Monday, April 16, 2012

Cashews and Pistachios in Spain/Italy

Cashews and Pistachios in Spain/Italy?
I am traveling to Spain and Italy with my school this spring break but there's only one problem...I am very very very very very very VERY deathly allergic to tree nuts (cashews and pistachios)! :S It took FOREVER to convince my parents to let me go! anyway...I am a little worried though, because I don't want to die (obviously) so I was wondering if anyone knew if Cashews and Pistachios were very common in Spain/Italy? Like do they absolutely LOVE them and serve them on everything? and do they understand or not very well about allergies? ('cause like I know sometimes certain places/people arn't very used to it...and think that "absolutely no nuts I will die" means "take the nuts off then" BUT THAT WILL STILL KILL ME!!! ) ahha :P no nuts can touch anything I eat :P (it's a major pain in the bum...but I want to live :S) so yeah...does anyone have any information on that at all? I would really like to know a little about it, it would make me feel a whole lot better :S
Allergies - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I was born (and lived for a while) in Italy, and I can say that this all matters on where you stay (i.e. region/town) as well as the restaurant you go to. I do know that pistachios and cashews are generally abundant (or they were about 5 years ago when I last visited) as snacks (whole nut), but not really found that much in food -- except in some desserts. I would assume that Spain would be similar, as I believe they are not much of a "nut-loving" country (I could be wrong). However, with that said, DO NOT take chances with this stuff. I would only recommend that you go in this trip if you are fluent with English/Italian/Spanish (all three, not either/or) so that you can ask people without any confusion. Italy and Spain are great places to visit, but they definitely aren't worth your life.
2 :
I myself are allergic to Cashews Pistachios and Almonds and I wont definitely die like you say you will, but I sure will suffer from an attack and I would not go, bc it's not that important to jeopardize your health/life!!!! I'm with your parents..DONT GO!!!
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