Saturday, December 24, 2011

How did the Totalitarian Governments in Italy and Germany use The Great Depression to their advantage

How did the Totalitarian Governments in Italy and Germany use The Great Depression to their advantage?
I have history homework and left my book at school. We havent learned about this yet, anyone have any insight?
History - 1 Answers
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1 :
The Great Depression made people throughout the world scared that the economic system was collapsing, and willing to consider extreme solutions, including totalitarianism. Here's a good site:
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Friday, December 16, 2011

How can I translate italian high school grades into american high school grades

How can I translate italian high school grades into american high school grades?
Here in italy the grades goes from 3 up to 10. I just know that you pass the test/exam with 6.
Primary & Secondary Education - 1 Answers
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Some school's do offer to translate grades and your transcript. Discuss with the school that you are planning to attend whether they are able to do this. If not, I am pretty sure there are many people who are able to do this in the US. Check the school district's office as well.
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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Is it better to go to graduate school for ESL or to just to get a TEFL certification

Is it better to go to graduate school for ESL or to just to get a TEFL certification?
Which one is better for teaching english abroad in europe, spain/italy? I know that the certification abroad is about a month but how long does it take in graduate school?
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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In general you'll need a degree and a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certificate to get a visa and work. The degree can be in almost any subject as it is usually required for the visa only so you will find teachers with a degree in Engineering or Sociology. Having said this, to help get the job it's obviously better to be English or language related, for example a degree in English literature. The TEFL certificate can be taken either in-house or online at your own pace which is a much cheaper option (see
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Thursday, December 1, 2011

What is the best way to learn Italian in 3 months whilst in Italy

What is the best way to learn Italian in 3 months whilst in Italy?
Is Florence the best place to go to school and if so, which school?
Other - Italy - 3 Answers
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1 :
Many of the big cities, Rome, Milan, Florence have language schools you can attend. Or if you want to go to a less touristic place, check out the 'burbs of the bigger cities, where you would be more apt to have a better "full immersion" class, since there would be less people speaking English and you would HAVE to try to speak Italian.
2 :
Well, if you learn italian in a particular region you will also learn the accent. In Florence and in Rome you will learn a very funny accent (like accent from Georgia or Texas) and people will know where you learnt Italian. In Florence there are a lot of school to learn Italian, you can go to rotonda brunelleschi to learn Italian...and the fastest way is to speack with italian and rent a room with other italian student...and in Florence and Rome is not easy because there are a lot of foreigners..especially from US and Avoid american place and you will learn Italian!!!
3 :
Apart from attending classes, you can mix and mingle with the locals many of whom may only speak Italian thus you are constricted to learn the language. Also a good language book to read up on won't hurt. It may be difficult at first, but tell yourself "I can do anything I make up my mind to and this includes learnign Italian" Rememebr your Grazie - Thank you and Prego - Please in conversing with the locals
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Thursday, November 24, 2011

1980s movie. 2 teens pretend to be foreign exchange students from France at own high school.

1980s movie. 2 teens pretend to be foreign exchange students from France at own high school.?
A movie made in the 1980s. I think it was a boy and a girl for sure who pose as foreign exchange students from France or Italy at their own high school. They were nerds before and became popular hot shots in no time. I can not remember the name of the movie. The girl had light brown hair and the guy had dark brown hair. I can not remember enough of the details in the movie, but I am hoping someone can give me a couple possibilities.
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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I accidentally taped the last half of this movie when I was young and have been wanting to watch the whole thing ever since. The guy was from Italy and he had a tanning bed in his basement or garage. He somehow burned himself at the end. I'm not sure where the girl was from, but she got the lead in the school's production of Sweet Charity and sang "If my friends could see me now." Maybe it was a made for TV, but I can't imagine that it had a title that was much more clever than Foreign Exchange. Man, why can't we find it!? Your question is really the only thing that exist to prove I didn't make this up.
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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What do you think of Italy and Italians

What do you think of Italy and Italians?
Hello I'm an italian boy and I'm writing from my school of Venice. I write for the school magazine and I'm doing an article about the immagine of italy in the world. In U.S.A. what do you think of Italy an Italians? Thanks to all.
Other - Italy - 4 Answers
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1 :
They speak italian, and do not eat Americanized pizza.
2 :
Italy is my obsession i have never been there but when i get a little bit older i want to go live over there!! I think its just so romantic and completely amazing and well i think italian girls are gorgeous!! and i love the way they talk
3 :
yummy italian food and Beautiful places canals and all
4 :
This is a great question. More people should study there homelands from the outside looking in. And what a good way to do it. As and American my impression will sound Oh so stereo typical to you. Most of us like Italian food, so we think of the culinary arts. Garlic, tomato sauce, PASTA. But I don't think you are asking what we think of your food. I think if Italy as a highly cultured and historic place. We have the inpression that Italians are relaxed and enjoy eating, drinking, smoking and making love. Yes, so we also think of your as romantic people. High arts, classical music, rich with history. Politically neutral from our point of view in recent decades. Non-aggressive government. Also I think of Italians as having large and close knit families. And I'll be honest, due to the image of Italian-Americans, we have a certian belief regarding organized crime and the Italian mafia. Therefore some American may not think of Italians as the most trustworthy of people. More cunning. I think many Americans are interested in Italy and "like" Italians. They probably thinkthey would "like" Italians more than they like Italian Americans. I think you are interesting people. I find Italian men generally very attractive, BUT, we have an image of them being womanizers, a little skeezy - you probably won't find the defination of the word skeezy and I can think of another term. I hope none of this offends you or yoru people. I'm just trying to give you my honest, an uninformed impression. Heck, we have an image of being rude Americans, so what do I care!!! hee, hee. Sounds like a very cool dstudy you are doing.
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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How long would it take to fly from Paris, France to Venice, Italy

How long would it take to fly from Paris, France to Venice, Italy?
Help! It is very improtant! It's for a project in school. And I don't need a long answer, but you can if you want to. I've checked on orbitz and sites like that, but I can't find it. It doesn't matter what airport in Paris or in Italy, just give me an estimate. Thx! :)
Other - Europe - 3 Answers
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A couple of hours max....I never flew from Paris but I did from London ( London is less than an hour to Paris)......its about 3hrs to Italy from London so say 2hrs maybe less.
2 :
Go to the Air Italia website. There may or may not be a direct flight. If it's direct, I'd guess about an hour.
3 :
Alitalia has flights daily, the flight duration is 1 hr 50 minutes direct.
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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What do you think of Italy and Italians

