Thursday, December 24, 2009

what to expect when staioned with the air force in aveno italy

what to expect when staioned with the air force in aveno italy?
i am about to finish tech school. my first duty station is in aviano italy and idk what to expect. im lost as far as bah, oah, housing and if there is any extra pay. also what to expect as far as my family and i adjusting to italy...
Military - 4 Answers
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1 :
Well the first thing you should about living in that particular spot, is that there will be Italians.
2 :
Be careful. Their husbands carry knives.
3 :
Here's a link to Aviano's newcomer's info. Enjoy.
4 :
Hi! My husband finishes tech school in July, and we are going to Aviano as well, in August! As far as housing goes, are you single or married? If you are single, you will be staying on base, so you won't be getting BAH. If you are married, the housing is different than other bases. There is no on base housing, but there are government leased units that serve like base housing. It's rent free, so no BAH. You can also choose to live in the economy housing, or "off base" housing, but I have read that that is pretty difficult if you don't speak italian. Here are a couple of sites that I have found to be extremely helpful! I hope this helps!
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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I have to do this project for school. I need some pictures of what people In Italy wear for Christmas.

I have to do this project for school. I need some pictures of what people In Italy wear for Christmas.?
Is it something special because I have to dress like they do for Christmas and I have no Idea where to find some pictures! I have done searches and find nothing please please PLEASE help me!!! I have to have this by tomarrow and its already 11:06 pm!
Internet - 3 Answers
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2 :
ok, if you dont know the freaken answer to the question DONT ANSWER IT!!!!! YOU ARE NO HELP TO ME AND HER SO JUST SHUT UP AND STOP! Sorry Salena, I got a little mad but she'll get over it. Anyone know? I need it too... please help, not put stupid things.
3 :
I think that you could not find anything because there is nothing to find!!! Why would they dress different for Christmas!? Italy was always behind France in current fashion, so there is NO special dress code for the Christmas. They are just people like me and you and they put on clothes that are modern. I have been there many times and even celebrated Christmas in Bari Italy in 2002 and I really don't remember someone putting special clothes on....unless they have changed... Might be that some folks in Sicily and Sardinia still wear some folklore clothes.
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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Going to Italy, what is it like

Going to Italy, what is it like?
Ok im going to Italy in February with my school. Im starting to save my money now, and i am planning to bring 1500 american dollars. Do you think that this will be enough, considering it is more expensive over there than it is here in the states? What is the weather like in Italy during the month of Feb? In NY, where im from, it is very very cold, but Im just not sure if its going to be as cold over there as it is in NY. Also, what kind of clothes should I bring? We're going to be walking all day, and I know that in Italy people dress very sophisticated. I was thinking of bringing black pants and like 1 pair of good jeans to wear. For shoes, i was thinking of buying a pair of coach sneakers, since we are going to be walking alot. As for a bag to carry around, im not sure if i should buy a north face back pack or just a little messenger bag. And finally my last question, what foods do you suggest I try? Other than pizza, gelatos, and pasta, what are some other great italian dishes?
Other - Destinations - 5 Answers
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1 :
Exploring Italy... new itineraries to some of the undiscovered treasures of Italy and more ....
2 :
Italy will be cold in Feb. Much like NYC. They dress very western, like the US. Other than pasta, which you'll love, try their veal dishes or pork. Osso Buco is wonderful, the calf's knee. Too many foods to mention. All great. Lose some weight before going or your clothes won't fit on return. Else take some larger sizes. LOL I gained 15 lbs. in two weeks on my first trip. Ate my way through Italy. Always did.
3 :
when i went to italy with my school the weather was pretty much like it would be here [im from new jersey]....we walked a lot so it was good that i has not sure if coach sneakers are comfortable....but you might not want to spend money on coach sneakers for case it might rain or if you have to go through dirt or something...get a regular pair you wont miss if they get dirty....they dress casually like us....but nothing too casual [get me?] something like jeans but a nice pair....a nice version of everything [pants, shirt, skirt, etc...] for your bag...there are tons of pickpockets in italy [in europe really...haha] so take a bag thats small enough that you can keep an eye on it but big enough to hold the things you want to put into food is a complicated subject....even though you said no pizza...try tastes very different from ours [its better] and when you sit down at the restaurant just ask for the should be very italian and different...take more money [a lot more money] trust me a lot of things will catch your eye over money is extremely important especially if you plan on bringing back gifts...i hope you have tons of fun in italy...
4 :
Weather will probably be similar to NY, a little warmer in Rome and the south, but be prepared. The dress is less casual and more sophisticated there,; wear nice pants of a skirt, find some shoes that are comfortable but look nicer than sneakers, and beware the pickpockets. they can be any age, size or gender. It is best to buy one of the pouches you wear next to your body for cash and carry small purse and try not to look like a tourist. i recommend taking a credit card and a debit card for cash, no travellers checks. You can buy some euros at a bank here before you go, so when you arrive you don't have to immediately go find an ATM. The food will be fabulous and you will walk a LOT. i hope you get to visit Florence becasue it is a shoppers paradise and has the Michelangelo museum as wel as others, of course.
5 :
The question is more complex than it seems to be... In February the weather is very various and fast-changing, typically it's cold in the north and warm in the south. Take with you a credit card and change some cash in euros before you leave. The clothes.... wear the ones you prefer :-P Where are you going in Italy? Rome, Florence, Venice... other cities...?
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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How much does it cost to study abroad in Italy

