Saturday, October 1, 2011

How can i ask my mum if i can shave my legs

How can i ask my mum if i can shave my legs?
I have already said that i hate my legs because they are all hairy and yucky and all she said was 'who has told you you have horrible legs?' Its not only my legs though but in not going to tell her about.... anywhere else lol. I need to shave before i go on holiday to Italy with my school in october because i dont want any hair shown anywhere lol. What can i do apart from asking her straight off? Please be understanding and don't make fun. thanks
Women's Health - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Just ask her. It's very, very common (really the norm in Western countries) for women to shave their legs.
2 :
Many girls have negative self body-image - in other words, they have been taught to hate their bodies as ugly or inferior. And that negative mindset often leads to destructive behaviors, like eating disorders, cutting, premature sexual activity, and depression. That's why your mom is concerned, because she wants you to be happy and healthy and not to fall victim to any of these things. So show her that you have a positive mindset, that you love your body and want to take care of it. There's a small but important difference between "I want to shave my legs because they are horrible unless I do" and "I want to shave my legs so I can be just as beautiful on the outside as I am on the inside." Remember to emphasize the positive. Tell her that you're growing older and want to start exploring different facets of your personality, which includes different looks and beauty styles. Ask her to take you shopping (maybe once a week for each topic) and explain everything she knows about shaving, make-up, skin care, lingerie, menstruation, etc, and then let you experiment on your own. That way she gets to give you a solid foundation, but you still get to explore on your own and find out what works for you.
3 :
Just ask her...I was terrified to ask my mum, but once I did I felt better and there was nothing to worry about! Best of luck :)
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