What do you think of Italy and Italians?
Hello I'm an italian boy and I'm writing from my school of Venice. I write for the school magazine and I'm doing an article about the immagine of italy in the world. In U.S.A. what do you think of Italy an Italians? Thanks to all.
Other - Italy - 9 Answers
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1 :
italians r cool
2 :
Italian products are often more beautiful than functional. Many Italians, including my Italian-American husband, are good looking !!
3 :
I am Italian too!! before i knew i was italian i thought the music was pretty cool. i loved(and still love) italian music
4 :
yummy food yummy soda you pretty cool
5 :
i'm south african. my aunt and uncle are italian and go there sometimes. i think italians are very beautiful people with an amazing culture. they have a passion for life that many lack. although i think they can be quite rude sometimes and very outspoken. but all round i think they great!! :)
6 :
I think it is the most beutiful place I have ever visited. Italians however, I don't really know. I haven't met many italians, besides when in italy. I enjoyed italy and the people there were all so nice. I am not from america though, I am from New Zealand.
7 :
I am one and pale as ghost so people really dont think im italion they are awsome but they will kill if you say diffrenty
8 :
Most Americans, regardless of their ethnicity love Italian style food. Most of this food is served by 1st-2nd-3rd generation Italians so it is pretty authentic. All of the italian restaurants I go to, I know the owners. They are very friendly and always treat me well. I would have to say...we really like Italians here.
9 :
Italian people are now very popular in the US because the traditional Italian good looking and elegance. I say NOW because nobody forget how much the Italian mafia impacted this country (especially the East coast) in the 40s. Italians were the key factor for what was called the Dry Law epoque, since they managed the liquor black market, remember? Up today, Italian designers are ranking top here same as all over the world. But the most relevant factor not only to the US but for the entire world is for sure Italian art. Finally US language was highly impacted by Italy. Long story short: English comes from German and it adopted (by the Middle Ages and the Renaissance times) a lot of Italian terminology that were the base of a lot of our current every day English language here in the US. Contemporary I can say Italian is one of the favorite int'l food nowadays. It is one of the best adoptions this country embraced! Hope it helps!
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Monday, October 24, 2011

Going to Italy on June 6th - what will the weather be like

Going to Italy on June 6th - what will the weather be like?
Hello - I'm going to Italy this summer with a group from my school for about 4 days before we go to Greece. I was just wondering what the weather will be like in Rome and Florence during June - I want to be able to pack well. Thank youu.
Other - Italy - 4 Answers
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Hot! You can wear a Tshirt!! For the evening i advise u a pullover! =D
2 :
Average temperatures in June in Italy Average Minimum Celsius: 16 Average Maximum Celsius: 25 Quite warm!
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4 :
bring some tshirt and shorts... but also jeans and a jacket because in the evening it isn't always very hot... (sorry for my bad english... i'm italian)
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Sunday, October 16, 2011

I need some help planning a trip to italy

I need some help planning a trip to italy?
I'm not sure what area I want to visit but I want me and my best friend to go to Italy for about a week when we get out of college. I'm still in high school right now, but I like to plan ahead. I need to know how much plane tickets would cost, how much a hotel would cost, and how much it costs to eat at restaurants. The prices don't have to be exact, they can just be estimates. Thank you soo much to anyone who leaves an answer!
Other - Italy - 3 Answers
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1 :
aaaaaaaaah take me with u plz :-( anyways, i heard it is expensive , but u always can go to places where it is not so expensive to eat, hotels would normally cost around 200 euros/night! so i don't know , u should ask some one who knows Italy very well! have a nice trip nel paese del mio cuore ! i speak italian by the way ^_^
2 :
Nobody will be able to tell you prices for a date after you get out of college - especially if you're only in high school now. However, you can get estimates of what the prices are now pretty easily. Flying depends on where you're starting from and when you want to go during the year. It's generally more expensive during the peak tourist season and less expensive during the winter. I can't give you examples of prices since you haven't given any clue as to where you would fly from and where in Italy you want to go. However, you can check sites like: or to get estimates. The second one is particularly good for budget flights. For hotels, I use this site here in Italy: . Prices vary a lot on a given hotel depending on exactly when you're here. For example, prices are generally lower in the winter, but if you're in Venice for Carnevale in February or at a ski resort, the prices can be very high. Generally, I spend 100 to 150 euro per night at the places I stay, but there are cheaper options. If you're willing to stay in hostels, you can do even better - I generally spend around 25 to 50 euro for a meal when I go out exploring, but I try the local specialties and generally have a full meal with both pasta and a meat or fish course since it's an occasion for me. You can eat cheaper than that though; for example, you can get a pizza for 8 to 13 euro. sometimes even less at local festivals. They were selling for 5 euro at the July festival in the town where I live over the weekend. A panino or piadina or pizza by te slice can be found for 3 to 6 euro. You can also pay a lot more. I spent around 400 euro for a lunch with my daughter at Quadri in Venice one afternoon, but that was a very upscale meal in a very expensive restaurant. Prices are posted on the menus displayed at restaurants and you can check for places that meet your tastes and budget while you're seeing the sights. The best way to get around from city to city here is usually by train. you can find current schedules and prices at: . The price will depend on whether you take a fast train with few stops or a slow train that stops a lot and may require changes. It also depends on whether you go 1st class or 2nd class and whether you buy tickets in advance to save money. Sketch out a rough itinerary and you can use the sites above to get an idea of cost. Remember that you'll also need to budget for souvenirs that you might buy and entry fees where required. You can look up websites for the attractions like the Uffizi in Florence, doge's Palace in Venice or other places you might want to visit to get a feel for those expenses.
3 :
Well, the answer is really hard. just wonder what you want to do, relax, art, nature, and so on. I would say that the south, especially in small towns, is really cheap, compared to where I am now, Milan, and obviously if you go to touristic places it is even worse, really expensive, example an ice cream 10 euros. So make up your mind about what you would like to see first, and then start from that. you have a lot of time to plan. One week, probably is not enough to see a lot o things, so be smart, you decide what you really like first and then ask for suggestions about that.
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Saturday, October 8, 2011

