Sunday, July 1, 2012

Go to school and open my own fashion store in Chicago

Go to school and open my own fashion store in Chicago?
I will go to Chicago College, Columbia to start fashion design this summer. I want to have my own fashion store, but I am afraid that I have debt from school, so how can I borrow more money to open the store? My fashion styles are hip and funky but still elegant and wearable. How can I start for networking or find a facotry in China, India or Italy
Small Business - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
First off, I'm a freelance fashion designer myself. In my opinion you're trying to do two things at once - go to school, and go into business. Either of these pursuits, done well, is a full-time job. Much of the information and contacts you're interested in you're going to get at school. So make school your primary occupation for a while, there'll be plenty of time to go into business when you've graduated. You're also correct: raising the money, unless you're getting it from family, will be next to impossible. (Think of how many students want money to open a fashion shop!) You will have far more credibility as far as financing your shop when you actually have the fashion design degree. What might make more sense if you want to have some kind of enterprise is either a: do it on the internet where you're not paying for bricks and mortar; or b: sell your things on consignment. There are many shops in Chicago where you could consign your items.
2 :
your primary focus should be finishing Columbia first. because the faculty advisor,who helps you plan your curriculum, and offerr you find valuable assistance in finding a job or gaining admission to graduate school.
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