How much does it cost to study abroad in Italy?
I'm a junior in high school, and I'm strongly considering studying abroad in Italy. I don't know if i want to go for 1 semester, or 2 yet. But any help and/or advice would be greatly appreciated!
Studying Abroad - 4 Answers
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1 :
23 dollars
2 :
Generally, semester programs for just about anywhere tend to be between $7,000 and $9,000 and year programs tend to be $11,000 to $13,000. It would vary on the company and the country, but those are just general ballpark answers.
3 :
Italy has mostly public universities which are not that expensive per se, I believe it should run around 2000-4000$ a year but the cost of living there is really high and as far as I know student loans don't exist. Also most prestigious universities have very rigorous entrance exams.
4 :
If you are a Junior, I think you'd better think quick! You could go your second semester Junior Year, or your first semester senior year. I recommend not going abroad your secon semester senior year, because you will miss all those amazing events before graduation! Prom? Senior cut day? Graduation? One company that I have found that has a great Italy program in AYUSA. They also really help you through the process and give you ideas on how to save up and prepare for your study abroad. (Not to mention they offer scholarships and a bunch of discounts!) Their study abroad program costs around $7,000, but it includes international flights, health insurance, school, living with a host family, and a couple meals and excursions! (alot of the companies don't include the flights and health insurance, so they look cheap, but they are really not!) I think this would be a great place to start out, but start now! Good luck!
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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

i met this guy on a school trip and really like him!! how do i get his attention now wer back at school

i met this guy on a school trip and really like him!! how do i get his attention now wer back at school???
last week i went on a school trip to italy and i spent most of my week with one of my guy mates best friends (we wer in the same group) we spent almost all are time together and i really started to fancey him. hes so cute and we have so much in common. we flirted loads and sat next to each other on the bus home (from the air port) my mate noticed i seemed to fanceyed him and was joking about it on the bus. i didnt want to say anythink so i just said 'who i fancey is my buissness' and shutup. wev been at school now for a day and we no longer really see each other because we have no classes together. i really miss talking to him and i want to get to know him more but as we dont even hang round with the same poeple i dont EVER see him. all iv said to him since we got back from the trip was when he shouted 'hi' to me across a hall way and i wave back . how can i get him to notice me when we hardly see each other? hes seemes so confided and im really shy!! help.
Singles & Dating - 11 Answers
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1 :
Just show him Ur breast that always gets my mans attention when he isn't listening
2 :
3 :
email him and tell him u wanna get together.
4 :
Have one of your friends who have classes with him or gets to see him give him your number. If he doesn't call, then you will know he's not interested and to move on.
5 :
well guy's always fancey getting talked to bey girls, it is a good passtime, but if you just talk to him, then you should be able to find out more.
6 :
maybe u should ask him for his email address that way u can chat online, and the shy thing wouldn't be such a big deal since u guys will talk online. also that would give u an opertunity to talk to each other and make plans!
7 :
Write him a note including ur fone #! tell em u miss him ...but not in a desperate way but be very flirty . it always works for me.
8 :
talk to him over aim, myspace, or even texting him. tell him that you two need to hang out more. and then, after you hang out once, you will hang out more and more ( if he enjoyed it.) and when you hang out more you will see each other more, hopefully bringing you closer.
9 :
give him a note saying meet me some where then he will tell him the time and stuff
10 :
Text him and say to each other that you want to go out with him that you had a great time hanging out with him at itally and that you had a lot of common
11 :
well i think u should let him know becuz who knows he may feel the same way bout u n if u dont ask him u ll be sayin wat if. i say go 4 it sweetie
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Monday, November 16, 2009

