Monday, August 1, 2011

Can I do a high school exchange to the USA

Can I do a high school exchange to the USA?
I want to spend a full school year in the USA as a gap year before I goto university/college back in New Zealand. However I am struggling to find an organisation that will lets people who have graduated high school go. I know that they exist as a person I used to know did one to Italy.
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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1 :
Are you sure you want to repeat high school for a year? You can also take classes at a community college. What about doing other things like volunteering or internship? Maybe some kind of peace corps stuff? A job? "Organic farm exchange" (WWOOF)? ... There is really a lot of other options. I think taking a gap year is a great idea, but doing the exchange thing may be a little expensive. I'm sure you can find something nice though. Good luck!
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