Saturday, October 8, 2011

I need help from an Italian who's lived in Italy and the US, please..?
What can you tell me about the Italian family structure? Explain. Is there an extended family? What are two special events or holidays that you celebrate each year and how do you celebrate them? Is there a food or treat you love that is found in Italy and not the US? What is the school system like in Italy? What do you think is the greatest difference between the US and Italy? thanks for your answers. i do need to know answers to all of those questions though :) thanks everyone. good answers
Other - Italy - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
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Well, to talk about the holidays. During Christmas theres a Fest of the Seven Seas. Theres a bunch of fish and squid, pretty gross really.
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Let me suggest that you contact member pegbumvit, who is an american living in Italy
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i dont know the other stuff, but there isnt a food that is only in italy that isnt in the USA
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Im an Italian Living in Australia. I have traveled to Italy alot and what I have noticed is that Northern Italians and Southern Italians are very different. Food, Family, careers and money have different meanings. The biggest difference I observed is the 'siesta' which is that all shops close for 5 hours. Between 12-5 pm. In the smallest villages this is a norm. Also they have alot of Saint days which are celebrated and paraded through the small streets in the village. Family well,..when i stayed in Italy I stayed at a cousins house who I have NEVER met and they treated me like I was there child. Family blood is powerful.
5 :
Caio (chow)! Welcome to Italy. My name is Sherrin. My family is as Italian as you can get. My Grandparents are from southern Italy, and they grew up Roman cathloic. They take there Religion VERY seriously. Extended family is the Root of all Italian families. We do everything together. Most children are expected to atttend cathloic school and are expected to attend catachism. The boys are expected to be alter boys. Italians LOVE food. Any kind of pasta is wonderful to the Italians. Never say spegetti unless it is the spegetti noodle. Italians will correct you. They call it pasta or call it by the name of the noodle, like ravioli,mosticholli,lingunine,etc....Also you are expected to save yourself from marriage, and you are expected to marry an Italian. In the united states, its not as strick. I am marrying a russian native. We are great people but sometimes the guys can be anal. Watch the movie my BIG fat greek wedding. The Italians are just like them. Loud and Proud. Also Italians love the Game MORDA(more..Da) It's a number game from 1 to 10. Grazie (thanks) for letting me talk about my Italian heritage. P.s I am a blond with pale white skin. Not all Italians are dark. Also italians Love there saints. most Italian children are named after saints. You will also see alot of Michel Anthonys or Anthony micheals. There are usually 4 to 5 generations of men in the same family with the same name. Like my grandfather is Anthony Micheal III father the fourth, brother the 5th. names stay in the family.
6 :
I'm Italian..the family is very important for us Italian and in the south of the Italy the family is larger than north because they live with uncle, aunt, gran mother,grandad.... the most important event is the Christmas and school stay closed since 22-23/12 to 7/01 of next year because we celebrate also the Epiphany for us the religio is important but not so you can read in other answer ok? the food is more healthier the US, here there are less fast food and more restaurant and the food is very tasty!!! the Italian pasta or pizza you can be not found in USA!!! the school sty opening since September to June and there are a school for the children to 3-6 years old, the elementary school for 6-11 years old children and the next 3 years you mus go to the school Media...all this school are obligatory, except maternal school. after this schools you can go or in a grammar school and then to the university or in of the schools of starter to the job. the great difference is the way of life i hope to you it are useful hi Giulia
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the italian family structure is very extended, they treat all as family, be it your first born child or a 5th cousin! its normal for your parents to come and live with you in their old age, blood is thick here, and family comes together as much as possibile! It depends for the holidays. For example here in Naples I would say the 3 most important are Christmas, 19 September (San Gennaro the city's patron Saint where there are processions around the city behind a big gold staute if the Saint) and the 15 August, Feast of Our Lady. The events or holidays differ from town to town and they are Public Holidays with Street Parties which end with a big fireworks display at around midnight there are many special treats that cannot be found in the states, this also differs from area to area, most of the Italian food in America has been changed to suit American palates and is not really Italian. I really do notice the difference between even pizza. the school system is very different, I send my kids to an international school as I do not like the Italian State system. English is not taught, kids are expected to learn English Literature off by heart and that is their English. Also at 14 years of age they have to decide to study or in an Classic High School (they learn Latin, Greek and the 'classical0 subjects) Scientific, Art, etc. in all these different high schools the subjects and their importance differ, they also affect what you can study in university. Kids can legally leave school here at 14 the biggest difference is the culture. it is always a culture shock when I come to the States and then again when I come back to Italy. There are many differences and its hard to say which is the really is as they vary from Italians not drinking cappucino after 11am to the cultural system....... hope this helps you out a little!!!
