create a group. Send invitation to people in your school. Send out messages telling people the cool things that you would like to do with the club.
2 :
Ask around your circle of friends and see if you can talk them into going. Talk to the teachers and see if one of them will sponcer. Tell them you're going to do a fundraiser to go to Europe!
3 :
Say in a very, very firm and loud voice, " those interested in european culture report to room C-14
4 :
^ That's a good idea. If you make another announcement, be clear about what's going to happen in the club. Italian cooking lessons? German language classes for tourists? Guest speakers who have backpacked across Europe? Give them a reason to want to be there! Also, consider having a "meet and greet" event where you play a great European movie (try "Italian for Beginners" or "Amelie") and have European-inspired snacks (pretzels, cheese, mini pizzas, etc.)
5 :
1,600 under surveillance in UK: MI5: Most suspects linked to Pakistan By M. Ziauddin LONDON, Nov 10: Most of the 1,600 suspects being tracked by Britain̢۪s domestic spy agency are British-born and linked to Al Qaeda in Pakistan, MI5 chief Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller said in a speech to a specially invited audience here on Thursday evening. Her remarks were posted on the MI5 website on Friday. She said that Muslim extremists were plotting at least 30 major attacks in Britain and the threats might involve chemical and nuclear devices. Britain suffered its worst peace-time attack in July last year when...
6 :
You go up to the microphone and talk with something called a mouth. It is located in the bottom part of your head. Where you put the food in. then you yell ( it means raise ur voice ). you hold a microphone with a hand. It is located with the part i am typing with right now. then you do anything you want . ( it means ur free )
7 :
You should offer snacks!! Everyone likes free food. Food also makes events more enjoyable- raises endorphins Tell them "free snacks will be provided" Oh and make these snacks euro- related, like by country. Maybe German chocolate cake and pretzels for Germany? Canolis for Italy? Or to keep it simple (and cheaper on your wallet)- NUTELLA and cookies anyway even if this isn't the best idea, you should still use it because it will keep the members' interest and fill their stomachs lol
8 :
Your announcement needs to be more than just noise over the PA system. Usually people ignore announcements unless they hear something that they want to hear. What is the point of your group? What are you going to do and why? Why should people come? Is it about language? history? culture? What are some ways to introduce that to your peers? Give each meeting a specific theme and then cater your announcements to that theme: You might begin the announcement by speaking in German and then inviting people to learn about specific German customs, share thoughts about traditions, history, etc. Mention that each week during the month you are going to talk about, and sample if possible, traditional food and drink from the different countries. Invite people to bring along their favorite dish and recipe. Talk about government and monarchies, the histories of war and conflict amongst the European countries... and then have a RISK tournament, only amongst European nations. Basically, you need to make it appeal to the kind of people you want to attract to the meeting. Nobody wants just another class. Cheers.
9 :
European club will meet in room C-14, for those interested in European cultures, and those who want to know how to REALLY fight a war.
10 :
If there are people you know who would be interested in your club, tell them about it. Do a whole ton of fun things like International cooking day at the end of the year for all the countries you learned about. Hopefully, if people are having fun, they will tell other people. Word of mouth helps people learn about things. Also, you can put posters up in the cafeteria,hallways and bulliten boards. If your school has their own TV news, ask if you can say something on the show. People pay more attention to things they can see then something they might miss because they're talking to a friend. Try to make it sound more exciting too. Most likely if you keep it short, people will think higher of the club. Your announcement is a reflection of the club.
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Monday, July 16, 2012

what are some ways to get extra money

what are some ways to get extra money?
my school is planing to take ae trip next school year to either italy or hawaii, austraila, new zeland, and fiji. but the students have to pay for their own way. I come from a not so weathly family and the only way i would be able to go is if i get a job and pay for a lot of it... well i have my app. in many places and i still need a nother way to save some extra money ( collect aluminnum cans) and i need to no some other ways to do this.
Small Business - 3 Answers
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1 :
Look for pre-paid legal services. You can invest money in it and well just check it out. Thats one way :)
2 :
Rake yards, babysit, instead of presents for christmas money, pop cans, scrap metal (no stealing!) all those little jobs. after awhile you'll get a lot if you work at it.
3 :
Make a list of services you might be able to provide to neighbors, such as yard work, dog walking, cleaning, etc. Make yourself a flyer detailing this information with an explanation of your reason for raising money and pass it out in your area. Your picture on the flyer would be a great way to make it more personal. People who know you or have seen you would might be happy to help you make some money. If you're artistic, you can make things to sell. I used to make earrings and pins from jigsaw puzzle pieces.
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Sunday, July 8, 2012

