Friday, December 24, 2010

What to expect when Traveling to Italy

What to expect when Traveling to Italy?
I am traveling to Italy with a small group from my school, in March. And I was just wondering if there were things I should know about Italy before I go there.. Do things cost a lot there, such as food.. I don't know if this makes any sense, but I've never been to Europe. So I was wondering what to expect and things like that. =\ Thank you!
Other - Italy - 4 Answers
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1 :
Italy is beautiful food and gifts do not cost to much and the food is beautiful there are a lot of great things to see like the leaning tower of peas-er the tr-vie fountain and more. there are a lot of hot guys and girls in Italy. Italy is a beautiful place to go i believe that you will love it.
2 :
I guess I have a question for YOU: how much experience do your group leaders have in preparing for Italy and operating in the country? This will spell the difference. It is a beautiful country and the people are wonderful. There is a fair amount of petty crime there, though, and things can be a bit disorganized. The US Dollar has soared recently so if you went today you'd be doing well but that may not be the case in March. Watch out for groups of children, and women dressed in brightly colored patchwork clothes, at major tourist sites. And here's my favorite tip about trains: the "Rapido" is not rapid; the "Espresso" is not express, and the "Diretto" is not direct. The fast train is called the ICE (Inter City Express). The farther you are going, the more critical it is for you to take the ICE train rather than the others, which will stop many, MANY times. And here is the best safety tip I can give you: You are a foreigner and you cannot help people. You don't understand emergency procedures, Italian law, or anything like that. Do not respond to questions, requests for assistance, people acting lost, etc. It seems cruel but in Italy most of these things are scams that will harm you. Just leave and do not let people touch you or even get near you. Have a GREAT time, Italy is rad.
3 :
Italy was fairly expensive (ie a meal will cost you what it costs in the US if not a bit more) when I went in March (more so in the north than the south) though the exchange rate has improved since then. In general Italy is easy to get around in, transportation is fairly efficient, and you can generally find people who speak English.
4 :
If you're coming in an organized group, transportation, lodging, and many of the meals will be arranged for you. You'll have a great time here. Italy is a beautiful country with a lot to see and do. Things like food prices depend on where you are and what you order. If you eat in the immediate vicinity of the tourist areas, then prices will generally be higher. Most restaurants have menus with prices posted outside and you can check choices and costs easily. Prices in Venice are particularly high. A coke may cost you 2 to 2.50 euro. A pizza is 8 to 10 euro, but may be more in the tourist areas. If you order a pepperoni pizza here, don't expect meat. Pepperoni is bell pepper. Order salame piccante instead. You can buy panini, bruschetta, or pizza by the slice and eat standing up relatively cheaply. In many places, food and drinks cost more if you sit at a table because you're paying a cover charge (coperto) and service. You'll be able to buy food in a market much more cheaply. If you're lucky, you'll be able to get to a local festival - usually they serve the local specialties at very low costs at the gastronomic stands. If you're in Venice, the caffes in Piazza San Marco can be very expensive. You pay a cover charge for sitting, an inflated price for whatever you order, and, if the musical combo is playing, there's an additional charge for that. An espresso that costs about a euro most other places could go as high as 8 euro. If you're in one of the outdoor markets, don't handle the produce yourself. Ask one of the people working there for what you want. One thing about the trains - the ICE trains are in Germany, not here in Italy. There are intercity, eurocity, and Intercity Plus trains, but the higher speed trains here are the Eurostar and Alta Velocita trains.
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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Do you know how I can enter to the medical universities in Italy

Do you know how I can enter to the medical universities in Italy?
Now I finished my school in another country and wanna study medicine in medical university of Milan in Italy.Which documents I need?How can I enter there?Thanks.
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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1 :
You need your SAT and ACT result You sit a test where you have 80 questions and 2 hours to do them. The questions are in italian, in four sections. You can check the past couple years' online at
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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What is the average flight time from New Hampshire/New York area to Venice, Italy

What is the average flight time from New Hampshire/New York area to Venice, Italy?
I'm planning ahead on this one guys and girls. I am still in High School, but, it's my absolute dream to go to Venice, Italy. I need to know cost, hotels, places to go in Venice, flight time, allllllll of that. Thanks a ton
New York City - 2 Answers
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I went it took a little over 8 hours.. The Hotel Antiche Figure we paid 268.00 per night. The gondola ride was really nice. I did the Jewish Ghetto Walk tour which was amazing. I had a lot of fun.
2 :
Foresteria Valdese is a nice place to stay it is $105 per night. It takes about 8 and a half hours to get there. My favorite place to go is Romantic Waterways of Venice(Gondola Ride) and I would suggest going to Rome to see the Coliseum! I would also suggest to eat at Ambasciata d'Abruzzo it is delightful!!!!!!!! .
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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

good colleges or universities in europe

good colleges or universities in europe?
I am a senior and i'd like to aply as an undergrad to atleast one school in europe. I am an american citizen and can speak english and spanish fluently. Does anybody know the procedures to aply as a foreigner to some good schools in france, italy, spain or the uk?...i'd prefer france, though i only know very little french...any info is welcomed!
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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the American University of Paris. it's really good, my aunt went there and studied Economics... I can help you with your french but you won't need it at the university lol
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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

When do italian kids go back to school

When do italian kids go back to school?
What date do most kids in italy go back to school after summer holidays?
Other - Italy - 5 Answers
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1 :
last year school began on 14th september.. however this year, shool begins near that date.
2 :
about 14th september
3 :
this year should be sept 10... however each region has its own starting date
4 :
i think im going back on the 11 does anyone know the dates for Liguria?
5 :
about 10th september
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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How do I translate Italian high school grades into american high school grades

How do I translate Italian high school grades into american high school grades?
I need to translate a 5, a 6 (barely sufficient) and 7(good). The range in Italy is 4 ( bad), 5( insufficient), 6(sufficient), 7(good), 8(very good). By the final high school grade what is 38/60? 36 is the minimum and 60 is the maximum.
Primary & Secondary Education - 2 Answers
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1 :
Doesn't really translate over. but you could say A is an 8 B is a 7 C is a 6 D is a 5 F is a 4 we are based on a 100% scale. We don't get a final high school grade. All of our grades are added together and average out for a GPA. Grade Point Average. 4.0 being the highest.
2 :
I agree, A=8 (90-100%) B=7 (80-89%) C=6 (70-79%) D=5 (60-69%) F=4 (0-59%) As for the GPA, A=4.0 B=3.0 C=2.0 D=1.0 F=0.0 So an average of 38/60, 63%, would be approximately a D, or around a 1.3 GPA.
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Monday, November 8, 2010