I need help from an Italian who's lived in Italy and the US, please..?
What can you tell me about the Italian family structure? Explain. Is there an extended family? What are two special events or holidays that you celebrate each year and how do you celebrate them? Is there a food or treat you love that is found in Italy and not the US? What is the school system like in Italy? What do you think is the greatest difference between the US and Italy? thanks for your answers. i do need to know answers to all of those questions though :) thanks everyone. good answers
Other - Italy - 8 Answers
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Well, to talk about the holidays. During Christmas theres a Fest of the Seven Seas. Theres a bunch of fish and squid, pretty gross really.
2 :
Let me suggest that you contact member pegbumvit, who is an american living in Italy
3 :
i dont know the other stuff, but there isnt a food that is only in italy that isnt in the USA
4 :
Im an Italian Living in Australia. I have traveled to Italy alot and what I have noticed is that Northern Italians and Southern Italians are very different. Food, Family, careers and money have different meanings. The biggest difference I observed is the 'siesta' which is that all shops close for 5 hours. Between 12-5 pm. In the smallest villages this is a norm. Also they have alot of Saint days which are celebrated and paraded through the small streets in the village. Family well,..when i stayed in Italy I stayed at a cousins house who I have NEVER met and they treated me like I was there child. Family blood is powerful.
5 :
Caio (chow)! Welcome to Italy. My name is Sherrin. My family is as Italian as you can get. My Grandparents are from southern Italy, and they grew up Roman cathloic. They take there Religion VERY seriously. Extended family is the Root of all Italian families. We do everything together. Most children are expected to atttend cathloic school and are expected to attend catachism. The boys are expected to be alter boys. Italians LOVE food. Any kind of pasta is wonderful to the Italians. Never say spegetti unless it is the spegetti noodle. Italians will correct you. They call it pasta or call it by the name of the noodle, like ravioli,mosticholli,lingunine,etc....Also you are expected to save yourself from marriage, and you are expected to marry an Italian. In the united states, its not as strick. I am marrying a russian native. We are great people but sometimes the guys can be anal. Watch the movie my BIG fat greek wedding. The Italians are just like them. Loud and Proud. Also Italians love the Game MORDA(more..Da) It's a number game from 1 to 10. Grazie (thanks) for letting me talk about my Italian heritage. P.s I am a blond with pale white skin. Not all Italians are dark. Also italians Love there saints. most Italian children are named after saints. You will also see alot of Michel Anthonys or Anthony micheals. There are usually 4 to 5 generations of men in the same family with the same name. Like my grandfather is Anthony Micheal III father the fourth, brother the 5th. names stay in the family.
6 :
I'm Italian..the family is very important for us Italian and in the south of the Italy the family is larger than north because they live with uncle, aunt, gran mother,grandad.... the most important event is the Christmas and school stay closed since 22-23/12 to 7/01 of next year because we celebrate also the Epiphany for us the religio is important but not so you can read in other answer ok? the food is more healthier the US, here there are less fast food and more restaurant and the food is very tasty!!! the Italian pasta or pizza you can be not found in USA!!! the school sty opening since September to June and there are a school for the children to 3-6 years old, the elementary school for 6-11 years old children and the next 3 years you mus go to the school Media...all this school are obligatory, except maternal school. after this schools you can go or in a grammar school and then to the university or in of the schools of starter to the job. the great difference is the way of life i hope to you it are useful hi Giulia
7 :
the italian family structure is very extended, they treat all as family, be it your first born child or a 5th cousin! its normal for your parents to come and live with you in their old age, blood is thick here, and family comes together as much as possibile! It depends for the holidays. For example here in Naples I would say the 3 most important are Christmas, 19 September (San Gennaro the city's patron Saint where there are processions around the city behind a big gold staute if the Saint) and the 15 August, Feast of Our Lady. The events or holidays differ from town to town and they are Public Holidays with Street Parties which end with a big fireworks display at around midnight there are many special treats that cannot be found in the states, this also differs from area to area, most of the Italian food in America has been changed to suit American palates and is not really Italian. I really do notice the difference between even pizza. the school system is very different, I send my kids to an international school as I do not like the Italian State system. English is not taught, kids are expected to learn English Literature off by heart and that is their English. Also at 14 years of age they have to decide to study or in an Classic High School (they learn Latin, Greek and the 'classical0 subjects) Scientific, Art, etc. in all these different high schools the subjects and their importance differ, they also affect what you can study in university. Kids can legally leave school here at 14 the biggest difference is the culture. it is always a culture shock when I come to the States and then again when I come back to Italy. There are many differences and its hard to say which is the really is as they vary from Italians not drinking cappucino after 11am to the cultural system....... hope this helps you out a little!!!
8 :
Family life is changing rapidly in Italy today. The country is more urban than ever and this has taken its toll on family life.... and the traditional family structure. Once upon a time..... there was only a one income provider, "the man of the family", and the wife stayed home to tend to the house and to the eventual children. Once the man returned home in the evenings the entire family would be present to greet him and all would sit together to eat - the man at the head of the table. Families tended to live close by and it was via this family net-work that one would move through life. During the work day the women would consult and or help each other run errands and do chores. It was thru this net work that the young men would find work and or get school help. Women did go to school but it wasn't until the 60's that it was more common to see women in the universities. Today - in order to make end meet couples must both work. Now-a-days - dinner together in the evenings is disrupted by cell phone, the TV and or maybe the kids just aren't home when both mom & dad arrive. The sense of family is slowly loosing its meaning in today's fast paced Italy.... and this mainly in the North but it's also happening in the South too. It's happening in the small villages also - many teenagers leave their small towns to attend university and once graduated never return - because they can't find jobs. "Natale con i tuoi, Pasqua con chi vuoi". Christmas with the family and Easter with whom you wish. Christmas is traditionally a family affair. Foods are served that "grandma" used to make. Each region and village has it own special way to celebrate. Easter is usually a family gathering too but you may have friends over too. Usually your children’s friends over. There also religious holidays that are celebrated. Each city, town and village have a patron saint. Some places more than others have a strong tradition of celebrating their patron. Catania, Sicily, for example celebrates Saint Agatha – it’s a 3 days affair that involves thousands of people. For more information take a look at: Naples (as well as many US Italian cities with Neapolitan populations) has it Saint Gerard: Milan has Saint Ambrose'Ambrogio and Venice, Saint Mark. School in Italy – the system is in constant reform. Teachers in Italy are the least paid in the entire European Union. Classes are over crowded. And now you can even find bulling in the calls rooms, hall ways and out side of the schools. Kids are getting high and teachers are trying to cope. A university career is kiss up and move up. You can publish your ass off and unless you have a “god father” you’ll just spin your wheels. ALL THE SAME – Italian university students are working in some of the world most prestigious departs – this is in line with the Italian saying that to be (a) famous (Italian) you to find your place outside of the country (or at least this is the gist). The school system works because it has hard working and dedicated people – men and women – who do their best every day to make sure they share their knowledge with students. This is much more to say here but time and space lack. US vs. Italy? The greatest differences are Language. Passion for life, food and love and not always in this order. The politics – and the court system. A food or a treat you can find in Italy but not in the US? This is difficult seeing that there are many Italians who live in the US and have taken their food habits with them too. Let's see... + I figure maybe the "giuggiolo" - this is a fruit (see below for the Latin name) grown in Italy since (ancient) Roman times. I've never ever seen this in the States. I have had this curious looking fruit when visit the Veneto. Tastes good and I'd certainly buy some more to eat again. + There are cheeses in Italy that you won't find in the Staes but unfortunately I don't know the names. + Blood oranges - with all of the oranges that are grown in the US no one grows the blood orange!!! Too bad. I've blood orange juice, jam and even salad (oil and vinegar). I can't think of anything else for now but any ideas come to I'll get back to you.
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Saturday, October 1, 2011