How do I convince my parents to let me study abroad in Italy for a semester

How do I convince my parents to let me study abroad in Italy for a semester?
I'm 16, and I've been DYING to get out of the country for the past two years. I've done all the responsible stuff like research the exchange program, the country, laying out the information, talking to my school counselors about it, and even ordering a catelogue for my parents to look at. My mom thinks it's a great idea, and she only has doubts about the age thing. The real problem is my dad, who's way over-protective and stubborn, and he most likely will say no because he thinks I'm too young, and it's dangerous, etc. I can't get him to understand that the host families are well-screened, and there's nothing to worry about. How do I win this argument?
Other - Italy - 3 Answers
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1 :
Tell him that you need to get a look at the world. Also that your dream have always been going to study to Italy to get a great and awesome job opportunity and that will probably make him feel guilty for not letting your dream come true.
2 :
don't let your father read my answer...if the program you're talking about is AFS, i can assure you that family aren't well-screened. i know because i've been hosting girls from USA, Jamaica and China for years through AFS and nobody at the beginning made any test on me. for that reason, many of the stranger guys who came here had lots of problems (family who forced them to make houseworks, pretending them to be their maids, and many other things i won't tell you now). i support completely your decision, all the girls i've hosted were enthousiastic about their stay in italy (even if i don't live in a very big city, but it's quite close to naples). i think that 16 is the perfect age to make you first test outside the family and take a look around in the world. by the way italy is not so dangerous and people aren't all mad. but you should really try to contact people who made the same experience you'd like to do with the same organisation and listen to their experience. maybe you should ask your father to talk with them too.
3 :
Try explaining that studying abroad is the best way to receive an education! You will learn far more being there than you would in any classroom. I have many friends who did this and not only is it a once-in-a-lifetime-opportunity to create life long friendships and memories, but it's a chance to become fluent in a foreign language, too. There's nothing better than travelling the world to learn about different culture and diversity. It's an experience that you will always cherish and be grateful for. Good luck, I hope you get to go!
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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Go to school and open my own fashion store in Chicago

Go to school and open my own fashion store in Chicago?
I will go to Chicago College, Columbia to start fashion design this summer. I want to have my own fashion store, but I am afraid that I have debt from school, so how can I borrow more money to open the store? My fashion styles are hip and funky but still elegant and wearable. How can I start for networking or find a facotry in China, India or Italy
Small Business - 2 Answers
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1 :
First off, I'm a freelance fashion designer myself. In my opinion you're trying to do two things at once - go to school, and go into business. Either of these pursuits, done well, is a full-time job. Much of the information and contacts you're interested in you're going to get at school. So make school your primary occupation for a while, there'll be plenty of time to go into business when you've graduated. You're also correct: raising the money, unless you're getting it from family, will be next to impossible. (Think of how many students want money to open a fashion shop!) You will have far more credibility as far as financing your shop when you actually have the fashion design degree. What might make more sense if you want to have some kind of enterprise is either a: do it on the internet where you're not paying for bricks and mortar; or b: sell your things on consignment. There are many shops in Chicago where you could consign your items.
2 :
your primary focus should be finishing Columbia first. because the faculty advisor,who helps you plan your curriculum, and offerr you find valuable assistance in finding a job or gaining admission to graduate school.
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Sunday, June 24, 2012

kay im going to italy for foreign exchange and i need to learn italian in one year, what it the best way to

kay im going to italy for foreign exchange and i need to learn italian in one year, what it the best way to?
I go to a small private school and they dont offer italian. if i want to go to italy then i need to learn at least a little bit of italian. but i dont know the best way? should i get a computer program or should i take an after school class?
Other - Education - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
go on ebay and order some audio cds. :) good luck!
2 :
See if you can find a community college course in basic conversation, and/or seek out any type of program (self -study or class) that focuses on real-life conversational Italian. You'll actually learn more Italian when you're IN Italy than you will ever learn in a class here.
3 :
Most schools do not offer Italian as a second language. Check out your local library...I do know that they have other languages on tape. Also...go to a used bookstore...prices will be much cheaper....therefore, you have more money to spend sightseeing while in Italy.... Ciao, Bella
4 :
After school class. It's important for you to use the language with another person. A group of people speaking the same language speeds up your learning. Never learn languages on your own using audio tapes. You need the interaction. If you can speak to a Italian native and learn their culture and cuisine would also speed up your language usage more. Speak and listen to the language all day. Surround yourself with people who speaks Italian. Watch Italian movies, listen to Italian songs.
5 :
The absolute best way to do it is through immersion- which is what you'll be doing in Italy. You don't need to learn the ins and outs of the language, but I think if you picked up some useful phrases, you'd do just fine. I've also heard that the program Rosetta Stone is really great. You pick it up quickly and you get the immersion experience. I'm not sure how much it costs, but it might be worth the money. Good luck!
6 :
take lessons should be better. hear it personally from the teacher herself. you could also pronounce the words to her and she can correct them for you on the spot if they are wrong.
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Saturday, June 16, 2012

