Saturday, November 24, 2012

would you let your child go to another country on a school trip

would you let your child go to another country on a school trip?
im a freshmen in high school and my spanish class is going on a field trip to italy and spain in the summer of 2011. by then i'll be 16 years old. as of now my mom isnt agreeing to let me go. and i just want your opinion of what you think. and if you would could you help me come up with some things that will help convince my mom to let me go.
Family - 7 Answers
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1 :
I would let you go as long as I knew there were responsible adults who would be going with you and you were guaranteed to always be in their care. Better yet I would go with you. Who wouldn't love to Italy and Spain. It isn't something I would ever make my child miss out on if they could go.
2 :
I went to France when I was in Middle School and my parents didn't have a problem with it. I was a good kid with good grades who didn't get into any trouble, though, so they didn't need to worry about me doing something bad. I was with the school teacher and a number of chaperones, so we had plenty of supervision. Don't know what you could say to convince your mom. It really all depends on how comfortable she is. Italy/Spain is a long ways away!
3 :
Well first of all, there will be supervision if you are going with your class so tell her that. Also tell her that it may be an experience that you may never get the chance to have again. Tell her that its something you really really want to do. Also, you should reassure your mom that nothing bad will happen, and that you will be responsible.
4 :
You should go because it might be the only opportunity you have to go to Europe in the forseeable future. You will be with a group of friends and safely chaperoned by teachers and parents.. It will be cheaper than ever going there on your own because these groups know how to obtain discounts. The activities will be scheduled by people who have been there before and know the great places. The trip will give your self-confidence a terrific boost. You will be old enough to behave yourself and not do anything foolish. You can practice Spanish in the actual country where it originated. Having a second language is a wonderful career boost for your future. How's that?
5 :
I'm sure that if it's a school planned trip that it should be safe. I'm assuming it's going to be chaperoned and they will have limits as to where you're going to be allowed to wander off to. It can be dangerous for Americans in other countries, especially tourists who are unfamiliar with the area and most likely not fluent speakers of Italian and Spanish. I also believe that everyone should have the opportunity to see another country and expereince it's culture at some point in their lives. If you are mature enough to appreciate the visit abroad, then Europe is a good place to start.
6 :
that's unfair. 16 is old enough to go to a different country, even 13 is. Tell her that your teachers will be there
7 :
im a freshman in high school too. my mom let me go to spain (spanish exchange program) on your trip, teachers are also going too right? i stayed for about a week, and it was AWSOME!!! i had so much fun, and my spanish has gotten 100% better. show her, not tell her. think of ideas that you think might impress your mom that you are responsible enough to go. But she might not be letting you go because the cost of the trip? (i payed half of my plane ticket and ect. with babysitting money) Or she might just miss you too much. (i got tackled with hugs when i got back ^_^)
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