Wednesday, June 24, 2009

How do I avoid theft in Florence and other parts of Italy

How do I avoid theft in Florence and other parts of Italy?
I am spending five weeks in Florence for school in two weeks. My grandparents (who have visited Italy on more than one occasion) are telling me how important it is that I get a money belt thing to wear under my clothes because it's so unsafe there with pickpockets and theft. Is this really necessary? Do they tend to pick out the tourists? And is there ways to avoid this? I'm just concerned that the tourist-y belt thing might scream, "pick on me, I'm not from around here!" My grandparents are really starting to freak me out.
Florence - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
yes pickpockets are really good at when stealing your stuff so here are things that can help you: Wear a money belt or pouch dress like a local person don't dress like a tourist for more info click on the site hope that helps
2 :
Sorry, but your grandparents are right. On my trip to Italy, a women near us got dragged by 2 teens trying to take her backpack. (Her husband caught one & beat the snot out of him. Then the Police arrested the teen.) Then, on line for David, our tour group had a woman posing as a tourist (ugly clothes, camera & all) join our group to look for someone to steal from. She just didn't know that she'd joined a group, so we spread the word and stared at her, and she left us to find some other prey. My sister's husband nearly got pickpocketed on their trip, but he always looks like a tourist. Definitely use a money belt or something under your clothes. Don't wear flashy colorful clothes or sneakers (major tourist thing). Watch your surroundings. Be safe. Italy is AWESOME!
3 :
Grandparents are generally a little paranoid. There's no reason to be nervous or freak out. Just use common sense. Use a money belt if it makes you feel comfortable -- at least in the beginning until you get the lay of the land. Pick-pocketing does happen (especially around the train station), but it's not as common as it is in Rome, for example. Walk confidently, don't carry a lot of cash, leave the credit cards in a safe if possible. You should be okay.
4 :
I live in Italy and yes pickpockets are everywhere here especially in the major cities. Wearing the money belt under your clothes is a very good idea. Also you can get an ID holder on a string that you wear around your neck to put your money and credit cards in. I have been told that pickpockets don't generally hit when you are standing still but when you are moving and in crowded area....train stations, tourist areas, etc.
5 :
I live in Italy and I feel safe from theft here for the most part. It is like going to NYC or any other major city, but not worse. With the exception of Naples, which is extremely dangerous. In Florence I would use the same precautions you would use in any big US city; be aware of your surroundings, don't stop and talk to people trying to hand out fliers or sell stuff on the street, keep your purse tucked under your arm, possibly with a zipper. I go to Florence often and have never felt uneasy or witnessed any trouble.
6 :
I have never felt so safe as I was in Rome and the rest of Northern Italy last year I travelled on the metro throughout Rome and also walked all over Florence - with no problems at all. Although I do have a personal travel motto - "carry what you can afford to lose". I carried credit cards in my top pocket of my denim jacket and a bit of cash - then had stuff like a camera and purse in my handbag. It is best to have a bag you can sling across your body - but all the locals carry handbags (almost like normal people really!!!) If you are worried - take a money bag and decide when you get there - I spent a fortune on anti- stealing devices before I left for Italy only to arrive and find them unnecessary and very obvious to every one else. I left mine in my luggage after day one. I did a tour thing and the tour guide really ramped up the fear factor about how unsafe it was to all on the tour - I felt that she did that to make us all more scared and therefore more reliant on her and the tour company. Live your life and enjoy Italy - it is simply such a magical destination to be a part of!
7 :
Yes unfortunately Italy is a high spot for pick pockets as is Paris one of the best things is a money belt. another thing is to wear a back pack a smallish one and wear it in front so you can see it another thing if your really scared is to use a simple luggage lock on the zippers don't put anything in your pockets and when shopping people usually pull out their whole stack of cash keep the lesser bills on the out side it will fool someone if their watching you. also always use the safe in your hotel rooms. don't let worry ruin your trip Italy is one of my favorite places to be! live laugh enjoy!!! In tensione è grande in modo da vive!!
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