Wednesday, September 16, 2009

U.S. High School:How is it organized

U.S. High School:How is it organized?
I'm an italian student who's studying at the medical school in turin,northern italy. i'm very fond of american culture and i'd like to know how your high school is structured and organized;what are the courses you follow and the subject you study?;can you choose them accordingly to your abilities and interests as we see in american fictions?how does it last? After the high school you should go to university,shouldn't you?there is a test to get through to be accepted to colleges,isn't it? if someone were interested in knowing how school is in italy may ask me and i will kindly answer. thanks a lot everybody you have been perfect,describing all that and making me have an idea of how things are. thank you thousand
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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I graduated HS a long time ago (4-5 years) but my sister is still there and things haven't changed much. 1) There is a program outline you have to follow. There are so many credits you have to earn in order to graduate. Usually, you're not left w/ a lot of choices. The courses are laid out for you already. I think I took 4-5 electives my entire HS career so there wasn't a lot of freedom. The required courses included: economics, government, english, math (algebra, geometry, algebra II, calculus), foreign language (french or spanish), chemistry, biology, physics was optional, computer science, history (european, american, world), physical education (any sport activity like volleyball, soccer, football, baseball, tennis, gym class). Then there were electives like fine art credits: choir, drama class, pottery, yearbook staff, art, home economics, etc. 2) Takes 4 years on average. You can graduate early if you get all your credits done in time. I, for example, took dual credit classes at my local college and then transferred them to my HS so I finished a year early. Finishing any quicker than 3 years is rare. 3) You don't have to go to college after HS but many kids do. These days, it's getting to the point where you almost HAVE to get a college degree to get a good job. There is a test that colleges require called the SAT. It's a standardized test that tests you on your basic knowledge of math and english. There is also the TAKS test that is required to actually graduate from HS. This test evaluates your knowledge on writing, math, science and history. Keep in mind that each HS will be different, require different courses and offer alternatives that others might not. But I summed it up pretty basic for ya. Hope it helped.
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