English medium / Indian schools in Milan / Novara Italy

English medium / Indian schools in Milan / Novara Italy?
Hi All, I am from Bengaluru, India. I may have to shift with my family to Novara, Italy on a long term assignment. I am looking for my son's education in Italy who is 6 years old. He is currently studying 1st standard in ICSE syllabus. Can you please suggest some good English medium schools in Novara / Milan? Are there any Indian schools? How much will it cost for 2nd standard education? Please let me know. Advance Thanks MS
Other - Italy - 1 Answers
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1 :
in milano and specially in novara the public school are very very good specially in italy the elementary school are very very good for my opinion you really can left your children go in public school a lot have english too but not much hour for week so you can supply with privet lesson or privet school only for english 2 or 4 hours at week or more if you think but believe me elementary school in milano and in novara are very very good the teacher are good and people respectfully I am sure you will be very surprice and the crime rate in novare is one of low in all europe
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Non Italians who live in Italy

Non Italians who live in Italy?
How do u find italy? what do u think of living there? what do u think of italians? what did u like and what didnt u like? why are u staying in italy (job marriage school ...etc)
Other - Italy - 3 Answers
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1 :
I found Italy, using a world atlas. I think living here is for the birds. The movie. "La Dolce Vita"......the director meant the title was actually a biting satire about living here. Funny how people use that phrase now, thinking he was praising Italy. I like some Italians just fine. Others are real idiots and jerks, but that's everywhere. What don't I like about it......way too frigging slow and backward for a supposedly civilized country........ ya can't even get Vanilla Coke here......(don't CAN, just over the border in France, along with 20 other flavors.........just not in Italy. ) I like.......uhm........the beach. That's pretty sweet. why am I staying......???? I ask myself that every day............. still working on an answer........
2 :
I love Italy and have ever since I moved here for work several years ago. It's a beautiful country with wonderful, art, architecture, music, and history. the food is great, especially here in Emilia Romagna where I live. There is always something to see and do including hundreds of festivals every year. The best part is the people though. I've found the people here to be very friendly and outgoing. There's not much not to like about Italy - sometimes the bureaucracy is slow, but that just helps teach you patience (a virtue).
3 :
I hate it. I am a spoiled American and I hate that everything closes, including gas stations and dining establishments close at 1030-1530 every day except Monday, because on Monday EVERYTHING is closed. Italians...enh, some are nice, some are mean, they all look pissed off all the time and I guess i would be too if I lived here. Oh wait I do and I am. I LOVE the bakery across the street from my house. I love the markets. I LOVE their version of little debbi snack cakes. I hate just about everything else that I have tried. I speak Italian enough and I do get all about the town so It's not me. I work here until March then I am moving to Germany.
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Sunday, October 24, 2010

How hot is it in Rome, Italy in April

How hot is it in Rome, Italy in April?
I am going on a school trip next April to Rome in Italy, and I was wondering how hot is it normally around April time?
Rome - 2 Answers
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1 :
It isn't hot, it is warm and mild (some 20-22 °C at noon) and it often rains. Don't think to go to seaside.
2 :
Fairly Hot 18°C / 64°F 8°C / 46°F See
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Saturday, October 16, 2010

How much money should I bring to spend in italy? And what is one Euro worth

How much money should I bring to spend in italy? And what is one Euro worth?
Hey I am from america and will be traveling to Italy, how much money (in Euro) do you think I will need to bring. I am going with school so the majority of tours are already covered, and so is the hotel and breakfast and dinner everyday (not lunch though). Also like what is the value of one Euro, what can it get you? And if you can let me know the average prices of everyday things that would be great to! Thanks so much.
Other - Europe - 1 Answers
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1 :
1 € = 1.41 $
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Friday, October 8, 2010

Does anyone have a relative buried in the WWII cemetery located in Florence, Italy

Does anyone have a relative buried in the WWII cemetery located in Florence, Italy?
I am going to the American Cemetery for WWII Soldiers in Florence, Italy in a week. I am going with my high school trip. We'll be putting flags at some of the grave sites for american soldiers and I was wondering if anyone had a relative they'd like honored. I figured this way it would mean something to someone as opposed to just a name I found on a website. Let me know, thanks.
Genealogy - 1 Answers
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Awww, that's so kind of you. I have a relative buried in Italy, but he's at the other American cemetery near Rome. I did a quick search and found some messages from people inquiring about relatives buried at the Florence American Cemetery. You could try contacting one of them... I'm sure they'd be very appreciative! (This person would like a photo of is cousin's gravesite) (scroll down to Jim S. Smith)
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Friday, October 1, 2010

What school should I choose to work in something like Electronic Arts

What school should I choose to work in something like Electronic Arts?
Hi all. I'm from Italy and I am 13. Videogames are my passion, and now I have to choose my High School. What school should I choose? Thanks very much Cool Breeze!
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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1 :
You want to look for a technical school, one that specializes in computer graphic design. Ask schools that seem promising how many computer design programs and classes they offer. Tell them what you are interested in and ask what the curriculum (required classes) would be for this line of work. The bigger the curriculum, the better the school will probably be.
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Friday, September 24, 2010

What should I wear in Italy and London

What should I wear in Italy and London?
I'm heading to Italy today and then after a few days in Italy I'm going to London. In Italy we will be in the Tuscany region and be going places like Florence, Grive, and the whole Chianti region. In London we will be doing touristy things- changing of the guard, big ben, etc. I was wondering what to wear. I'm 14. I have skirts, shorts, dresses, etc. Nothing I have is that short, and I don't think we are planning on going into many- if any- churches. Do you know if shorts will be acceptable. I believe a lot of girls wore shorts when we went with school two years ago, but i forget exactly what length they were.
Other - Destinations - 3 Answers
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1 :
P,J `s is the best. I wear it every time.
2 :
there are many things you can wear first check the weather in the summer its very common to wear short skirts and trousers and you can also wear sleevless tops in the winter choose any clothing that will keep you warm. england and italy are very free so dont worry about clothing shorts are also fine.
3 :
As little as possible with no bra or panties. Thats the style.
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Thursday, September 16, 2010

