Tuesday, July 24, 2012

How would you make announcements for a European Club in high school

How would you make announcements for a European Club in high school?
I am president of the european club. I gave one announcement over the loud speaker. But no one comes to the club. my first announcement was... "Come to the European club if you are intrested about European cultures like Germany, Italy, France and more. Stop by a room C-14 if you are interested." Is there a better announcement? Because I think mine sucked. Can anyone help me?
Primary & Secondary Education - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Join Facebook, and create a group. Send invitation to people in your school. Send out messages telling people the cool things that you would like to do with the club.
2 :
Ask around your circle of friends and see if you can talk them into going. Talk to the teachers and see if one of them will sponcer. Tell them you're going to do a fundraiser to go to Europe!
3 :
Say in a very, very firm and loud voice, " those interested in european culture report to room C-14
4 :
^ That's a good idea. If you make another announcement, be clear about what's going to happen in the club. Italian cooking lessons? German language classes for tourists? Guest speakers who have backpacked across Europe? Give them a reason to want to be there! Also, consider having a "meet and greet" event where you play a great European movie (try "Italian for Beginners" or "Amelie") and have European-inspired snacks (pretzels, cheese, mini pizzas, etc.)
5 :
1,600 under surveillance in UK: MI5: Most suspects linked to Pakistan By M. Ziauddin LONDON, Nov 10: Most of the 1,600 suspects being tracked by BritainĂ¢€™s domestic spy agency are British-born and linked to Al Qaeda in Pakistan, MI5 chief Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller said in a speech to a specially invited audience here on Thursday evening. Her remarks were posted on the MI5 website on Friday. She said that Muslim extremists were plotting at least 30 major attacks in Britain and the threats might involve chemical and nuclear devices. Britain suffered its worst peace-time attack in July last year when...
6 :
You go up to the microphone and talk with something called a mouth. It is located in the bottom part of your head. Where you put the food in. then you yell ( it means raise ur voice ). you hold a microphone with a hand. It is located with the part i am typing with right now. then you do anything you want . ( it means ur free )
7 :
You should offer snacks!! Everyone likes free food. Food also makes events more enjoyable- raises endorphins Tell them "free snacks will be provided" Oh and make these snacks euro- related, like by country. Maybe German chocolate cake and pretzels for Germany? Canolis for Italy? Or to keep it simple (and cheaper on your wallet)- NUTELLA and cookies anyway even if this isn't the best idea, you should still use it because it will keep the members' interest and fill their stomachs lol
8 :
Your announcement needs to be more than just noise over the PA system. Usually people ignore announcements unless they hear something that they want to hear. What is the point of your group? What are you going to do and why? Why should people come? Is it about language? history? culture? What are some ways to introduce that to your peers? Give each meeting a specific theme and then cater your announcements to that theme: You might begin the announcement by speaking in German and then inviting people to learn about specific German customs, share thoughts about traditions, history, etc. Mention that each week during the month you are going to talk about, and sample if possible, traditional food and drink from the different countries. Invite people to bring along their favorite dish and recipe. Talk about government and monarchies, the histories of war and conflict amongst the European countries... and then have a RISK tournament, only amongst European nations. Basically, you need to make it appeal to the kind of people you want to attract to the meeting. Nobody wants just another class. Cheers.
9 :
European club will meet in room C-14, for those interested in European cultures, and those who want to know how to REALLY fight a war.
10 :
If there are people you know who would be interested in your club, tell them about it. Do a whole ton of fun things like International cooking day at the end of the year for all the countries you learned about. Hopefully, if people are having fun, they will tell other people. Word of mouth helps people learn about things. Also, you can put posters up in the cafeteria,hallways and bulliten boards. If your school has their own TV news, ask if you can say something on the show. People pay more attention to things they can see then something they might miss because they're talking to a friend. Try to make it sound more exciting too. Most likely if you keep it short, people will think higher of the club. Your announcement is a reflection of the club.
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