What degree or certifications do you need to teach ESL in Italy

What degree or certifications do you need to teach ESL in Italy?
hi, i'm an american and i wanted to know if anyone knew what type of certification a person generally needs to teach english in an italian public school. I have a BA in linguistics with a minor in both spanish and french. I have tutored for ESL and french, and have taught english for a year in france. I speak some italian and have studied it for 2 years. can anyone give me some advice or tell me about their personal experience? thanks!
Teaching - 1 Answers
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1 :
Teaching in the EU with no EU passport is hard. Very very hard. Not impossible. But public schools will probably be harder to teach in than private ones. Try this link. Basically, if you want to teach in intl schools, you'll need a teaching license and 2 years experience at a school, and to get hried at intl school job fairs.
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Friday, June 8, 2012

Does my 7-day Italy travel itinerary look good to you

Does my 7-day Italy travel itinerary look good to you?
I've never left the American South, so I've planned a solo 7-day trip to Italy over my school's spring break this March. I will have $2000 saved up by March, and I've already bought the plane ticket so I just have to make reservations for hostels and trains. My interests: I am willing to splurge on sightseeing--especially baroque architecture, nature and fountains--but I am not a foodie or shopaholic in the slightest. I do plan on seeing some museums, but I'm far more interested in architecture and I get exhausted after a couple of hours in a museum. To be honest, I really just love the ocean and my heart just cries a little every time I see photos of Cinque Terre--however, I could be persuaded if there's another town nearby, especially since I'm told March Italian weather can be too chilly for a trip to the beach. I've read four different guidebooks and I'm starting to feel like my head will explode. Here's the itinerary that I've planned. Saturday March 13th 4:05 p.m.--Plane lands in Rome. - Things I want to see in Rome: Vatican City, Trevi Fountain, Pantheon, Colloseum, Sistine Chapel, various plazas and Monday March 15th, 3 p.m.--Take a train to Venice - Things I want to see in Venice: Rialto bridge, Doze palace, evening gondola ride, possibly Murano glass factories and a lace factory Thursday morning: Take a train to Veneza in Cinque Terre. - Things I want to see in Veneza: Cliffs, get a sense of a smaller Italian town, the ocean - Train back to Rome: Friday night Saturday March 20th, 6:45 p.m.--Plane leaves Rome On Florence: Everyone says I should see Florence, but to be honest I just don't feel attracted to it the way I want to see Venice (after all, it is sinking) and Cinque Terre. I might see Florence if I had an additional two days, but for now I want to make sure I enjoy my time in Rome, Venice and a country town. On the flight: I cannot change the flight time, location or details. It will cost over $300 to change it and I don't have that kind of money. However, I don't have any other reservations at all. I can change the details about my trains and the order I'm visiting the cities.
Other - Italy - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
nice! you should really check out the markets if you get the chance
2 :
Its great, you'll just need to go back again and Again! You are missing FLorence, which is a sin to miss. The museums are to die for.
3 :
Hi, the place that you want to see are very beautiful (i've seen them) but in my opinion it'll better if you arrived in Venice, you catch the train for cinqueterre and then you go to Rome (you don't miss so much time in travelling). Then you can take the plain for return in Rome... Have a nice trip... (sorry for the bad english, i'm italien)
4 :
It sounds like a great trip although it would be better to stay longer, it is a long way to go so stay as long as you can. I wouldn't worry to much about Florence, although it is listed as one of the five best cities in Italy ( I think you are seeing the two best cities and Cinque Terra is great. If you had more time a few days exploring the countryside in a region like Le Marche ( ) would be great.
5 :