What am I to do with this

What am I to do with this?
I am going to be a singer. But I just got accepted into a culinary arts school in Italy. Yes I do speak Italian (I'm Italian) and I want to go so bad. I have always had a dream of owning my own bakery and bread shop. But Next year I will have to choose what to do. How can I still become a singer with culinary arts. Do you think it is possible?
Cooking & Recipes - 6 Answers
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1 :
You aren't the first singing chef and you probably won't be the last! Follow your heart, you can be good at both...
2 :
absolutely. wow, having two passions in life. go to culinary school for a year. then make up your mind which way to go. you can always be a singer with a passion for good food. it seems like you have already made up your mind. be flexable. none of us knows what the future holds, but with more experience we can make better, informed choices.
3 :
I believe everyone of us are with many talents. Besides singing, you might have many others. When you have constantly a dream of owing your own bakery, it sense that you are soon going into a business. Singing is also a profession. You must have a good plan, before you commit into any one of them. When you consider singing as first priority, then the rest should be treated as hobbies. Setting up a bakery business will take quite a while. Not only having experience of cooking and dealing with business. There are plenty of things involved in it. A lot of knowledge are needed. Therefore, you have to decide the first priority, then you concentrate on it till finish. Happy thinking!
4 :
So happy for you! Whatever your dream is you can do it.... What I've learned over the years is that if you decide you want to be in any food business you may as well move inside your work place because you have to put in such long hours. The business end of it is important too you need time to take care of all the paperwork that is required to run the business. If you can deal with these things then more power to you it's a wonderful fulfilling career. I like the singing career to be honest. It might not be as hard on your body as the bakery job. You have to lift heavy pans and equipment in the bakery it's not just standing there and decorating little cupcakes and doing light weight jobs. it's very strenuous. I don't want to sound down about this choice of work but you need to know what you are getting into before you spend all the money on your schooling. Or you can be a singing baker! LOL Seriously best wishes in whatever you decide to do. My grandparents came from Italy so I wish I could trade places with you and visit the country too. Bye for now, Mama Jazzy Geri let me know how you make out with your decision I'd love to know
5 :
Let's look at this realistically. For every chef out there there is probably an equal number of jobs. In other words if you become a chef and are any good at it you will always have a job. On the other hand for every singer who makes a living singing there is probably a thousand who would like to but don't. Go the the culinary school and learn an admirable profession. But don't give up on your singing. You will be able to earn a living while you work on your singing career. Remember - for every actor out there that makes it big in the movies there are a thousand of them waiting tables. It is probably the same for singers.
6 :
Learn the cook , sing later
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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

"If you are considered pretty where you come from you will be considered beautiful in Italy"

"If you are considered pretty where you come from you will be considered beautiful in Italy"?
My friends parents read this and are actually freaking out about it (they read quite a few other things also though). I have a girlfriend who is going to Italy for a few weeks with her is true she is a very beautiful girl and even gets harassed here in the U.S. where guys are generally less open. Her parents have read all the stereotypes about Italian men and are now worried. We both have told them that they are stereotypes and nothing else but neither of us have been to Italy before and that is something that they pointed out. Any ideas as to what to do about them? Thanks! Wow, I wasn't expecting offensive answers.....maybe you misread my question. rgobio- When I said "Any ideas as to what to do about them?" I didn't mean the Italian men but my friends parents. I WAS NOT putting down anybody and sorry if you thought I was....geesh Wow, I wasn't expecting offensive answers.....maybe you misread my question. rgobio- When I said "Any ideas as to what to do about them?" I didn't mean the Italian men but my friends parents. I WAS NOT putting down anybody and sorry if you thought I was....geesh
Other - Italy - 15 Answers
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1 :
According to what my wife has told me, and she is a very smart person, if you are considered pretty (or even plain) here, then you can expect to be groped when you get to Italy by passing male strangers on a regular basis. Sounds like a nightmare.
2 :
I have heard these things and I even asked a question here for safety tips when in Rome. I am considered very pretty also and get complimented by quite reserved people, and some not as reserved people. So naturally from what I have heard I was a little worried about the men in Italy. Though, your friend will most often be with a group of friends since she is going with school so I don't think that she should worry too much. Just tell her if she runs into any suspicious men or scary relentless ones for that matter, to run in the other direction if something does not seem right. And to try to stay in well lit promisicuous locations to be safe. Oh, and to go out with friends when she does go out in the evening. Well, I hope she has fun and tell her to stay safe. :D You don't get the chance go to Italy everyday, so tell her to make the most of it and don't let creepy guys ruin her fun.
3 :
rolling on the floor laughing
4 :
im also from the states and ive been living in italy for the last 4 years, i know im not considered an ugly girl, but what i recall, the first few months i was harassed a lot by bus, by sidewalk, even by train. i dont want to scare you, but its true. one thing i want to point out is, many many MANY of the men who harassed me, where NOT italians. that was the sick part. i dont want to give the italians a bad name, because truly it wasn them who passed by the street whispering at you Ciao Bella, or sticking their tongue at you at the bus, or asking for your name at the train. i remember one wierd funny thing that happened to me the first weeks was, i remeber i was walking to class early in the morning, it was like 8:30 am, the streets were clean and empty, few people walking aroudn and it was along a main street. when all of a sudden, as i was crossing along an old old man, shorty and small, he was wearing a suit and obviously walking to work, he was no younger 60. and right as we were crossing each other the old man jumped and looked at me yelling out, 'Mamma Mia che bella!!!' meaning in 'wow! how beautiful!'. i take that as a good joke memory than a harrassed one. over all, i dont think the idea of not having your friend go just because of this issue,or overly worry in this case, i dont think it woudl be a big issue, because c' cant expect to go to a beautiful touristy place in the world where you wont comfront issue liek these. just make sure your friend isnt the type who falls for some dumbass yelling your so beautiful or knows how to react when a guy sticks his toungue at her at the bus, simply ignore making it obviouse or report to the carabinieri. what i do nowadays after living here so long, is yell back at them 'va fanculo' with the fiorentine accent and it keeps them well surprised not expecting an american to speak back directly with teh exact tone. and they feel stupid at the end. hope my advice helps!
5 :
Helloooooooooo????? Americans here????? Will you please stop thinking that all Italian men are sex maniacs walking around drooling over all these poor American girls coming here and for sure be raped and harassed? Give us a break! It is true that some men here like to comment on beautiful women, it is true that we also have our sex maniacs, but the chances of being harassed or raped are exactly the same as in any other nation. If you can't live with the fact that a few men will tell you appreciation phrases such as "ciao bella" or "bella ragazza", please, stay home. And, by the way, what Americans say about being groped or pinched here, is a MYTH. Groping and pinching is a CRIME, in Italy, and punished by law, so you don't really see many men doing it, don't you think? If they do, they'll be jailed!
6 :
pierluisa......I can understand how these questions can get annoying, but you have to understand that Italian men have a rep over here and it isn't always good. Now this girl isn't the one saying anything bad about Italian men, she's smart enough to realize its a STEREOTYPE.....its the parents. I went to Italy when I was 15 years old. Her parents should not worry.....while people may compliment and flatter you, no one will touch you (unless you put out the signals, but hey, that's in any country). Italy is very low on crime, the only real crime that it has for people to actually worry about is pick pockets....though while I was there I didn't have any experience with that either. Just tell her parents that they shouldn't buy into everything they read....considering none of you have been there (I'm assuming her parents haven't either) they shouldn't judge. If you think it would help look up Italy's crime rates on the will see that sexual harassment reports do not occur often. Good luck!
7 :
Very well said, Pierluisa! Honestly, when will some of these cliché sdie out! Men groping women on the streets, seriously!! This goes into the same category as tap water not being safe to drink in Italy.... I rest my case.
8 :
I think Italian men have enough Italian women that are far superior in intellect, style, beauty and especially attitude to even consider an American woman. To answer your question "Any ideas as to what to do about them?". Yes I do. Stay home in North America. Regards,
9 :
Hi, I'm Italian, 25 years old and I lived in the States from age 17 until I was 24. So now here I am, back in Italy. What I've come to realize is that yes, Italian men are quite annoying with their silly, flirty remarks (and frankly they do it with less than pretty ladies as well). However, they bark but don't bite. I live in Milan which I find to be one of the most dangerous cities for a girl. I can't walk alone at night, I'll get harassed in a heart beat. But it's never Italian men, it's always guys from Morocco, Albania, Egypt and so on (not looking for a nationality war here, just stating who has bothered ME so far). So, even though I'm the first one to dislike men calling me honey, dolcezza, bellezza, hottie and so on (and I'm talking about men that do not know me personally), I have to say that Italian men are not that bad, they're just pathological flirts :)
10 :
if you're pretty you're pretty any place you come from...and you'll be always sourrounded by people that sometimes will annoy you...but this isn't an Italian caracteristic...almost everywhere it's like that...don't you think?
11 :
12 :
Everyone is beautiful in Italia. The Italians see people from the inside out. They are the most gentle, loving and real people you can find. You're girlfriend will be fine with the Italians. Its the tourist that she has to worry about. She should just use common street sense. But she's safer in Italy than anywhere in the US. Italian men are not drooling dogs. Too many movies!
13 :
Not worry! I would ask same things....I understand. There is always a stereotypes of people. Is common human nature. Have to figurre out what real and what not for ourselfes. Tell her parents not judge having never been there. Italian man do not disrespect women in general.....and they know of the body language. You do not give out signs and they leave alone. But if one is bothering, learn to insult him mother in Italiano ;) he will leave then! Good Luck!
14 :
I lived in Italy for two years. I don't really know how I was perceived in Canada (probably not as drop-dead gorgeous), but in Italy I was treated like a goddess. It was offensive. I really hoped that guys would want to get to know me for who I was, but I met very few men who could get past my looks. I hardly ever dated someone for more than one or two dates because I felt like they stared at my breasts all night, didn't listen to a word I said, and then wanted to shove their tongue down my throat as quickly as possible. Times when it was good to be "pretty": - getting into every nightclub without waiting in line - getting invited to super-posh parties for minor celebs (who we didn't even know) - getting my male students to behave in ESL class Times when it was bad to be "pretty": - getting my female students to behave in ESL class - getting physically assaulted and groped at a bus stop in the city center in the middle of the afternoon - in the South, being solicited for sex twelve times while waiting at a bus stop in the afternnon (wearing a sweater and pants) - asking a guy for directions and having him respond by kissing me on the lips It's a trade-off. If your girlfriend thrives on the attention she gets for being pretty, she'll like Italy. I don't think there is anything a naturally pretty girl can do to prevent this kind of behaviour in Italy. You've just got to respond to it in a way that minimizes the impact. I'll admit that when I was assaulted at the bus stop I took that with me to work and broke down in tears in the middle of the lesson I was teaching. That's not minimizing behaviour. You've just to accept it as part and parcel of living in Italy: some men think they have the right to hold you down and grope your breasts and don't perceive that as inappropriate behaviour. It's part of the culture. I will admit that while it's USUALLY Italian men who do this (as Italy is full of those gosh-darned Italians), a disproportionate amount of harassment comes from Middle Eastern immigrants and can be avoided by not spending time in the poorer parts of town and/or near the train station at night!
15 :
italian men are interested in any other people that are from any part of america, usa or latinas. yea, u could call it a stereotype. tell the parents not to be worried! ciaociao! :-D
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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

