Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I want to move to Italy, and my family lives there

I want to move to Italy, and my family lives there?
Okay im in the usa, But my whole dad's side lives in italy, I can live with them possibly work for awhile with them until i learn the full Language, it has always been my dream to live there but im having a hard time deciding what to do....Ik i can go to school there sooner or later, i just want to live there always have and always will, but in usa i can always get a job and go to school, Just in italy will be harder, any advice?
Other - Italy - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Just move.
2 :
well Italy doesn't give u all these opportunities...it's my country...it's very beautiful...but even so boring if u don't live in big cities... if i were u...i'll try to come here 4 a couple of months and see if u like it or not...Italy is good for other things but not for working..it depends about what do u wanna do in your life...what are your interests...look inside u...and think about things that u love...and then u could think about a work...anyway contact me...if u wanna know something more specific... think that i'd like to live in USA...we could switch life.....lol
3 :
I agree with kittyy. Miciurina, l'erba del vicino ...
4 :
If you've got family there, go visit. Moving isn't permanent, so it can't hurt. It also depends on where they live. If it's out in the country, it may not be the luxurious life you have in your head. Go visit and see if you'd like it.
5 :
Did you watch -Under the Tuscan Sun-?? It's a wonderful movie depicting the Italian way of life, so genuine and slow, the poverty of the peasants and the food! Marcelo the latin lover, I love Itallia and Italian men. It's my dream live in Italy too!
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