Monday, May 24, 2010

My fiance wants that i leave school. What should i do

My fiance wants that i leave school. What should i do?
i'm 18 years old n im engaged with a guy from tunisia. we r both muslims alhamdullilah my fiance wants i leave school now !! i live in italy and here the diploma has a great importance :( but he wants i leave studies anyway. :( what should i do?
Ramadan - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
NO. You don't let someone who doesn't even have firm and final relation with you tell you what to do. You must be a strong woman and become educated. There's too many women that aren't educated in Muslim society.
2 :
why does he want you to leave school?
3 :
Finish the'll regret it if you don't, and if he doesn't like that, than too bad, he needs to get over it. Be smart, finish your studies
4 :
You need to do what's right for you in the long term. Try and explain to him that getting a diploma will be better for your family in the future and that it's important to you. If he still won't relent you may want to think about finding a different fiance. Stai forza!
5 :
Break it off. He wants you to be totally dependent on him without an education. He is not worthy. No one should marry him. Tell him to go marry an illiterate. If you can't say that to him, give me his name and address I will write to the Moron myself telling him to take a hike. This is one insecure dude, you will lead a miserable life if you marry him. He is already destroying your life and exercising total control and you are not even married yet. This is not a good sign.
6 :
If you give him an inch now he will take a mile in the years to come. Pick the battles worth figthing and stand your ground where you can.
7 :
I agree, it would be wise to finish because you know that you'll always have tht education there and you might regret not doing it later. he shouldnt have that authority over you now, even though you will inshallah be together (if he can realise that he shouldnt be so selfish), you should also be independent. Inshallah all goes well
8 :
Break it off with him. He wants you to be totally dependant upon him and to be able to control you. I guarantee that you will regret it if you stop your schooling and marry him. Think of the future! If he divorces you, or you end up divorcing him, what will you do? You need to have good schooling to fall back on, so that you will be able to support yourself.
9 :
free-mixing in co-ed schools are haraam. can you attend a female only school?
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