How can i ask my mum if i can shave my legs

How can i ask my mum if i can shave my legs?
I have already said that i hate my legs because they are all hairy and yucky and all she said was 'who has told you you have horrible legs?' Its not only my legs though but in not going to tell her about.... anywhere else lol. I need to shave before i go on holiday to Italy with my school in october because i dont want any hair shown anywhere lol. What can i do apart from asking her straight off? Please be understanding and don't make fun. thanks
Women's Health - 3 Answers
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1 :
Just ask her. It's very, very common (really the norm in Western countries) for women to shave their legs.
2 :
Many girls have negative self body-image - in other words, they have been taught to hate their bodies as ugly or inferior. And that negative mindset often leads to destructive behaviors, like eating disorders, cutting, premature sexual activity, and depression. That's why your mom is concerned, because she wants you to be happy and healthy and not to fall victim to any of these things. So show her that you have a positive mindset, that you love your body and want to take care of it. There's a small but important difference between "I want to shave my legs because they are horrible unless I do" and "I want to shave my legs so I can be just as beautiful on the outside as I am on the inside." Remember to emphasize the positive. Tell her that you're growing older and want to start exploring different facets of your personality, which includes different looks and beauty styles. Ask her to take you shopping (maybe once a week for each topic) and explain everything she knows about shaving, make-up, skin care, lingerie, menstruation, etc, and then let you experiment on your own. That way she gets to give you a solid foundation, but you still get to explore on your own and find out what works for you.
3 :
Just ask her...I was terrified to ask my mum, but once I did I felt better and there was nothing to worry about! Best of luck :)
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Saturday, September 24, 2011

How can i ask my mum if i can shave my legs

How can i ask my mum if i can shave my legs?
I have already said that i hate my legs because they are all hairy and yucky and all she said was 'who has told you you have horrible legs?' Its not only my legs though but in not going to tell her about.... anywhere else lol. I need to shave before i go on holiday to Italy with my school in october because i dont want any hair shown anywhere lol. What can i do apart from asking her straight off? Please be understanding and don't make fun. thanks
Women's Health - 3 Answers
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1 :
Just ask her. It's very, very common (really the norm in Western countries) for women to shave their legs.
2 :
Many girls have negative self body-image - in other words, they have been taught to hate their bodies as ugly or inferior. And that negative mindset often leads to destructive behaviors, like eating disorders, cutting, premature sexual activity, and depression. That's why your mom is concerned, because she wants you to be happy and healthy and not to fall victim to any of these things. So show her that you have a positive mindset, that you love your body and want to take care of it. There's a small but important difference between "I want to shave my legs because they are horrible unless I do" and "I want to shave my legs so I can be just as beautiful on the outside as I am on the inside." Remember to emphasize the positive. Tell her that you're growing older and want to start exploring different facets of your personality, which includes different looks and beauty styles. Ask her to take you shopping (maybe once a week for each topic) and explain everything she knows about shaving, make-up, skin care, lingerie, menstruation, etc, and then let you experiment on your own. That way she gets to give you a solid foundation, but you still get to explore on your own and find out what works for you.
3 :
Just ask her...I was terrified to ask my mum, but once I did I felt better and there was nothing to worry about! Best of luck :)
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Friday, September 16, 2011

Help! guide conversation english-italy

Help! guide conversation english-italy?
Where can i find a free guide conversation english-italy?!I have to learn the italian language because i'll go in Italy at the school in the next year ,and i don't know nothing!!!Please help me!
Languages - 1 Answers
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1 :
Hey constellation... you should buy a book called Italian Now! Level one by Marcel Danesi and study it the whole summer it might help you...I've been learning Italian and that book seems easy to understand for beginners, but if you want to learn the language then more resources should be used.
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Thursday, September 8, 2011

what about joining Centro Culturale Giancomo Puccini in Viareggio in Toscany, Italy

what about joining Centro Culturale Giancomo Puccini in Viareggio in Toscany, Italy ?
I m thinking of spending the period from 5th to 18th of Oct 2008 and Italy is the place I want to learn Italian a little bit coz I love Italian language So, please advise about the weather at that period and about teh school and the city Viareggio . Thankssssss.
Other - Italy - 2 Answers
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Viareggio is the holiday place of Tuscany, i'm sure that you could learn basic Italian, but i know that you will have a lot of fun!
2 :
I took Italian lessons at that school. It is a good school with good teachers, but you need to be prepared to do some work after hours if you really want to make the most of your experience. You attend class from 9am until 12:30pm each day and can add an extra session or two of private lessons- which I highly recommend. Be aware that it is not cheap though. Viareggio is a nice seaside town with one of the largest shipbuilding ports in Europe. In October it will be cool and the beach clubs will have closed for the season. It will be olive harvest time when you are here- you may enjoy staying up in the hills and experiencing the olive harvest more than staying by the sea. If in fact this interests you visit the website of the villa where I live- they rent out fully furnished vacation flats and have tons of olive trees. I helped with the olive harvest last year and it was so interesting.
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Thursday, September 1, 2011

I really want to work in another country when I graduate. Possibly Italy? How realistic is this