I am sure you will have a great time, the weather should be mild and you will be surprised by the Italian spring. But since it's your first (and hopefully not last) time in Italy, I would try to see as much as possible. Cinque terre are great, but they are far from Venice and Rome and you can reach them just by local trains, wich are kind of slow... From Rome you'll be in Flr in 1.40 h, and I can help you booking a nice hotel close to the train station for 65 euro for 2 with breakfast. And before going to the beach or the country i would visiti Siena (Piazza del Campo and the Palio) or Pisa (leaning tower). Let me know if I can help you!
6 :
Personally, it sounds like you're trying to cover too much area in too short a time, but it is possible to do this. I would recommend considering a change in the plan though. First, rather than taking a 3 pm train from Rome to Venice, consider taking the night train. It leaves Rome (from the Roma Tiburtina Station) at 10:36 pm and arrives in Venice at 5:26 the next morning. You can sleep in a berth in a 4 bed compartment through the night. This gives you more time in Rome, the night train is cheaper than the 2:45 pm train to Venice, and you won't have to pay for a hotel/hostel the night you travel. While you're in Venice get a day pass for the vaporetto. A trip down the Grand Canal is worth the cost and you can use the ticket to get to Murano or Burano if you choose to do that. Venice is a walkable city though and it's easy to get around on foot. Getting from Venice to Cinque Terre will take a couple of train changes. The cheapest option is to start at 3:11 am from Venice and change trains in Bologna and Parma to get to Monterosso. There's also a 7:39 am train from Venice to Florence where you can change to a train to Pisa and then to Monterosso, but that doesn't get you to Cinque Terre until 1 pm. When you're in Cinque Terre, buy a day pass for the trains between the town that also allows you to walk the blue trail along the cliffs. I use this site for hotels here:
7 :
Sorry, I've already a lot of similar plans by people who have never seen Italy, and I don't like at all. You have included the most popular and touristy places (and the most popular and touristy sites in each place), even far one from another, and you think you can see "everything" of that in few days. But Italy is not small, distances are not short and you risk to travel around spending a lot of money and time and to see really nothing the best way. I suggest to stay one week just in Rome. Rome is a wonderful city, it has everything you can interested in, and one week can be hardly enough for it. You like baroque architecture, fountains and nature? there are plenty of baroque churches, almost all with free entrance not crowded by mass tourism (Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza, Gesù, Sant'Ignazio, Sant'Andrea al Quirinale, Santa Maria della Vittoria, Santa Maria della Pace, San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane...) lots of marvelous fountains (Trevi Fountain is unfortunately always obsessed by tourists but there are also Fontana dell'Acqua Paola, Fontana dei Fiumi, Fontana del Tritone, Fontana della Barcaccia, Fontana delle Naiadi, Fontana delle Tartarughe...) and large green areas (Villa Borghese, Villa Pamphili, Villa Ada, Villa Torlonia...) You don't like museums, but if you visit in Rome the Galleria Doria Pamphili or the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica you will be able to discover the magnificent inside of baroque palaces, and you'll have the option also to see some paintings, the best of the collections, without getting bored or tired. Staying in one place you would save time, money, stress, and above all you would have the pleasure to know this place the best way, discovering on your own things that no tourist know. I understand you can hardly change your plan, but I liked to tell you my personal opinion.
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Friday, June 1, 2012

How to find a family to host a student in Italy-Milan

How to find a family to host a student in Italy-Milan?
Starting Graduate school soon, the university is in Milan, and i am looking for a family that could host me, for a while until i find a job.. I could help around, help with some expenses. Any ideas?
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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1 :
Well Friend try this site This Will Help you a lot! Regards , Casper
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Thursday, May 24, 2012

What is the best place for an American family to live and work for a year in Italy

