Monday, March 8, 2010

What are Italian school hours

What are Italian school hours?
Anyone know what school hours are in Italy? Mon-Sat... (I think Saturday is shorter, right?) Talking about Elementary-High School here. (I mean the Italian equivalents) Thanks!
Other - Italy - 7 Answers
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1 :
Heyy, i'm not certain but i think the weekdays start really early, like 7 and finish at 1??
2 :
Q.Anyone know what school hours are in Italy? A.School six days a week 4 days , 5 hours plus 2 days , 7 hours equals 34 hours a week
3 :
Hi!At the elementary school the hours is this:every day six hours of lessons,two days at week seven hours and the saturday the italian students go to school,but depends,some school go also on saturday,other no.Sorry for my bad american,but i'm from Italy!Hi!
4 :
It depends on a schools' choice. They can decide not to go on Saturdays, in this case the average timetable from mon to fri is from 8.30 until 4.20. If they go on Saturdays the daily timetable is shorter.
5 :
I'm Italian (sorry if I do something wrong, and you do not understand something) However school times here in Italy vary greatly ... For example I live well south and when I went to school (now university) would go at 8o'clock and went out some day at 1, a few days to 2, but I know that the North Italy have these times, because they eat very early (around 12:30, but here we do not eat before 2) and out of school around 12 ... I do not know how they can recover the hours... Regard to Saturday ... well, it depends ... some schools have Saturdays off, others no
6 :
Hi! I'm from South Tyrol, it's a predominantly German speaking province (~3/4) in Northern Italy, inhabited by Austrians, Italian settlers and Ladin people (latter are a small indigenous ethnicity). There are schools in three languages, German, Italian and Ladin, but the school system itself is Italian (I guess it's the same as the Anglo-American one): - Elementary school (ital. scuola elementare), 5 years - Middle school (scuola intermedia), 3 years - High School (scuola media superiore), 3 to 5 years I can't really talk about school hours in Italy, since we are an autonomous region and have traditionally different holidays and schedules adoptet from the Austrian system. "School hours" are usually referred to 50 minutes classes. I don't remember anymore about how long every day was. Usually elementary and middle schools have always the same system. I had Monday until Saturday from 8 o'clock to 1 o'clock. In high school, there are differences between the types of high school (language lyceum, technical school, commercial school etc.) I made a school about tourism, it had 38x 50min per week, twice at morning and afternoon, i.e. Mo, Wed, Fri 8:00 - 12:45; Tue, Thu 08:00 - 13:15 + 14:15 - 16:30; Sat 08:00 - 12:15. But there are some with only 32x 50mins and I guess there are schools in Italy with even less. Hope I could help! bye
7 :
Weekdays (Monday-Friday) - 08:00 - 13:15 + 14:15 - 16:30 8am - 1.15pm + 2.15pm - 4.30pm Saturday- 08.00 - 12.15 8am - 00.15 pm
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