I really want to work in another country when I graduate. Possibly Italy? How realistic is this?
I am either going to major in political science and then get my MBA or major in accounting and get my MAcc, then get my CPA license. I do not speak Italian, although I could go to school for an additional year and learn if necessary (funds are not a problem). How hard would it be to land a decent job in a European country, specifically Italy?
Immigration - 6 Answers
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1 :
Realistic without speaking the language .... It will never happen
2 :
If I were you I'd be worried more about getting a job at all.
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You will have to have a job before you get there.
4 :
It would not be unrealistic at all if you are able to learn the Italian language. In fact, it will make it easier to get a job anywhere if you can speak more than one language. Being bilingual is a very powerful tool that can be used to gain an advantage in the employment world.
5 :
I have a degree in polisci, and after I graduated I worked in England with a BUNAC work permit. It allows college students and recent graduates to work in a handful of countries from 6-12 months (depending on the country) and enjoy the same work rights as a citizen. The permit, I believe, cost me $290. However, Italy is not one of those countries. You could always join the Peace Corps. With a polisci or accounting degree you could teach English, provided that you attained 3 months' worth of tutoring/teaching experience before departing. My friend is currently doing this in Ukraine. All that being said, if your choice is between polisci and accounting, I would suggest you go with accounting. A degree in accounting will offer you more opportunities than a degree in polisci, and you could still go on for an MBA with a degree in accounting.
6 :
Its almost impossible to find work in a European country if you don't speak the language. Put simply all the paperwork, meetings and client conversations are going to be in Italian, so if you don't speak the language there isn't really much of a role for you. Even for companies with foreign clients they would want someone who was bilingual, which many Italians are. Some multinational companies though operate in English, and hire English speaking staff. The best bet for getting such a position would to get a job with some such company in America, and then apply for a transfer to their Italian branch. This is fairly common in the financial and insurance sectors, at least.
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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Who was ruler of Italy in 1690

Who was ruler of Italy in 1690?
I need to know who ruled italy in 1690, for school i can't find it on the internet, Thank you!
History - 3 Answers
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No one. At that time, it was divided into several city-states!
2 :
Italy did not have a single ruler in the 17th century. It was made up of several city states.
3 :
It is true that Italy was divided into the various city-states but for two centuries after the Peace of Cateau-Cambrésis (1559), Spain held dominion over the Italian Peninsula.
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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I am a freshman at Depaul. What can i do to help my chances in getting into an ivy league law school

I am a freshman at Depaul. What can i do to help my chances in getting into an ivy league law school?
I have done a lot of traveling through my high school which i just graduated from. In three years i went to Munich, Germany, Rome, Italy (x2) Paris, France, London England, Barcelona, Spain and Athens, Greece. I am only 18. Will it be an advantage if i do volunteer work abroad? Also will me having traveled at such a young age coming from where i do help me in some way in the future?
Higher Education (University +) - 3 Answers
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I doubt traveling will play any role in your application process to law school. It could come into play if you were to bring it up for an interesting conversation for an interview during your application process, but the fact that you have traveled a lot will probably not put you at an advantage to other applicants. You would be at an advantage if you volunteered, period. Whether you work locally, in another state, or in another country it will not make a big difference. Now, it might be more interesting of a story to tell and that might bring more appeal but it is not going to be: "Wow, you traveled a bunch that's very impressive," because that is simply having the opportunity to travel it doesn't say anything about how accomplished you are.
2 :
From what I understand, Ivy League law schools are very numbers based. Volunteering, traveling, life experiences, etc are obviously helpful and will make you look like a better candidate, but when it comes down to it you're going to need a high GPA and a high LSAT score to even stand a chance. I'd say, at this point, it's really important to study hard and get flawless or almost flawless grades.
3 :
The ivies are packed with young world travelers. Get a 4.0 for 2 years and have at least the school's median SAT score to try to transfer.
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Monday, August 8, 2011

How much is an Italian Language Course in Italy

How much is an Italian Language Course in Italy?
How much is an Italian Language Course in Italy? in Bologna to be exact. Can it be paid in an installment basis? What recognized school can you recommend that is not very expensive? thanks Im from Asia, I am not a European citizen.
Languages - 2 Answers
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It is better to contact more than one place to get each place's offer.
2 :
its free.
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Monday, August 1, 2011

Can I do a high school exchange to the USA

Can I do a high school exchange to the USA?
I want to spend a full school year in the USA as a gap year before I goto university/college back in New Zealand. However I am struggling to find an organisation that will lets people who have graduated high school go. I know that they exist as a person I used to know did one to Italy.
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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Are you sure you want to repeat high school for a year? You can also take classes at a community college. What about doing other things like volunteering or internship? Maybe some kind of peace corps stuff? A job? "Organic farm exchange" (WWOOF)? ... There is really a lot of other options. I think taking a gap year is a great idea, but doing the exchange thing may be a little expensive. I'm sure you can find something nice though. Good luck!
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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Which AACSB accredited institutions have study abroad programs in Florence, Italy

Which AACSB accredited institutions have study abroad programs in Florence, Italy?
I'm looking to study abroad in Florence, Italy but in order for the classes to transfer back to my business school it has to be through an AACSB accredited school... Any help is appreciated, thank you.
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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1 :
I worked for a language school in Florence and they had some agreement with US Universities, maybe you can find some useful information:
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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Do you think knowing some Spanish helps you learn Italian better

Do you think knowing some Spanish helps you learn Italian better?
I'm in Spanish 2 and when I go to college I want to study abroad in Italy for a school year. I've noticed that a lot of Italian words sound similar to Spanish and since I'm most likely going to have to be fluent in Italian if I go for a school year I'm curious to know if knowing some Spanish makes learning Italian easier.
Languages - 6 Answers
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Yes. Learning ANY language makes learning the next language easier. They are both Romance Languages. They are closely related. French would get you along further in Italian...they are even closer.
2 :
Yes. The languages are similar, Spanish is a little harder to write. But if you speak Spanish, you can easily understand an Italian. (not all of it, but still a lot)
3 :
Yes, but not as much as I originally thought. Grammar won't help much, however phonetics are almost the same. I don't know any Italian sound that is not present in Spanish. The same goes for Portuguese. If you know any "Latin" language then yes it will help you learn another Latin language.
4 :
I just speak Spanish and I have no desire to learn Italian.At home I have a book that is in both Spanish and Italian.While I see a lot of similarities yet the differences are very great and many.However I think knowing Spanish would make learning Italian easier.
5 :
Yes, the languages are similar, but Italian is harder to learn, because there are many rules..
6 :
Italian is harder than spanish because there are many irregular verbs that you have to learn by heart and the grammar is more complicated. but, it's for sure that knowing spanish will make it easier for you to learn italian. many words are both in italian language and spanish language but the meaning might change.. for example: vaso (spanish) glass vetro (italian) glass vaso (italian) flowerpot tarro (spanish) flowerpot
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Friday, July 8, 2011

In Italy, or France, do you study ancient greek at school

In Italy, or France, do you study ancient greek at school?