how does the education system in Italy work

how does the education system in Italy work?
I finish grade 12 (high school) when i am 18. i want to study obstetrics in Italy or UK. In Italy, do i have to go to a college then university after high school or do i go straight to university like in south africa.
Studying Abroad - 2 Answers
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2 :
if you're not italian you only need to have finished 12 years of school to enter university OR college.even italians enter universities at the age of 18.i doubt it, though, that they teach in english
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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What mobile internet options are there in Italy

What mobile internet options are there in Italy?
My daughter is currently studying abroad in Italy, but where she lives there is no internet available. She can only get it in school. What options does she have to get the internet? Does anyone know of a company that she could use? She has a notebook computer.
Other - Italy - 2 Answers
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1 :
She could get a prepaid sim car of a company named "Vodafone"; then she could connect the mobile phone on the notebook and surf the web. This company is one of the less expensives for internet because you have to recharge the sim with 25 euros monthly and you can surf 200 hours per month for free; also other companies offer this service but it's more expensive. Hope it helped!
2 :
Wind also do a good offer for about 20/25 euros per month, you connect a usb cable from phone to computer. I did this with Vodafone, but i heard you get more minutes with wind. Wind though doesn't have a good signal everywhere, whereas Vodafone does. Also try TIM. She needs to go into a shop and ask advice, because if the area is not covered by UMTS or GPRS it will be hard to get internet and also very slow. Tell her to visit a Vodafone shop and they will be able to give her advice.
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Monday, August 16, 2010

