Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Who are some famous people born in Italy

Who are some famous people born in Italy?
I am doing a school project and need to know of some famous people born in Italy. Thanks in advance!
Trivia - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Christina Scabbia - lead singer of Lacuna Coil, Casanova (can't remeber his first name)
2 :
Leonardo da Vinci, Gina Lollobrigida, and Benito Mussolini. That's all of them...
3 :
Famous Italians. Explorers - Giovanni Caboto commonly known as John Cabot. Christopher Columbus Marco Polo Giovanni da Verrazzano Amerigo Vespucci Scientists - Guglielmo Marconi Enrico Fermi Music - Luciano Pavarotti Enrico Caruso Vincenzo Bellini Giuseppe Verdi Giacomo Puccini Fashion & Design - Giorgio Armani Gianni Versace Enzo Ferrari
4 :
Napoleon was born on a island in italy but after napleons birth it was sold to the french
5 :
I would also like to add the painters Michelangelo ( http://www.archweb.it/arte/artisti_M/Michelangelo_G/images/Michelangelo%20-%20The%20Creation%20of%20Adam.JPG ), Caravaggio ( http://www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/Mythology/RM/MedusaCaravaggio.jpg ) and Sandro Botticelli ( http://www.geometriefluide.com/foto/PIC980O.jpg ); Galileo (scientist); Pico della Mirandola (philosopher); Machiavelli (author of "The prince"); Giacomo Casanova, adventurer and heartthrob http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casanova ; Giuseppe Garibaldi (revolutionary); Alessandro Volta (who invented the battery http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alessandro_Volta ); Rudolph Valentino (actor http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudolph_Valentino ); the film directors Sergio Leone and Federico Fellini (Fellini is also the inventor of the word "paparazzi"); Enzo Ferrari (founder of the Ferrari car factory)... just to name some no one else had yet named.
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