Primary & Secondary Education - 4 Answers
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yes in italy and greece they have .in france ,i don't know........
2 :
Yes, a few schools in both countries offer ancient Greek as an elective course. Some such course work would be offered to students in the upper grades of school, but mostly ancient Greek would be treated as a university course.
3 :
In Italy yes
4 :
Not sure it is very popular these days (except maybe in literature or linguistic studies) but Latin and/or Ancient Greek were considered in France as key classes if you wanted a classic, well-rounded education. It was true for my parents' generation (I'm in my late thirties) as well as mine (I studied and hated both).
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Friday, July 1, 2011

What to wear to Italy in the summer

What to wear to Italy in the summer?
I'm going to Italy in the summer of 2011. I'm going with my school, and it might be pretty hot up there. It won't matter if I wear sorts I'm sure, anything to be comfortable I guess. I want to make sure I have everything before the day comes around. So, what should I wear?
Fashion & Accessories - 1 Answers
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it depends on where you're going to go - north: bring a sweatshirt, south: it's hotter generally. city? On seaside? mountain? Where? Italy is a small country but the weaTHER changes from region to region.
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Friday, June 24, 2011

How long would it take on a coach to get from Haverfordwest (wales) to bardonnacchia (italy)

How long would it take on a coach to get from Haverfordwest (wales) to bardonnacchia (italy)?
Im going on a ski trip with the school i go to next february and were going by coach and theres around 40 of us going. So i was just wondering how long it takes to travel on a bus from haverfordwest in wales to bardonacchia in italy?
Other - United Kingdom - 2 Answers
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quite a long trip ah..
2 :
I can't find a location called bardonnacchia ... have you spelled it right? ... anyway, if you go to Multimap and click on "get directions" then enter the names of the two places you want to travel between, it will give you a route with timings
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Thursday, June 16, 2011

What languages do the colleges teach in Italy

What languages do the colleges teach in Italy?
Is it all in Italian?I know its Italy!! Do they have some classes where I can take courses in English!! Not too learn English but to take college courses in English!! Would all the tests, & work be in Italian? Sorry for all the questions!! I was interested in knowing because if it's all in Italian I may have second thoughts!! I don't know Italian, it may be heard even if I learn it to go to a school where there is no English at all.
Studying Abroad - 2 Answers
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I got a chance to go to Italy last year! They have English as a subject as well as German and French. The English lessons were all in English. The teacher was English and knew very little Italian. But the other languages are in Italian and the language they are speaking! ONLY AT A LANGUAGE SCHOOL! However to take course in English, I'm not too sure.
2 :
well, i'm an Italian studying abroad...sorry to say but people there doesn't care that much about English even though it's an international school and at work, people speaks italian...and most of them might spend hard time trying to understand you...the english we study at shool is the british one...and it's a basic english...(while listening to their accent you might think of 'em as some kinda weirdos!haha)..i know you won't probably mind using slang words while speaking...and that would be a problem for you there, though...anyway if you really are interested in studying in Italy you should search for some international schools there, i've heard there is one at Rome...a british school maybe...but i recommend should really start learning Italian. :)
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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

How to immigrate to Australia from Italy with Tunisian nationality

How to immigrate to Australia from Italy with Tunisian nationality...?
My friend is from Tunisia but lives in Italy. He works the caterpillar machines (heavy duty equipment and things) but also can do other jobs of course. He has two children and a spouse who is from Lithuania. They are keen to immigrate to Australia for many reasons, principal among them being what he considers better school systems for his children. What kinds of options are open to him ?
Immigration - 5 Answers
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If he's a skilled worker he shouldn't have too many problems
2 :
Trying asking this question in the Australian Yahoo Answers selection... Just a thought ( - ^ )
3 :
I'm not sure is caterpillar machines workers are considered to be skilled workers in Australia. If they aren't, I regret to tell you his options are minimal. Australia is just as hard to get to as the US or the UK. It has a points system for migration, but he will not meet the minimum requirements unless he has a skilled job. However, if he stays in Italy and secures himself an EU passport, he may be eligible to a Visa Waiver program in which he can stay in Australia and work there for 6 months, after which he may or may not be sponsored by his employer.
4 :
Immigration visas for Australia are restricted to people with qualifications and experience in occupations that appear on our lists of occupations that are eligible for work visas. I'm afraid that heavy machine operation, truck driving and similar occupations were all removed from eligibility for temporary employer sponsored work visas a couple of years ago and were never eligible for permanent visas. He will not be eligible for a work visa of any kind for any length of time with or without employer sponsorship and his nationality is irrelevant. It is NEVER possible for anyone to work in Australia under the Visa Waiver Program.
5 :
One word... dont
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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I have some questions about Italy in WWI