What is the best place for an American family to live and work for a year in Italy?
We are applying for dual citizenship right now with our ancestorial blood rights. We would like to immerse our children in Italian culture for a year, where they can go to school and we can get work and be exposed to Italian family life.
Other - Italy - 8 Answers
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I think that it depends by how much you can spend, initially. Italian culture can be lived either in a big city or a small village (the first often being a more expensive life) and probably a big city might be more cosmopolitan than a smaller one. Traditions are well kept all through Italy but it's in the small cities your family can experience the true Italian culture. Do you speak Italian? That will be helpful to be able to fully integrate to the place you will be staying, often in small cities very few people speak English. Of course, depending on your family origins you might want to choose a place either in North, Center or Southern Italy. Just my thoughts :)
2 :
it depends if you want to live in a big city or a small town. generally, big cities are better because more people know english and offer more diverse schools, while in small towns only a handful may speak it and have only a couple of schools. however, small towns are more family oriented.
3 :
well yahoo answers is not the best place to seek such critical advice as this , try Barnes and nobles. If money is no object you will make it anymore just fine. Its quite expensive over there which I am sure you know.
4 :
Ho my god !!!, are you sure? you want to move your kids there?? and FIND A JOB ???? do you know the reality in Italy "right now" ?? , there is not enough jobs even for the Italians, My family is also from Italy, I was there for many times, think about what is better for your kids... !!!! Furthermore, think about the mentality of Italians from Italy are very different from the Italians "oriundos" abroad AS Exotix said: If money is no object you will make it anymore just fine. Its quite expensive over there which .. anyway: good luck
5 :
I lived in your country for 2 years. In the cold north and in the hot south. But for what I concern the american way of life, the sprawl, live in houses, the garden, the barbecue, the pool....its hard to find. But maybe you are living in Chicago or New Yprk, the life in the city, and the traffic, LOL, is pretty the same. In many big town like Rome or Milan, you will find american schools, so the kids will be share time with Italians kids and speak both languages. In a big city is easy to move forward about the cultural shock.....believe me, there is. You are not going to find 7 Eleven, Mejer, Walmart..... I mean sometimes, you need something and is not like over there, easy to find. Anyway if you dont like the urban life, I suggest you a lot of little town, in Umbria, Toscana, just let me know. Let me know. Best regards
6 :
It is difficult to live in Italy. You will have quite a bit of culture shock. Many things that we take for granted in America are not even a possibility in Italy. Living here is like the US back in the 1940's. Just go into it with your eyes open and not believing all the hype and romance. I can't wait to get back to America!
7 :
The best place to live and work in Italy, is Milan. This city have everything, but is a big city and the city more expensive in Italy. you can live also in a city of Toscana, is a beatiful place and is offer a lot works. ciao
8 :
well for my point of view you should live in the north, where services are better and where all the big comanies have HQ. said that, i reckon if u can afford it ,you should live in little town in lake COMO ,LECCO or VERBANIA (arona or ispra)area, there are little beautyfull village there and u will be a commute distance to Milan way(which is the ECONOMIC CAPITAL OF THE COUNTRY with many career opportunity and many good schools). But this is only my opinion
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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Things to do on a long journey

Things to do on a long journey?
I'm going on a school trip to Italy (From Scotland). Unfortunately we're traveling by coach and ferry, which will altogether take 25 hours. Part of that time I will be sleeping, but I will still be bored for most of the time. Thanks in Advance.
Other - Destinations - 1 Answers
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Wordsearch? Orrr Sudoku
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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Does my 7-day Italy travel itinerary look good to you

