Sunday, July 8, 2012

How do I convince my parents to let me study abroad in Italy for a semester

How do I convince my parents to let me study abroad in Italy for a semester?
I'm 16, and I've been DYING to get out of the country for the past two years. I've done all the responsible stuff like research the exchange program, the country, laying out the information, talking to my school counselors about it, and even ordering a catelogue for my parents to look at. My mom thinks it's a great idea, and she only has doubts about the age thing. The real problem is my dad, who's way over-protective and stubborn, and he most likely will say no because he thinks I'm too young, and it's dangerous, etc. I can't get him to understand that the host families are well-screened, and there's nothing to worry about. How do I win this argument?
Other - Italy - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Tell him that you need to get a look at the world. Also that your dream have always been going to study to Italy to get a great and awesome job opportunity and that will probably make him feel guilty for not letting your dream come true.
2 :
don't let your father read my answer...if the program you're talking about is AFS, i can assure you that family aren't well-screened. i know because i've been hosting girls from USA, Jamaica and China for years through AFS and nobody at the beginning made any test on me. for that reason, many of the stranger guys who came here had lots of problems (family who forced them to make houseworks, pretending them to be their maids, and many other things i won't tell you now). i support completely your decision, all the girls i've hosted were enthousiastic about their stay in italy (even if i don't live in a very big city, but it's quite close to naples). i think that 16 is the perfect age to make you first test outside the family and take a look around in the world. by the way italy is not so dangerous and people aren't all mad. but you should really try to contact people who made the same experience you'd like to do with the same organisation and listen to their experience. maybe you should ask your father to talk with them too.
3 :
Try explaining that studying abroad is the best way to receive an education! You will learn far more being there than you would in any classroom. I have many friends who did this and not only is it a once-in-a-lifetime-opportunity to create life long friendships and memories, but it's a chance to become fluent in a foreign language, too. There's nothing better than travelling the world to learn about different culture and diversity. It's an experience that you will always cherish and be grateful for. Good luck, I hope you get to go!
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