I have some questions about Italy in WWI?
It's for a school project and I've looked online but not coming up with much. What should be done with Germany's army and navy? Who should pay reparations and how much? Should industry be limited or ended in the Central Powers? How would the Treaty of Versailles be enforced? Should a permanent international peace keeping organization be established? I would appreciate tips or websites that will help me search for what Italy wanted to do with the Central Powers and not what anyone else wanted to do or what actually happened.
History - 4 Answers
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1 :
The path to a modern liberal democracy was interrupted by World War I. At first Italy stayed neutral, but in 1915, under pressure from the United Kingdom and France, Italy signed the London Pact by which she became an allied belligerent. In return, the two Powers promised that, at the end of the war, Italy would receive Trento, Trieste, Istria, Dalmatia and some territories in Turkey. Italy managed to defeat the Austrian-Hungarian Empire in November 1918, but only with the considerable help of French and British army divisions and the disintegration of the Austro-Hungarian Army. During the war, 600,000 Italians died and the economy collapsed with high inflation and unemployment. In the Peace treaty, Italy obtained just Trento, Trieste and Istria but not other lands scheduled from the Pact of London, so this victory was defined as "mutilated". Subsequently, after the Greco-Turkish War of 1919-1922, Italy formally annexed the Dodecanese (Possedimenti Italiani dell'Egeo), that she had occupied during the war. The London Pact - According to the pact, Italy was to leave the Triple Alliance and join Triple Entente, as already stated in a secret agreement signed in London, on 4-5 September 1914. Furthermore, Italy was to declare war against Germany and Austria-Hungary within a month — and in fact the declaration of war was published 23 May of the same year. In exchange, Italy was to obtain some territorial gains (see Italia irredenta) at the end of the war: 1. Tyrol up to the main water divide, as claimed by Ettore Tolomei in his Prontuario dei nomi locali dell'Alto Adige, South Tyrol occupied by Italians after the truce of 1918 2. Trieste 3. Gorizia and Gradisca 4. Istria, but not Rijeka 5. part of Inner Carniola 6. Northern Dalmatia (including Zadar) 7. Dodecanese 8. Protectorate over Albania 9. Vlorë 10. part of the German Asian and African colonial empire The Italians insisted, and the Allies agreed, that the question of the Croatian coast between Zara and Istria should be settled after the war. They also insisted that Serbia should not be informed about the agreements. This, however, the Allies overruled by sending to the Government of Serbia an official Note, dated 4 August 1915, confirming the postwar territorial claims of Serbia and Montenegro. The pact was to be kept secret, but after the October Revolution, it was published by Russian journal Izsvestia, in November 1917. At the Paris Peace Conference, the Italians insisted that they would negotiate only with their wartime allies Serbia and Montenegro, not with defeated enemies included in delegation of the new Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. In particular they were incensed that three members of the delegation were former Austro-Hungarian deputies (Croats Ante Trumbić, Josip Smodlaka, and the Slovene Otokar Ribarž), and that one (the Slovene Ivan Žolger) had served as Minister in the wartime Austrian Cabinet. The pact was nullified with the Treaty of Versailles, because Woodrow Wilson, supporting Slavic claims and not recognizing the treaty, rejected Italian requests on Dalmatian territories. The Partition of the Tyrol was confirmed by the Treaty of St. Germain.
2 :
itsly had nothing to do with any of that, only 3 countries controlled those aspects of history the us, england, and france.
3 :
Linked to the "Big Three" was Italy led by Vittorio Orlando. He was frequently left on the sidelines when the important negotiations took place despite Italy fighting on the side of the Allies. Why was Italy treated in this manner? At the start of the war in 1914, Italy should have fought with Germany and Austria as she had signed the Triple Alliance which dictated that if one of the three was attacked, the other two would go to that country's aid. Italy did not join in on Germany's side but waited until 1915 and joined the side of Britain and France. This association with Germany was enough to taint Italy in the eyes of the "Big Three". Also Italy had not played an overwhelming part in the war. Her army had been beaten at the battles of Caporetto. Her strategic importance to central Europe was minimal whilst Britain dominated the Mediterranean with naval bases in Malta and Gibraltar. Italy's potential military clout in 1919, should the need arise to put pressure on Germany and Austria, was limited.
4 :
Treaty of Versailles is an unfair treaty, though, there are also fair points. All the Big Three, David Lloyd George, Georges Clemenceau and Woodrow Wilson, often disagree with each other as what they wanted in the treaty differ with each other. David Lloyd George wanted a fair treaty, buthe will be going for an election soon and the people in his country wanted a harsh treaties, he would want a treaty that is between fair and harsh. For Georges Clemenceau, as he is the Prime Minister of France, he wanted a harsh treaty as France had been attacked by the Germany 2 times, one in 1870 (Franco-Prussian War) and another in 1914 which is more recent (World War I), just about 4/5 year ago before the Paris Peace Conference. For Woodrow Wilson, as he was President of USA, he do not want to intervene with European affair anymore. European should learn to live peacefully with each other. He just want to set up League of Nation and after that, would not intervene with their matter anymore. Back to the topic: I think Germany's army and navy should be reduced but not so much. All the losing country to pay reparation (Austria, Germany and Turkey) Industry should not be limited or ended as they 'will die'. Treaty of Versailles should be fair, reparation cost should not be too high. International peace keeping organization should not be established And for Italy, Italy was once an Alliance with Germany. I believe Italy switch to Allied Power in the midst of the war.
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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Immigration green card question involving spouse

Immigration green card question involving spouse?
I was wondering I just received my U.S. Citizenship, my wife who is Italian citizen as I was wants to get her green card. Does she have to be in the U.S. to start this process? She's attending school back in Italy at this time.
Immigration - 4 Answers
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first decide if she wants to finish school there. if so then wait to file the I-130. she does not have to return to start the process.
2 :
No, she can apply at the local US embassy. It is a 2 step process. The first costs about $400 with DHS(dept. Homeland Sec.) and they will require a bunch of paperwork, marriage & birth certificates, some government forms, an interview, and passports and Italian ID. They if approved your case will be sent to the State department and after another $400 and an interview she'll have her green card. It took about 3 months for my wife here in Honduras. Applications take about a year if filed in the US due to the volume of cases. So she'd be better off in Italy, but you may need to be there for her interviews. Go to the USCIS website and you can find all of the forms on line (downloadable & printable) there as well as instructions for applying.
3 :
NO!!! unless you want to take at least 3 years to get her to the United States. Provided you have not filed any immigration paperwork of any kind you may have an extra option. If she comes to visit you in the United States see an immigration attorney and ask them to change apply for a change of status from tourist to resident. At the same time submit the application for the spouse. Our attorney did this for us and the entire process only took 6 months from start to finish.
4 :
no she can stay in italy
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Monday, May 16, 2011

Italy and children with dual citizenship

Italy and children with dual citizenship?
My fiancé and I are both dual citizens, and so I'm supposing our children will be as well. We have residences in both the United States and Italy, and plan on homeschooling our children through elementary school as we spend time living in both places. What I'm confused with is who we have to inform about their method of learning? I know the guidelines and such with the United States and homeschooling, but would I have to inform the Italian government about my children's education as well? Would I have to inform them even if we only lived in the United States?
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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in my opinion it is enough to report this to the italian school's director. anyway, your children should follow the track.
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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Italy and children with dual citizenship

Italy and children with dual citizenship?
My fiancé and I are both dual citizens, and so I'm supposing our children will be as well. We have residences in both the United States and Italy, and plan on homeschooling our children through elementary school as we spend time living in both places. What I'm confused with is who we have to inform about their method of learning? I know the guidelines and such with the United States and homeschooling, but would I have to inform the Italian government about my children's education as well? Would I have to inform them even if we only lived in the United States?
Immigration - 1 Answers
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1 :
The safest approach would be to contact both US and Italy immigration.
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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Why does Italy form a new coalition government almost every year

Why does Italy form a new coalition government almost every year?
I have a hard time in government class and i thought i would ask my fellow cyber friends to help me out. I need to know why italy forms a new coalition government almost every year by tonight for an assignment that is due tomarrow, I for got my book at school. If you could help me out that would be great. Thanks so much *Tessa*
Government - 2 Answers
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Because they like it. MIX. Every one having rights to do what ever he wants.
2 :
It seems to be the result of the political system in Italy.The Italian parliament comprises the Chamber of Deputies and Senate and since 1993 75% of the 315 elected seats in the Italian Senate are elected for a 5 year term on a first past the post basis and the rest elected seats filled by proportional representation. In the Chamber of Deputies 75% of seats are elected on a first past the post system and 25% by proportional representation. This seems to be a recipe for chaos because no political party or faction ever has an overall majority so can not exercise power except by compromise and partnership with other parties, who sooner or later decide to cease supporting the party in government.
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Sunday, April 24, 2011