Does my 7-day Italy travel itinerary look good to you?
I've never left the American South, so I've planned a solo 7-day trip to Italy over my school's spring break this March. I will have $2000 saved up by March, and I've already bought the plane ticket so I just have to make reservations for hostels and trains. My interests: I am willing to splurge on sightseeing--especially baroque architecture, nature and fountains--but I am not a foodie or shopaholic in the slightest. I do plan on seeing some museums, but I'm far more interested in architecture and I get exhausted after a couple of hours in a museum. To be honest, I really just love the ocean and my heart just cries a little every time I see photos of Cinque Terre--however, I could be persuaded if there's another town nearby, especially since I'm told March Italian weather can be too chilly for a trip to the beach. I've read four different guidebooks and I'm starting to feel like my head will explode. Here's the itinerary that I've planned. Saturday March 13th 4:05 p.m.--Plane lands in Rome. - Things I want to see in Rome: Vatican City, Trevi Fountain, Pantheon, Colloseum, Sistine Chapel, various plazas and Monday March 15th, 3 p.m.--Take a train to Venice - Things I want to see in Venice: Rialto bridge, Doze palace, evening gondola ride, possibly Murano glass factories and a lace factory Thursday morning: Take a train to Veneza in Cinque Terre. - Things I want to see in Veneza: Cliffs, get a sense of a smaller Italian town, the ocean - Train back to Rome: Friday night Saturday March 20th, 6:45 p.m.--Plane leaves Rome On Florence: Everyone says I should see Florence, but to be honest I just don't feel attracted to it the way I want to see Venice (after all, it is sinking) and Cinque Terre. I might see Florence if I had an additional two days, but for now I want to make sure I enjoy my time in Rome, Venice and a country town. On the flight: I cannot change the flight time, location or details. It will cost over $300 to change it and I don't have that kind of money. However, I don't have any other reservations at all. I can change the details about my trains and the order I'm visiting the cities.
Other - Italy - 7 Answers
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1 :
nice! you should really check out the markets if you get the chance
2 :
Its great, you'll just need to go back again and Again! You are missing FLorence, which is a sin to miss. The museums are to die for.
3 :
Hi, the place that you want to see are very beautiful (i've seen them) but in my opinion it'll better if you arrived in Venice, you catch the train for cinqueterre and then you go to Rome (you don't miss so much time in travelling). Then you can take the plain for return in Rome... Have a nice trip... (sorry for the bad english, i'm italien)
4 :
It sounds like a great trip although it would be better to stay longer, it is a long way to go so stay as long as you can. I wouldn't worry to much about Florence, although it is listed as one of the five best cities in Italy ( I think you are seeing the two best cities and Cinque Terra is great. If you had more time a few days exploring the countryside in a region like Le Marche ( ) would be great.
5 :
I am sure you will have a great time, the weather should be mild and you will be surprised by the Italian spring. But since it's your first (and hopefully not last) time in Italy, I would try to see as much as possible. Cinque terre are great, but they are far from Venice and Rome and you can reach them just by local trains, wich are kind of slow... From Rome you'll be in Flr in 1.40 h, and I can help you booking a nice hotel close to the train station for 65 euro for 2 with breakfast. And before going to the beach or the country i would visiti Siena (Piazza del Campo and the Palio) or Pisa (leaning tower). Let me know if I can help you!
6 :
Personally, it sounds like you're trying to cover too much area in too short a time, but it is possible to do this. I would recommend considering a change in the plan though. First, rather than taking a 3 pm train from Rome to Venice, consider taking the night train. It leaves Rome (from the Roma Tiburtina Station) at 10:36 pm and arrives in Venice at 5:26 the next morning. You can sleep in a berth in a 4 bed compartment through the night. This gives you more time in Rome, the night train is cheaper than the 2:45 pm train to Venice, and you won't have to pay for a hotel/hostel the night you travel. While you're in Venice get a day pass for the vaporetto. A trip down the Grand Canal is worth the cost and you can use the ticket to get to Murano or Burano if you choose to do that. Venice is a walkable city though and it's easy to get around on foot. Getting from Venice to Cinque Terre will take a couple of train changes. The cheapest option is to start at 3:11 am from Venice and change trains in Bologna and Parma to get to Monterosso. There's also a 7:39 am train from Venice to Florence where you can change to a train to Pisa and then to Monterosso, but that doesn't get you to Cinque Terre until 1 pm. When you're in Cinque Terre, buy a day pass for the trains between the town that also allows you to walk the blue trail along the cliffs. I use this site for hotels here:
7 :
Sorry, I've already a lot of similar plans by people who have never seen Italy, and I don't like at all. You have included the most popular and touristy places (and the most popular and touristy sites in each place), even far one from another, and you think you can see "everything" of that in few days. But Italy is not small, distances are not short and you risk to travel around spending a lot of money and time and to see really nothing the best way. I suggest to stay one week just in Rome. Rome is a wonderful city, it has everything you can interested in, and one week can be hardly enough for it. You like baroque architecture, fountains and nature? there are plenty of baroque churches, almost all with free entrance not crowded by mass tourism (Sant'Ivo alla Sapienza, Gesù, Sant'Ignazio, Sant'Andrea al Quirinale, Santa Maria della Vittoria, Santa Maria della Pace, San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane...) lots of marvelous fountains (Trevi Fountain is unfortunately always obsessed by tourists but there are also Fontana dell'Acqua Paola, Fontana dei Fiumi, Fontana del Tritone, Fontana della Barcaccia, Fontana delle Naiadi, Fontana delle Tartarughe...) and large green areas (Villa Borghese, Villa Pamphili, Villa Ada, Villa Torlonia...) You don't like museums, but if you visit in Rome the Galleria Doria Pamphili or the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica you will be able to discover the magnificent inside of baroque palaces, and you'll have the option also to see some paintings, the best of the collections, without getting bored or tired. Staying in one place you would save time, money, stress, and above all you would have the pleasure to know this place the best way, discovering on your own things that no tourist know. I understand you can hardly change your plan, but I liked to tell you my personal opinion.
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