Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What do you think of Italy and Italians

What do you think of Italy and Italians?
Hello I'm an italian boy and I'm writing from my school of Venice. I write for the school magazine and I'm doing an article about the immagine of italy in the world. In U.S.A. what do you think of Italy an Italians? Thanks to all.
Other - Italy - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
They speak italian, and do not eat Americanized pizza.
2 :
Italy is my obsession i have never been there but when i get a little bit older i want to go live over there!! I think its just so romantic and completely amazing and well i think italian girls are gorgeous!! and i love the way they talk
3 :
yummy italian food and Beautiful places canals and all
4 :
This is a great question. More people should study there homelands from the outside looking in. And what a good way to do it. As and American my impression will sound Oh so stereo typical to you. Most of us like Italian food, so we think of the culinary arts. Garlic, tomato sauce, PASTA. But I don't think you are asking what we think of your food. I think if Italy as a highly cultured and historic place. We have the inpression that Italians are relaxed and enjoy eating, drinking, smoking and making love. Yes, so we also think of your as romantic people. High arts, classical music, rich with history. Politically neutral from our point of view in recent decades. Non-aggressive government. Also I think of Italians as having large and close knit families. And I'll be honest, due to the image of Italian-Americans, we have a certian belief regarding organized crime and the Italian mafia. Therefore some American may not think of Italians as the most trustworthy of people. More cunning. I think many Americans are interested in Italy and "like" Italians. They probably thinkthey would "like" Italians more than they like Italian Americans. I think you are interesting people. I find Italian men generally very attractive, BUT, we have an image of them being womanizers, a little skeezy - you probably won't find the defination of the word skeezy and I can think of another term. I hope none of this offends you or yoru people. I'm just trying to give you my honest, an uninformed impression. Heck, we have an image of being rude Americans, so what do I care!!! hee, hee. Sounds like a very cool dstudy you are doing.
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