what are the risks and benefits of studying abroad

what are the risks and benefits of studying abroad?
i live in America [New Jersey] and i have considered leaving the country for college. i think it would be an amazing experience. i got a letter from a school in Switzerland, just like one of those letters that colleges always send Sophomores and Juniors. I also got one from a cooking school in Siena, Italy. i think it would be cool to study in Europe. what are the risk and benefits i dont care what my parents say. i'll be 18 july 2010 and i want to start school sept 2010 so i'll be an adult and theres nothing they can do about it. & i really like the idea of studying in switzerland. its right in the center. i mean north of italy south of germany east of france. i always wanted to go to Germany, Ireland, Italy, England, France, Spain, Australia, and Canada
Studying Abroad - 2 Answers
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1 :
DO IT DO IT DO IT. I only studied abroad for six weeks, but it was really interesting--I got to learn about other cultures, meet a lot of interesting people, and got bit by the travel bug--I want to go everywhere now! It's good for people to study abroad--reduces cultural misunderstanding, etc. It also made me a less anxious person. If there are risks, well, there are risks everywhere, and they're worth taking in this case. DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT.
2 :
I was an exchange student in Thailand, and it was amazing. I am 100% glad I did it. Risks: - Make sure the school is accredited and your school will accept transfer credits (if you care about that) - It can be hard to learn the language - If you don't step out of your comfort zone, it could be hard to make friends - Your safety could be a risk (just do research before you go, make sure you're going with a reputable program, and be careful) - It could be more expensive than you think (make sure you have a complete budget and you understand all the costs up front) - It might take some convincing to get your parents to agree to it Benefits: - You will gain experiences and learning that you could never gain in a U.S. classroom - You will gain a new appreciation and understanding of other cultures and languages - You will be more well-rounded and probably more marketable to future employers - You will have opportunities that you may never have again - travel, etc. - You can make life-long friendships, and possibly even meet your future spouse (I did!) Good luck!
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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Will i have to repeat gr11 because im going to italy for an exchange student

Will i have to repeat gr11 because im going to italy for an exchange student?
Next year ill be in grade 11. My exchange student program will go for a year, ill be staying in Italy. When i get back will i have to repeat gr11 or will my Italian school marks get transfered to Australia? Grade 11 and 12 and the two years in which our OP are being assessed and its very crucial, And information on Italian schools would be greatly appreciated!
Studying Abroad - 2 Answers
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I doubt it. I believe all the credits you get there will be transferred to where you live.
2 :
Talk to your counselor and your program because not all credits will transfer. Some countries it's harder to transfer credits from and it is different with every program and even every abroad school. It's different for every program/person so you should talk with those people about this before hand.
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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Medical School Certification in Romania or Any Other EU Eastern European Country

Medical School Certification in Romania or Any Other EU Eastern European Country?
If I graduate and get certified in a Romania or other EU eastern european medical school (Czech Republic, Slovenia, Poland, or Hungry) will I be able to practice in any EU country (Ex. France, Italy or Spain)? Also, can you recommend any good schools in the mentioned countries? I heard that once you are certified in any EU member country that you can practice in any country.
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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hy, your romanian certificate of medical school is available in EU only if you have initiate the university of medicine after the year 2003 . If you have initiated befor 2003 it is not valid, you have to repet some exams of the 6th year .It is valid if you have more then 2 years ( i think)of experiace.
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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Im going to Italy in a few days.

Im going to Italy in a few days......?
I'm visiting Italy with my school in a few days and I was wondering if we are going to church? what would I wear at church? I hear you need to cover up.... What does "cover up" exactly mean? Thank you :D by "cover up" do you mean legs, arms, shoulders, neck, bust?
Other - Italy - 3 Answers
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they mean ... in church you can't show off/expose your body to much that is all Dress well
2 :
Cover up in churches means: definitely no mini-skirts, no shorts, no low cut tops, no short tops. It's also better to cover your shoulders.
3 :
Have you never gone in a church?? for "cover up" you just have to cover your shoulders and legs but even if you don't do this isn't a very big problem... the real important thing to do in a church is be quiet for don't disturbing people who are praying everything else is secondary. I'm from Italy
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Friday, July 16, 2010

How has Italy impacted your life

How has Italy impacted your life?
I have to do a paper for school and I need stories if you live in Italy how it has impacted your life
Homework Help - 1 Answers
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I'm American and have been living in Italy for the last 9 years or so. I really don't understand the question. Well, I speak, read and write Italian on a daily basis. I only speak English at work because I work in a hotel and with a few friends...most of the time it's in Italian. I notice I forget how to say things in English or express myself in English as a foreigner. Strange, but true. I work here, I live here, I have friends here, I have a boyfriend here (in a few months I'll be moving in with him), etc.....basically, my life is here now. I still have friends and family in the States (I came to Italy by myslelf), and I miss them very much, but I don't see myself moving back to the States. Life is too different there and I'm used to Italian life. I hope this helps. Oh, I know a lot more about Italian and European affairs than I used to.
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Thursday, July 8, 2010

How is the educational system in Venice, Italy?

How is the educational system in Venice, Italy?
I'm doing a research project on Venice, Italy and I've come to the educational section. I'm aware the schooling has beautiful architecture are most of the buildings have a history to them, but that seems to be the only information I can find on education in Venice. I want to know more. Are all or most of the schools in Venice prestigious? Are they private or public? Are they expensive? How is the general quality; are the teachers helpful? How early do parents register their children for classes and how many years are you in school for? (whether school year-wise or years-wise).
Other - Italy - 2 Answers
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You are probably aware that VERY FEW people actually live in Venice itself these days, and the majority of them seem to be retired. I don't know this for a fact, but would therefore expect that there are few schools, and those probably operated by the Roman Catholic Church. When I was last in Venice, all of the school children I did see were in uniforms of private schools based in towns near Venice but not in Venice itself.
2 :
Schools in Venice are not different from the other italian schools. The more prestigious ones (i'm talking about university) are in Bologna, Roma Milano and of course, the "Normale" in Pisa. There are both private and public schools, but private ones are better! italian public school quality is not very high but we (i'm italian) learn more literature and history and less math than the english students. Children start school at six ("scuole elementari" for 5 years) than there are other 3 years (scuole medie) before arriving to the "scuole superiori" at 15. At 15 you have to decide what you want to do (there are different kind of school to prepare you for university or for a job). at 19 you start University. usually students prefers staying near home than chooseing an other city like americans do.
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Thursday, July 1, 2010

How much should I save to go to Italy

How much should I save to go to Italy?
Okay so I am in my sophomore year of high school. After i graduate high school three of myy cousins and I are going to go to Italy. I want to have enough forr a two week trip which includes airfare plus extra money so I can have back up. My cousins are right now 23,33,28, and I am 15. Please let me know how much and some places to go while we are there. Thank you ahead of time.
Other - Italy - 3 Answers
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I'd save up a good 2k, and as far as places to go I would suggest looking up Florence, Sienna, Rome, Assisi, Venice, and definitely the Amalfi Coast. Be careful there though. I wouldn't go anywhere without your cousins. I was there for 3 months and my sister just got back a few months ago from about a three month stay. The people there can be nice, and some can be... too nice.
2 :
accommodation +local transport + food may cost about 100 euro per day; Shopping extra. Rome, venice, milano + many places, depending to your interest, are important. Be careful of your money, specially in rome in metro stations or crowded places.
3 :
Come in Milan, it's fantastic !!!!!!! Other beautiful city are Venice, Rome, Torino, Bologna, Dolomiti(fantastic !!!!!!), Florence, Assisi, Montepulciano, Alberobello, L'Aquila, Val D'Orcia, Valle D'Aosta( Mont Blanc), River Po, Siena, Pisa, Palermo, Catania( with Etna), Naples( with Vesuvio), Agrigento, Pompei....... bye bye :)
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Thursday, June 24, 2010