8 :
Family life is changing rapidly in Italy today. The country is more urban than ever and this has taken its toll on family life.... and the traditional family structure. Once upon a time..... there was only a one income provider, "the man of the family", and the wife stayed home to tend to the house and to the eventual children. Once the man returned home in the evenings the entire family would be present to greet him and all would sit together to eat - the man at the head of the table. Families tended to live close by and it was via this family net-work that one would move through life. During the work day the women would consult and or help each other run errands and do chores. It was thru this net work that the young men would find work and or get school help. Women did go to school but it wasn't until the 60's that it was more common to see women in the universities. Today - in order to make end meet couples must both work. Now-a-days - dinner together in the evenings is disrupted by cell phone, the TV and or maybe the kids just aren't home when both mom & dad arrive. The sense of family is slowly loosing its meaning in today's fast paced Italy.... and this mainly in the North but it's also happening in the South too. It's happening in the small villages also - many teenagers leave their small towns to attend university and once graduated never return - because they can't find jobs. "Natale con i tuoi, Pasqua con chi vuoi". Christmas with the family and Easter with whom you wish. Christmas is traditionally a family affair. Foods are served that "grandma" used to make. Each region and village has it own special way to celebrate. Easter is usually a family gathering too but you may have friends over too. Usually your children’s friends over. There also religious holidays that are celebrated. Each city, town and village have a patron saint. Some places more than others have a strong tradition of celebrating their patron. Catania, Sicily, for example celebrates Saint Agatha – it’s a 3 days affair that involves thousands of people. For more information take a look at: Naples (as well as many US Italian cities with Neapolitan populations) has it Saint Gerard: Milan has Saint Ambrose'Ambrogio and Venice, Saint Mark. School in Italy – the system is in constant reform. Teachers in Italy are the least paid in the entire European Union. Classes are over crowded. And now you can even find bulling in the calls rooms, hall ways and out side of the schools. Kids are getting high and teachers are trying to cope. A university career is kiss up and move up. You can publish your ass off and unless you have a “god father” you’ll just spin your wheels. ALL THE SAME – Italian university students are working in some of the world most prestigious departs – this is in line with the Italian saying that to be (a) famous (Italian) you to find your place outside of the country (or at least this is the gist). The school system works because it has hard working and dedicated people – men and women – who do their best every day to make sure they share their knowledge with students. This is much more to say here but time and space lack. US vs. Italy? The greatest differences are Language. Passion for life, food and love and not always in this order. The politics – and the court system. A food or a treat you can find in Italy but not in the US? This is difficult seeing that there are many Italians who live in the US and have taken their food habits with them too. Let's see... + I figure maybe the "giuggiolo" - this is a fruit (see below for the Latin name) grown in Italy since (ancient) Roman times. I've never ever seen this in the States. I have had this curious looking fruit when visit the Veneto. Tastes good and I'd certainly buy some more to eat again. + There are cheeses in Italy that you won't find in the Staes but unfortunately I don't know the names. + Blood oranges - with all of the oranges that are grown in the US no one grows the blood orange!!! Too bad. I've blood orange juice, jam and even salad (oil and vinegar). I can't think of anything else for now but any ideas come to I'll get back to you.
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