Thursday, October 1, 2009

What should I pack on my 10 day trip to Italy and France

What should I pack on my 10 day trip to Italy and France?
I'm going to Italy and France for the first time with my school in the middle of April - what kind of clothes/anything else should I bring? Also any tips or advice or anything would be appreciated!
Packing & Preparation - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
great walking shoes -you will probably do a lot of sight seeing. Long sleeve tops, light wind breaker, sweater (in case temperature should drop), tylenol (you don't want to start hunting around for something new at a pharmacy where instructions are only in french or italian), guide book, phone numbers of your embassy (in case something happens, you don't want to have to start searching when you are there), photo copy of your passport (in case it gets stolen), insurance, mobile phone (to call home) pocket dictionary camera have fun!
2 :
The other answer has a lot of good suggestions - layers are a particularly good idea since it can be chilly in the evenings or early mornings. Make sure you don't overpack, you don't need a lot of stuff to lug around with you here. One useful thing to have is a small folding umbrella that you can stick in a pocket or purse. It doesn't rain all that much, but it's nice to have one when it does. I live in northern Italy and have a very small umbrella that I stick in my back pocket when I go out exploring. If you've got a digital camera, bring extra memory and your charger. If you're not from the EU or you are from the UK, you'll need an adaptor for the plug, but not a voltage converter.
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