Monday, September 24, 2012

When will your school open after summer holidays

When will your school open after summer holidays?
Here in Italy they will open between the 10th and the 25th of September. What about US, UK and Australia? And when did your school close for summer holidays? Here they closed during the first week of June Do you really go to school in August? Wow. This sounds reaaally weird to me! Here August is considered the best holiday period of the year, and the hottest too. It would be impossible to go to school!
Primary & Secondary Education - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Im in the US in Georgia, schools closed for the summer the last week of May. The kids went back to school August 5
2 :
CALIFORNIA! yay haha (thats where I live) But My school stoped about... june 15ish? and starts monday!! (24th) my friends started last week so ya we are all different..
3 :
in Massachusetts! city Lynn some start September 9th and some start September 3rd and in Malden they start August 28! im lucky cause i start school September 9th :]
4 :
here in AR we went to school on august the 19th some started earlier =\
5 :
I live in England and broke up on the 17th July and go back on 3rd September. Yeah, we have a short holiday over here.
6 :
my school opens on monday.
7 :
in in the u.s school starts August 31st and ended june 12
8 :
In The UK my school goes back on the wednesday9th of september because monday is teacher training day and tuesday is year sevens day all by them selves without anyothr years :D
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