Sunday, June 24, 2012

kay im going to italy for foreign exchange and i need to learn italian in one year, what it the best way to

kay im going to italy for foreign exchange and i need to learn italian in one year, what it the best way to?
I go to a small private school and they dont offer italian. if i want to go to italy then i need to learn at least a little bit of italian. but i dont know the best way? should i get a computer program or should i take an after school class?
Other - Education - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
go on ebay and order some audio cds. :) good luck!
2 :
See if you can find a community college course in basic conversation, and/or seek out any type of program (self -study or class) that focuses on real-life conversational Italian. You'll actually learn more Italian when you're IN Italy than you will ever learn in a class here.
3 :
Most schools do not offer Italian as a second language. Check out your local library...I do know that they have other languages on tape. Also...go to a used bookstore...prices will be much cheaper....therefore, you have more money to spend sightseeing while in Italy.... Ciao, Bella
4 :
After school class. It's important for you to use the language with another person. A group of people speaking the same language speeds up your learning. Never learn languages on your own using audio tapes. You need the interaction. If you can speak to a Italian native and learn their culture and cuisine would also speed up your language usage more. Speak and listen to the language all day. Surround yourself with people who speaks Italian. Watch Italian movies, listen to Italian songs.
5 :
The absolute best way to do it is through immersion- which is what you'll be doing in Italy. You don't need to learn the ins and outs of the language, but I think if you picked up some useful phrases, you'd do just fine. I've also heard that the program Rosetta Stone is really great. You pick it up quickly and you get the immersion experience. I'm not sure how much it costs, but it might be worth the money. Good luck!
6 :
take lessons should be better. hear it personally from the teacher herself. you could also pronounce the words to her and she can correct them for you on the spot if they are wrong.
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