Friday, April 16, 2010

I want to start my MA online from my school here in the USA, but I want to study in Italy. Possible

I want to start my MA online from my school here in the USA, but I want to study in Italy. Possible?
Ok so here's my problem. I want to begin the MA program from my school in the USA online and run to Italy ( maybe Florence/ Tuscany) for a few months and study there, then transfer to the campus program in the Spring. I would LOVE to rent a room from a family and live with them, but haven't been able to find any information about where to do so, and if people even still do this! And all of the information I can find about studying abroad say that you have to go to their college and study culture or language to stay in their dorms. I'm only planning on staying there for about 2 months, so I don't want an apartment and I want to be around people to enjoy the culture and make friends. Please help me! Any information is better than none right now! Thanks!
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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1 :
Have you looked on Craigslist Italy??
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