How is the educational system in Venice, Italy

How is the educational system in Venice, Italy?
I'm doing a research project on Venice, Italy and I've come to the educational section. I'm aware the schooling has beautiful architecture are most of the buildings have a history to them, but that seems to be the only information I can find on education in Venice. I want to know more. Are all or most of the schools in Venice prestigious? Are they private or public? Are they expensive? How is the general quality; are the teachers helpful? How early do parents register their children for classes and how many years are you in school for? (whether school year-wise or years-wise).
Other - Italy - 2 Answers
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1 :
You are probably aware that VERY FEW people actually live in Venice itself these days, and the majority of them seem to be retired. I don't know this for a fact, but would therefore expect that there are few schools, and those probably operated by the Roman Catholic Church. When I was last in Venice, all of the school children I did see were in uniforms of private schools based in towns near Venice but not in Venice itself.
2 :
Schools in Venice are not different from the other italian schools. The more prestigious ones (i'm talking about university) are in Bologna, Roma Milano and of course, the "Normale" in Pisa. There are both private and public schools, but private ones are better! italian public school quality is not very high but we (i'm italian) learn more literature and history and less math than the english students. Children start school at six ("scuole elementari" for 5 years) than there are other 3 years (scuole medie) before arriving to the "scuole superiori" at 15. At 15 you have to decide what you want to do (there are different kind of school to prepare you for university or for a job). at 19 you start University. usually students prefers staying near home than chooseing an other city like americans do.
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

How much should I save to go to Italy

How much should I save to go to Italy?
Okay so I am in my sophomore year of high school. After i graduate high school three of myy cousins and I are going to go to Italy. I want to have enough forr a two week trip which includes airfare plus extra money so I can have back up. My cousins are right now 23,33,28, and I am 15. Please let me know how much and some places to go while we are there. Thank you ahead of time.
Other - Italy - 3 Answers
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1 :
I'd save up a good 2k, and as far as places to go I would suggest looking up Florence, Sienna, Rome, Assisi, Venice, and definitely the Amalfi Coast. Be careful there though. I wouldn't go anywhere without your cousins. I was there for 3 months and my sister just got back a few months ago from about a three month stay. The people there can be nice, and some can be... too nice.
2 :
accommodation +local transport + food may cost about 100 euro per day; Shopping extra. Rome, venice, milano + many places, depending to your interest, are important. Be careful of your money, specially in rome in metro stations or crowded places.
3 :
Come in Milan, it's fantastic !!!!!!! Other beautiful city are Venice, Rome, Torino, Bologna, Dolomiti(fantastic !!!!!!), Florence, Assisi, Montepulciano, Alberobello, L'Aquila, Val D'Orcia, Valle D'Aosta( Mont Blanc), River Po, Siena, Pisa, Palermo, Catania( with Etna), Naples( with Vesuvio), Agrigento, Pompei....... bye bye :)
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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How can I receive a grant for a school field trip

How can I receive a grant for a school field trip?
I am a sophomore in high school and we are being offered an amazing opportunity to visit Spain and Italy. The trip isn't until the summer of 2011, so I have until then to come up with $3,300 to go. I am a good student and I think this would be a wonderful opportunity for me to expand my education. Do you know of any grants I can receive to be able to take advantage of this opportunity?
Financial Aid - 1 Answers
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Unfortunately, government grants do not exist for individuals in high school. They exist for schools, nonprofits, and government entities. You could fundraise like a bake sale or something else in your community.
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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Who are some famous people born in Italy

Who are some famous people born in Italy?
I am doing a school project and need to know of some famous people born in Italy. Thanks in advance!
Trivia - 5 Answers
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Christina Scabbia - lead singer of Lacuna Coil, Casanova (can't remeber his first name)
2 :
Leonardo da Vinci, Gina Lollobrigida, and Benito Mussolini. That's all of them...
3 :
Famous Italians. Explorers - Giovanni Caboto commonly known as John Cabot. Christopher Columbus Marco Polo Giovanni da Verrazzano Amerigo Vespucci Scientists - Guglielmo Marconi Enrico Fermi Music - Luciano Pavarotti Enrico Caruso Vincenzo Bellini Giuseppe Verdi Giacomo Puccini Fashion & Design - Giorgio Armani Gianni Versace Enzo Ferrari
4 :
Napoleon was born on a island in italy but after napleons birth it was sold to the french
5 :
I would also like to add the painters Michelangelo ( ), Caravaggio ( ) and Sandro Botticelli ( ); Galileo (scientist); Pico della Mirandola (philosopher); Machiavelli (author of "The prince"); Giacomo Casanova, adventurer and heartthrob ; Giuseppe Garibaldi (revolutionary); Alessandro Volta (who invented the battery ); Rudolph Valentino (actor ); the film directors Sergio Leone and Federico Fellini (Fellini is also the inventor of the word "paparazzi"); Enzo Ferrari (founder of the Ferrari car factory)... just to name some no one else had yet named.
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Monday, May 24, 2010

My fiance wants that i leave school. What should i do

My fiance wants that i leave school. What should i do?
i'm 18 years old n im engaged with a guy from tunisia. we r both muslims alhamdullilah my fiance wants i leave school now !! i live in italy and here the diploma has a great importance :( but he wants i leave studies anyway. :( what should i do?
Ramadan - 9 Answers
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NO. You don't let someone who doesn't even have firm and final relation with you tell you what to do. You must be a strong woman and become educated. There's too many women that aren't educated in Muslim society.
2 :
why does he want you to leave school?
3 :
Finish the'll regret it if you don't, and if he doesn't like that, than too bad, he needs to get over it. Be smart, finish your studies
4 :
You need to do what's right for you in the long term. Try and explain to him that getting a diploma will be better for your family in the future and that it's important to you. If he still won't relent you may want to think about finding a different fiance. Stai forza!
5 :
Break it off. He wants you to be totally dependent on him without an education. He is not worthy. No one should marry him. Tell him to go marry an illiterate. If you can't say that to him, give me his name and address I will write to the Moron myself telling him to take a hike. This is one insecure dude, you will lead a miserable life if you marry him. He is already destroying your life and exercising total control and you are not even married yet. This is not a good sign.
6 :
If you give him an inch now he will take a mile in the years to come. Pick the battles worth figthing and stand your ground where you can.
7 :
I agree, it would be wise to finish because you know that you'll always have tht education there and you might regret not doing it later. he shouldnt have that authority over you now, even though you will inshallah be together (if he can realise that he shouldnt be so selfish), you should also be independent. Inshallah all goes well
8 :
Break it off with him. He wants you to be totally dependant upon him and to be able to control you. I guarantee that you will regret it if you stop your schooling and marry him. Think of the future! If he divorces you, or you end up divorcing him, what will you do? You need to have good schooling to fall back on, so that you will be able to support yourself.
9 :
free-mixing in co-ed schools are haraam. can you attend a female only school?
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Sunday, May 16, 2010

