Thursday, October 8, 2009

What should I wear in Italy

What should I wear in Italy?
I'm 13 and I'm going on a school trip to Italy in July and i don't know what to wear. I heard that its inappropriate to wear shorts that are shorter than your middle finger when your arms are at your sides. I was hoping this isn't true because all my shorts are short and i have long arms. We are also going to be walking a lot and my teacher suggested we walk fast so i'll need to wear comfortable clothes. are tank tops ok? should i use a backpack or a purse? What is the temperature going to be? How do i not look like a tacky tourist? any other tips? We are going to visit Rome, Florence, Venice, Genova, Milan, and i think that's it i unfortunately don't have money for designer clothes.
Other - Italy - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Dress casual but always look neat !!!! You will need good walking shoes. Forget short shorts.......
2 :
in summer the clime in italy is hot...and you wear all you want!...the shorts, t-shirt...but...when you go for example in the church (rome) don't wear the shorts, you must wear the traousers long under the knee... and you musn't wear the top... byebye! sorry...i'm an italian girl (i live near milan) english is very terrible"
3 :
ahaha unless u go to Vatican City, Italian girls wear the sluttiest clothes in the world, so just don't care of all those sh*its about the middle finger bla advice i can give is that if u don't wanna look like a tourist, take with u ur best and stylish clothes ( i guess u're from US...well in Italy stuff like Aeropostale,American Eagle,old navy,crocks are considered shit....i'd go with Converse stuff, Nike, D&G[if u have it]....and we don't dress least the sportive ones...and an other tip is that don't do the typical cheesy pictures to the monuments as all tourists do, just do it to yourselves and ur friends and maybe the monuments too.... have fun!
4 :
Cover always knees and elbows if you wish to visit churches.
5 :
" in Italy stuff like Aeropostale,American Eagle,old navy,crocks are considered ****...." hahahah! reason #3745675456 to love italy
6 :
Do not wear american eagle or holliester or ascribe. If you have any of those clothing brands... you will for sure be known as a tourist. that is all i can say apart from the fact that they have the whole retro look going on there! good luck :)
7 :
It's not important what you wear, it's important what you are!!!! I'm an italian guy, I'm 16 and I live in Milan... when will you be in Milan??? maybe we can meet us... I'll show you our fantastic Milan!!!! if you want to talk with me about your trip or other, send me an e-mail and I'll give you my messenger!!!! see you in Milan.... bye bye
8 :
wear whatever you want.. doesnt really matter
9 :
The temperature is like 25-32°. I live in Rome, it's really hot. But I'd don't wear shorts or top because you can't enter in churches with that, and SURELY you will visit a church...
10 :
I'M ITALIAN in italy it's very very cold now because it's summer and we wear a short clothes but when we have at school we musn't wear a short vert clothes you can weara short that are long near the kneel and a lot of t-shirt when you are out of the class you can wear something but if you visit a cathedral or a religiou place you must waer school clothes too
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