Wednesday, June 8, 2011

How to immigrate to Australia from Italy with Tunisian nationality

How to immigrate to Australia from Italy with Tunisian nationality...?
My friend is from Tunisia but lives in Italy. He works the caterpillar machines (heavy duty equipment and things) but also can do other jobs of course. He has two children and a spouse who is from Lithuania. They are keen to immigrate to Australia for many reasons, principal among them being what he considers better school systems for his children. What kinds of options are open to him ?
Immigration - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If he's a skilled worker he shouldn't have too many problems
2 :
Trying asking this question in the Australian Yahoo Answers selection... Just a thought ( - ^ )
3 :
I'm not sure is caterpillar machines workers are considered to be skilled workers in Australia. If they aren't, I regret to tell you his options are minimal. Australia is just as hard to get to as the US or the UK. It has a points system for migration, but he will not meet the minimum requirements unless he has a skilled job. However, if he stays in Italy and secures himself an EU passport, he may be eligible to a Visa Waiver program in which he can stay in Australia and work there for 6 months, after which he may or may not be sponsored by his employer.
4 :
Immigration visas for Australia are restricted to people with qualifications and experience in occupations that appear on our lists of occupations that are eligible for work visas. I'm afraid that heavy machine operation, truck driving and similar occupations were all removed from eligibility for temporary employer sponsored work visas a couple of years ago and were never eligible for permanent visas. He will not be eligible for a work visa of any kind for any length of time with or without employer sponsorship and his nationality is irrelevant. It is NEVER possible for anyone to work in Australia under the Visa Waiver Program.
5 :
One word... dont
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