How difficult would it be for me to move to Italy

How difficult would it be for me to move to Italy?
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Italy and I speak the language moderately well, it was one of my college majors. I am starting medical school next fall, and once I graduate how hard would it be for me to move there? Would I have to get a work visa? Would it take a long time? Also, does anyone know if I have a medical lisence in the US would that allow me to be elligible to practice medicine in Italy?
Immigration - 3 Answers
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1 :
It would be more difficult than moving to say...Mississippi, or something. But certainly doable. Lots of Americans live in Italy. Yes, you would have to get a work visa. Though I don't think it takes that long. A US Medical license is not valid in Italy, as far as I know. You would have to be licensed in that country, as well. Do a search on "Italian Immigration," and I am sure you will find a website of their laws! Good luck!!
2 :
If you have a job or you want to study here, it would be simpler, but even without a job, you can still apply, if you can assure you can provide guarantee about "substantial and steady private income private income (pensions or annuities) from property, stable economic and commercial activities or from other sources" Look at Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs official website: or also here: For instance, here's what you get if you're an American citizen living in America, you want to live in Italy but you don't have a work: Documents required for ELECTIVE RESIDENCE Type of visa foreseen for foreign citizens who intend to reside in Italy without working 1. visa application form 2. recent passport-style photo 3. passport or travel document valid for at least three months after visa expiry date 4. documented and detailed guarantee of substantial and steady private income private income (pensions or annuities) from property, stable economic and commercial activities or from other sources 5. availability of adeguate lodgings in Italy
3 :
i can't help you with any specifics, but i did watch a special speaking of the declining population of italy. and actually they are LOOKING for immigrants to keep their population levels steady. so.....this might not benefit you right now, but i imagine by the time you finish med school and all of that, they may have changed the rules a bit. good luck!
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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Does anyone know (Nursing school in the US related)

Does anyone know (Nursing school in the US related)?
I'm about to start Nursing School in my country (Italy) and I was wondering, does anyone know (or knows of somebody) if, once you have your degree, you can "transfer" it in the US? You see, living in America is my dream and so is medicine (well... nursing) so i was wondering if this can be a possibility... thanks!
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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1 :
contact these people. a big nursing org in the usa they can help your further.
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Friday, April 8, 2011

Questions about army airborne

Questions about army airborne?
I just starting looking into joining the army. Airborne looks like something i would want to do but i just have a few questions that i cant find anywhere. I'm still not too sure how everything works. Can i have a 21w mos and go to airborne school? After airborne school where would i most likely go? If i went to the airborne school in italy would i stay in europe or would come back to the US once im done with the training What would i do as a paratrooper and 21w mos? What are my chances of seeing combat if i go this route?
Military - 1 Answers
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There is no Airborne school in Italy. Ft Benning, GA is the one and only Army Airborne School. Any MOS can attend ABN school and you are needs of the army ( you will go where the army needs your MOS) once you graduate, assuming you go to ABN school right after AIT. Having your jump wings doesn't mean you'll go to an Airborne unit. You may never jump again.
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Friday, April 1, 2011

What are some good colleges in Italy for music

What are some good colleges in Italy for music?
I'm currently only a freshman in high school, but i'm sure that i want to study music. And preferably in Italy because I'm Italian and i want to live there for a while. So if you know of any good schools there, please do share. and a link to a website would be nice if you can.
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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1 :
Information is below.
2 :
Here in Rome it's very famous Conservatorio di Santa Cecilia.
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Thursday, March 24, 2011

are there any schools in venice italy

are there any schools in venice italy????????
ok I know it may sound dumb but I can't find info on that through the net. I wanted to know if there are any colleges, high schools, grammar schools, ect.. names would be great. thnx. oh yeah I want to know because im writing a book and venice is a part in it so I need info. thnx again!
Venice - 6 Answers
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1 :
yes theirs schools in Venice, i think there's even a military school. in Venice theirs towns inside of towns. and each town has a school so if you can find out the mini towns you can find the schools. most are next to the churches, even tho there not connected.
2 :
The city of Venice contains also the town of Mestre on the mainland. It the city of Venice there are 242 schools, most public, excluding universities. Of them, 83 are nursery schools, 63 are primary schools (for 6 to 11 years old), 21 secondary schools (for 11 to 14 years old), and the others are high schools or comprehensive schools (for 14 to 19 years old). You may look here: In Venice there are also some universities: * l'Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia (economy, languages, philology, philosophy, sciences); * l'Università IUAV (architecture and art); * l'Accademia di Belle Arti (visual arts); * Venice International University (international consortium for education and research).
3 :
I would have understood an answer like "How are schools in Venice?" But... "ARE THERE ANY SCHOOLS IN VENICE"?!?!? Oh my God... what idea have you of Italy? do you really think that your country has the monopoly of civilization?
4 :
of course there are schools in one of the biggests city in Italy
5 :
Yes. Info in: - Ciao!
6 :
go to google map and search venice, then digit liceo or scuola
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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

what is d website 4 british embassy in italy?how can i get addresses of some 2ndary schools in britain

what is d website 4 british embassy in italy?how can i get addresses of some 2ndary schools in britain?
I am 14yrs old. I want 2 study in britain but I dont know how get in contact with some secondary schools there.I am a nigerian currently living in can i get in contact with some secondary schools in britain?
Embassies & Consulates - 1 Answers
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1 :
British Embassy and Consulate Via XX Settembre 80a 00187 Roma Tel 06 482 5441 or 06 482 5551 night emergencies 06 482 5400/8893 email
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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

finding a job in italy

finding a job in italy?
i am going to either attend central saint martins in london or a school here in the states for fashion design. if i wanted to move to italy after finishing school, would i be able to find a job there. i speak spanish and Basic italian. would they not want to hire me if i come from a different country??is it really competitive??
Other - Careers & Employment - 1 Answers
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It's very difficult for people outside of the EU (European Union) to get a job within an EU country. You can't just put in some applications as you would do here in the States. First off, you'd need a visa. In order to get a visa you'd have to prove that you were able to financially able to support yourself OR you'd have to have a job lined up already in Italy. Italian companies are reluctant to hire foreigners, unless you have some super awesome skill that they cannot find from a local person. It's too much time, energy and money for them to have to fill out the paperwork to hire a foreigner who has basic skills. With that said, I won't say that it's impossible. Before I moved to Paris I heard the same thing. When I got to Paris I realized that I could actually make a living giving tours and teaching English privately. I'm a writer, so my business is portable, and I never had to do those things. But it was interesting to see what other people were able to do to make their way. Anyway, hope that helps.
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