Friday, July 8, 2011

In Italy, or France, do you study ancient greek at school

In Italy, or France, do you study ancient greek at school?

Primary & Secondary Education - 4 Answers
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1 :
yes in italy and greece they have .in france ,i don't know........
2 :
Yes, a few schools in both countries offer ancient Greek as an elective course. Some such course work would be offered to students in the upper grades of school, but mostly ancient Greek would be treated as a university course.
3 :
In Italy yes
4 :
Not sure it is very popular these days (except maybe in literature or linguistic studies) but Latin and/or Ancient Greek were considered in France as key classes if you wanted a classic, well-rounded education. It was true for my parents' generation (I'm in my late thirties) as well as mine (I studied and hated both).
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