How do you get a job teaching in an army base in Italy

How do you get a job teaching in an army base in Italy?
I am a public school teacher in New York. I wouldlike to move to Italy where there is family, but still teach. Is teaching in an American army base easy to get? Is it recognized by the board of education? Thanks
Military - 3 Answers
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You can submit an application to the Department of Defense Dependents Schools.
2 :
3 :
Here is a link to submit a resume: Italy schools fall under the DoDDS Mediterranean District, here are a list of schools: Here is a link to the teaching application requirements: Interesting note: Department of Defense schools do not fall under the Department of Education... so they are not subject to NCLB.
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Saturday, May 8, 2010

How do you get a job teaching in an army base in Italy

How do you get a job teaching in an army base in Italy?
I am a public school teacher in New York. I wouldlike to move to Italy where there is family, but still teach. Is teaching in an American army base easy to get? Is it recognized by the board of education? Thanks
Military - 4 Answers
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1 :
DoDDS Europe - Welcome School projects often combine real world situations with classroom work. In Wiesbaden, Germany, with a look at how students met that challenge with some fun ... *** - Cached - Similar*** Employment Vacancies Kaiserslautern Heidelberg School Calendars Human Resources Our Schools Outlook Web Access Mediterranean ________________________________________________________________________________ Current Vacancies | DoDDS-E Human Resources Jump to District and School Positions‎: DoDDS Europe Schools | Teaching the children of America's military families. Search DoDDS Europe » ... Director's Office - Education Division - HR: Human Resources ***** - Cached - Similar****
2 :
Teaching on a military base overseas is not a bad idea. While in college, I even considered that route. To work on base in education means you would work for the Department of Defense Dependents Schools. You can google a lot of information about them, but here is their main page - You should be able to easily find information about how to apply, qualifications, and which bases are hiring. Hope this information helps!
3 :
4 :
Here is a link to submit a resume: Italy schools fall under the DoDDS Mediterranean District, here are a list of schools: Here is a link to the teaching application requirements: Interesting note: Department of Defense schools do not fall under the Department of Education... so they are not subject to NCLB.
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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Can you show me the best of italy

Can you show me the best of italy?
there are some project in my school, and my class got Italy! (yeyy) i want to ask of stuff that we can show from italy? and probably some ideas for the decorations? I'm thinking of showing the historical spot (colloseum, pisa, etc), the landscape (the cities & the beaches), complete with a little cafe setting, but combined with milan fashion week is it good if i put pictures of italian actor&actresses in the wall? reply ASAP! i'm exited!
Other - Italy - 3 Answers
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What the project consist of? There are so many places. What kind of decoration?
2 :
It sounds like you have a lot of really good ideas yourself already. For the landscape, you might consider including pictures of Cinque Terre, and the Amalfi Coast There are thousands of festivals throughout Italy every year many of which feature local foods. You could look up photos and information from some of the festivals. The Eurochocolate festival just ended this past weekend in Perugia. A part of that was set up in old 14th century buildings which are now underground. Some interesting festivals you might want to research are Carnevale (Venice, Cento, Ivrea, and many other places), Il Redentore (Venice - celebration of surviving the plague) , the Explosion of the Cart (Florence, Easter), right now there are important truffle festivals too. Every other year, there's a festival in Marostica that's amazing: There are many palios and giostras. The most famous Palio is the horse race in the main piazza in Siena. The palio in Ferrara started in 1259 and is worth seeing: Have a good time with your project. I hope you get to come to Italy and visit someday.
3 :
Genoa,milano,napoli,firenze, siena,perugia,ROMA,napoli,matera, alberobello, portofino, le cinque terre, il golfo dei poeti, tropea, palermo,agrigento,siena e il palio delle contrade,milano venezia verona il lago maggiore, la sardegna, il lago di garda,le alpi,le dolomiti, il salento, il gargano, le isole tremiti,bologna....etc etc actress Sophia Loren,historical:il rinascimento, Dante Alighieri,Leonardo da vinci, Garibaldi,Mazzini, Giuseppe Verdi, Puccini, Rossini, Raffaello, Galileo Galilei, italian football actully champion of the world.....AND ITALIAN DO IT BETTER
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Saturday, April 24, 2010

I live in ny and i want to go to college in Italy but I heard that the Italian consulate only accepts visa

I live in ny and i want to go to college in Italy but I heard that the Italian consulate only accepts visa?
applications from actual schools themselves which means I have to be enrolled in a US college and the college handles all the paperwork. Is this true? Do I really have to go to school here in order to attend college in Italy?
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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Of course not. If you want American credits for it then, maybe yes. But you are free, mate. Most especially in Italy. Just don't headbutt their star football players in the chest when you are over there. You can learn Italian and then attend an Italian-speaking University. What are your larger plans? It really depends of if you just want a four or eight month lark to beef up your American resume or if you really want to participate long term within Italian academic structures and (maybe later) society. -Also... Do your homework. Look at the Consulate website in English. Maybe call them or send them an email.
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Friday, April 16, 2010

I want to start my MA online from my school here in the USA, but I want to study in Italy. Possible

I want to start my MA online from my school here in the USA, but I want to study in Italy. Possible?
Ok so here's my problem. I want to begin the MA program from my school in the USA online and run to Italy ( maybe Florence/ Tuscany) for a few months and study there, then transfer to the campus program in the Spring. I would LOVE to rent a room from a family and live with them, but haven't been able to find any information about where to do so, and if people even still do this! And all of the information I can find about studying abroad say that you have to go to their college and study culture or language to stay in their dorms. I'm only planning on staying there for about 2 months, so I don't want an apartment and I want to be around people to enjoy the culture and make friends. Please help me! Any information is better than none right now! Thanks!
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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1 :
Have you looked on Craigslist Italy??
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Thursday, April 8, 2010

