Sunday, May 1, 2011

Why does Italy form a new coalition government almost every year

Why does Italy form a new coalition government almost every year?
I have a hard time in government class and i thought i would ask my fellow cyber friends to help me out. I need to know why italy forms a new coalition government almost every year by tonight for an assignment that is due tomarrow, I for got my book at school. If you could help me out that would be great. Thanks so much *Tessa*
Government - 2 Answers
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1 :
Because they like it. MIX. Every one having rights to do what ever he wants.
2 :
It seems to be the result of the political system in Italy.The Italian parliament comprises the Chamber of Deputies and Senate and since 1993 75% of the 315 elected seats in the Italian Senate are elected for a 5 year term on a first past the post basis and the rest elected seats filled by proportional representation. In the Chamber of Deputies 75% of seats are elected on a first past the post system and 25% by proportional representation. This seems to be a recipe for chaos because no political party or faction ever has an overall majority so can not exercise power except by compromise and partnership with other parties, who sooner or later decide to cease supporting the party in government.
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