Thursday, September 16, 2010

What am I to do with this

What am I to do with this?
I am going to be a singer. But I just got accepted into a culinary arts school in Italy. Yes I do speak Italian (I'm Italian) and I want to go so bad. I have always had a dream of owning my own bakery and bread shop. But Next year I will have to choose what to do. How can I still become a singer with culinary arts. Do you think it is possible?
Cooking & Recipes - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You aren't the first singing chef and you probably won't be the last! Follow your heart, you can be good at both...
2 :
absolutely. wow, having two passions in life. go to culinary school for a year. then make up your mind which way to go. you can always be a singer with a passion for good food. it seems like you have already made up your mind. be flexable. none of us knows what the future holds, but with more experience we can make better, informed choices.
3 :
I believe everyone of us are with many talents. Besides singing, you might have many others. When you have constantly a dream of owing your own bakery, it sense that you are soon going into a business. Singing is also a profession. You must have a good plan, before you commit into any one of them. When you consider singing as first priority, then the rest should be treated as hobbies. Setting up a bakery business will take quite a while. Not only having experience of cooking and dealing with business. There are plenty of things involved in it. A lot of knowledge are needed. Therefore, you have to decide the first priority, then you concentrate on it till finish. Happy thinking!
4 :
So happy for you! Whatever your dream is you can do it.... What I've learned over the years is that if you decide you want to be in any food business you may as well move inside your work place because you have to put in such long hours. The business end of it is important too you need time to take care of all the paperwork that is required to run the business. If you can deal with these things then more power to you it's a wonderful fulfilling career. I like the singing career to be honest. It might not be as hard on your body as the bakery job. You have to lift heavy pans and equipment in the bakery it's not just standing there and decorating little cupcakes and doing light weight jobs. it's very strenuous. I don't want to sound down about this choice of work but you need to know what you are getting into before you spend all the money on your schooling. Or you can be a singing baker! LOL Seriously best wishes in whatever you decide to do. My grandparents came from Italy so I wish I could trade places with you and visit the country too. Bye for now, Mama Jazzy Geri let me know how you make out with your decision I'd love to know
5 :
Let's look at this realistically. For every chef out there there is probably an equal number of jobs. In other words if you become a chef and are any good at it you will always have a job. On the other hand for every singer who makes a living singing there is probably a thousand who would like to but don't. Go the the culinary school and learn an admirable profession. But don't give up on your singing. You will be able to earn a living while you work on your singing career. Remember - for every actor out there that makes it big in the movies there are a thousand of them waiting tables. It is probably the same for singers.
6 :
Learn the cook , sing later
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