Saturday, July 16, 2011

Do you think knowing some Spanish helps you learn Italian better

Do you think knowing some Spanish helps you learn Italian better?
I'm in Spanish 2 and when I go to college I want to study abroad in Italy for a school year. I've noticed that a lot of Italian words sound similar to Spanish and since I'm most likely going to have to be fluent in Italian if I go for a school year I'm curious to know if knowing some Spanish makes learning Italian easier.
Languages - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Yes. Learning ANY language makes learning the next language easier. They are both Romance Languages. They are closely related. French would get you along further in Italian...they are even closer.
2 :
Yes. The languages are similar, Spanish is a little harder to write. But if you speak Spanish, you can easily understand an Italian. (not all of it, but still a lot)
3 :
Yes, but not as much as I originally thought. Grammar won't help much, however phonetics are almost the same. I don't know any Italian sound that is not present in Spanish. The same goes for Portuguese. If you know any "Latin" language then yes it will help you learn another Latin language.
4 :
I just speak Spanish and I have no desire to learn Italian.At home I have a book that is in both Spanish and Italian.While I see a lot of similarities yet the differences are very great and many.However I think knowing Spanish would make learning Italian easier.
5 :
Yes, the languages are similar, but Italian is harder to learn, because there are many rules..
6 :
Italian is harder than spanish because there are many irregular verbs that you have to learn by heart and the grammar is more complicated. but, it's for sure that knowing spanish will make it easier for you to learn italian. many words are both in italian language and spanish language but the meaning might change.. for example: vaso (spanish) glass vetro (italian) glass vaso (italian) flowerpot tarro (spanish) flowerpot
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