What bank should I switch to because I'm being stationed in Italy

What bank should I switch to because I'm being stationed in Italy?
Well I just graduated airborne school and I'm getting hooked up with the 173rd in Italy and currently have a local bank account and was considering switching to USAA and was wondering if that would be my best bet being that ill be doing a 2 yr tour in italy. I was also wondering how to change the army's direct deposit from my old bank to start direct depositing into my new USAA account?? Thank you for any and all your advice!
Military - 7 Answers
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1 :
The America is Broke bank
2 :
seriously u got that straight from osut?? usaa is great...
3 :
hooked up?! assigned is the military term! Why not open a local bank account at Camp Darby?! Go to finance to set up your direct deposits! -
4 :
I am a retired LTC and have been a member of USAA since I was a cadet in ROTC in 1973. I retired in 1996 and have remained a loyal member. Go with USAA, call them if necessary and they will assist you in filling out the paper work for switching from your current bank to USAA. Lucky you...Italy... all I got was Germany and Korea...actually, loved 'em both....
5 :
I agree with you, they would definitely be a top choice for you. They work with military overseas every day, so the process for you will be smooth. Plus, it's an organization that's dedicated to military and their families. They'll walk you through what paperwork you need in place if you want your loved ones to help run your accounts or pay your bills, they'll make sure you have sufficient life insurance coverage, etc. There's no commercial bank that I've seen, that actually cares as much about it's clients. Call them, set up the account with them, then they'll tell you how to switch over the direct deposit. I think that you fill out some form on your end with the new account number, but call them and they'll walk you through. Besides USAA, the only one I can think of is Bank of America. They have military banking, and they have presence in most developed countries (although not branches, mostly ATMs of their partner banks). Still, they aren't as good for what you're looking for, and their military banking is run on a completely different system, so when you walk into an actual branch, they can do very little for you other than make a deposit. Go with USAA and never look back. They are solid.
6 :
USAA is a great bank. I strongly recommend it. Good luck in Italy!...Lucky! lol
7 :
USAA is good for people in the military but this can be a problem for you if you are going to be doing separate deposits other than the direct deposit you have. You either have to mail it in which can take up to 2 weeks to go through as you are overseas or you can do the online scan deposit. But the later requires you to have either a credit card, a line of credit, a loan or insurance through them. You will pay ATM fees but it will be refunded up to a certain amount each month except for hte international transaction fee Check to see if there is a local bank/credit union on the base/post for doing deposits like that so you have immediate access to it. Plus it is good to take out cash that way and then do it through the money exchange to get a better rate without the fees. You could do both the USAA and the post bank. It can take up to 45 days for the deposits to go through so you should keep your old bank until you have them for awhile. And make sure you have changed all banking information because if you don't then travel pay, bonus, etc.. can always go to the old account.
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Thursday, April 1, 2010

If you want to study abroad, do your grades matter?I heard it doesnt matter. from several people.

If you want to study abroad, do your grades matter?I heard it doesnt matter. from several people.?
i want to study overseas in some school in italy switzerland and i was just wondering that if you have average grades could you still get in that school? i heard from several people all you have to do is pay the fee and thats it..
Studying Abroad - 2 Answers
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It depends if you are in high school or college, what program you use, and where you want to go. I am actually an exchange student right now throught Rotary Youth Exchange, and with them, grades actually are very important in their decisions.
2 :
It really depends what program you do the exchange through. all of them have their grade and language requirements posted on their websites. some require a 3.0 gpa or higher but most only require a c average grade. also with some you'll need two years of high school foreign language(that is if the country ur going to speaks a different language of course) like i said just look at different programs online and look at their requirements. you should also look into their prices too because some charge more than double of what other programs do for basically the same package. i don't know google it or something
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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How much do you think a school exchange trip to Peru would cost

How much do you think a school exchange trip to Peru would cost?
Our school hosts exchanges and I really want to go on an exchange to Peru, except I need to pay for it. It's a humanitarian exchange where we help orphans and live with a host family for 2 weeks. Other exchanges in our school cost...: Spain: $1500, France: $1800, Russia: $3300, Ireland: $2500, and Italy: $4000. I'm wondering if it is near the lower or upper end. If anyone can help that would be AMAZING! Thank you :]
Peru - 3 Answers
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It all depens on what you do. I don't think it would be more than France. Life is cheaper in Peru. I went there and stayed at my friend's house for 2 weeks and spent $600
2 :
You obviously need to talk to your school about potential programs, for the most part though they are all expensive and unfortunately the biggest benefit for the organization you are volunteering for is the profit they are making off of your admission and not your service. You can imagine that it is hard enough for an orphan to not have a solid family, but to have someone he meets and becomes enamored with leave him/her ultimately in the end, that can lead to emotional issues and trauma. That is why I am not a fan of those programs, I would rather recommend that you find a program that aims at bettering communities in the Andes by helping to build houses or plan within communities, working for progress etc. I invite you to my own organizations volunteer program if you are 18+, we offer free room and board plus an affordable $25 a week meal plan. Our volunteers help gather information regarding Peru to build the Internets largest informational database on the culture of this country. You get weekends off to travel the country at our agencies confidential prices. Perupedia is the project and you can read more about it here:
3 :
Well It all depends on your school, I guess there is not a big difference with tuition at all. For example at my school CSULB there are many IP programs, for this summer my school has the following destiantions: Florence-Italy Guayaquil-Ecuador Crete-Greece Madrid-Spain Seoul-Korea well according to the flyers a student must pay around 2000-3000. They include tuition and I think that housing too. If you were to go to Ecuador your money will last you longer, I guess that with less than 1000 dollars you could survive for 6-7 weeks. But in Europe I dont think that will be enough.... Why dont you school if there is family that could take you in their home, and try to plan a budget in advance
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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Im really interested in becoming a foreign exchange student but i have no idea were to begin or how to

Im really interested in becoming a foreign exchange student but i have no idea were to begin or how to?
if you could help me find some scholarships for a school in argentina, italy, or japan and maybe give me some ideas for how to ask/persuade my parents that would freakn' rock THANKS
Studying Abroad - 2 Answers
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1 :
i have Always wanted to do that too i know that does not answer anything but ^.^
2 :
If you're in college, then there should be a international studies office. If not, then there are plenty of ways to find exchange programs throughout your state and city. This site looks legit, but I would go to citysearch through google for your city. I've studied abroad twice- both times my parents paid. I went through my high school and then my university. It's an experience that not only let's me experience another culture, but actually learn something that will apply to my life, such as courses, and help me to build tolerance and even learn about myself <--- good way to convince them to help.
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