Help with questions about Raphael’s painting of the School of Athens

Help with questions about Raphael’s painting of the School of Athens?
1. 6.At the time the School of Athens was painted, what did Renaissance Italy have in common with the fresco subject matter? 7.What Renaissance values are reflected in Raphael’s School of Athens? Please help!!! IMPORTANT
Painting - 1 Answers
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1 :
The Pope wanted everything to show off his money and brains. He was terrible and the artists hated him, he was pompous and tried to fight the Medicis (the artists patron) for control of rome and italy so he was showing off thinking he was better than king david and wanted to build a "roman jerusalem". Raphael, Michealangelo and Davinci all hated and despised the papal office and the church of rome at the time. The Medicie's were actually good to them and this group supported the jews and Rome persectuted them at the time. There is NOTHING in common with Athens and Rome except the fact that like Socrates (not pictured in the painting) was killed by the government for telling the truth. Alot like Jesus, who is unseen. The values reflect the arguments over learnign and the division of religion and science. Rome was trying to supress science with faith and science was at the time considered witch craft. The jews and all jewish/greek philosophies were suppressed by Rome and the Catholic church. Also note the lack of women's presence in the school at Raphaels time, but in early Greece, women were more free. Until Roman suppression. Which was blamed on the Jews. And as far as greek homosexuality, see the Roman senatorial tradition for truth on that. It wasnt the Greeks butt plugging, it was Roman Catholic Rich MEN and they blamed the greeks. Kind of like the Priests of today, and how they like little boys that look feminine, now see why John looks feminine in Davincis paintings? Preist of Rome have been doing this for years and years and blaming the Greeks.
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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Help with questions about Raphael’s painting of the School of Athens

Help with questions about Raphael’s painting of the School of Athens?
1. 6.At the time the School of Athens was painted, what did Renaissance Italy have in common with the fresco subject matter? 7.What Renaissance values are reflected in Raphael’s School of Athens? Please help!!! IMPORTANT
Painting - 1 Answers
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1 :
The Pope wanted everything to show off his money and brains. He was terrible and the artists hated him, he was pompous and tried to fight the Medicis (the artists patron) for control of rome and italy so he was showing off thinking he was better than king david and wanted to build a "roman jerusalem". Raphael, Michealangelo and Davinci all hated and despised the papal office and the church of rome at the time. The Medicie's were actually good to them and this group supported the jews and Rome persectuted them at the time. There is NOTHING in common with Athens and Rome except the fact that like Socrates (not pictured in the painting) was killed by the government for telling the truth. Alot like Jesus, who is unseen. The values reflect the arguments over learnign and the division of religion and science. Rome was trying to supress science with faith and science was at the time considered witch craft. The jews and all jewish/greek philosophies were suppressed by Rome and the Catholic church. Also note the lack of women's presence in the school at Raphaels time, but in early Greece, women were more free. Until Roman suppression. Which was blamed on the Jews. And as far as greek homosexuality, see the Roman senatorial tradition for truth on that. It wasnt the Greeks butt plugging, it was Roman Catholic Rich MEN and they blamed the greeks. Kind of like the Priests of today, and how they like little boys that look feminine, now see why John looks feminine in Davincis paintings? Preist of Rome have been doing this for years and years and blaming the Greeks.
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Sunday, November 1, 2009

15 and going to italy alone, for 2 months for school, what should i expect

15 and going to italy alone, for 2 months for school, what should i expect?
I'm doing a summer program in summer 2011 to study art in italy, i'm gonna be 16 by then. I'm going to be studying art in Lanciano italy, and i'm gnna be living with roomies and stuff. what should i expect? Should i learn some italian before i go? Yeah but it's with a safe program, i'm attending a program with a cerfew and teachers from toronto (where i live) plus i'm italian, i have relatives there
Family - 2 Answers
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1 :
i dont think you should go. you hear on the news stories about young girls going away on trips and never coming back. dont do it
2 :
Definitely learning some Italian would make your trip to Italy more enjoyable and make you feel more safe. Even if you have teachers and other students from your country going along, what if you find yourself alone and need to call a taxi or make a phone call, or ask where the nearest restroom is? Get in touch with the Italian Institute of Culture in Toronto, and find out whether they have Italian language classes near your home.
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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Does anyone know any Music schools in Rome, Italy- Paris, France, and Vienna, Austria

Does anyone know any Music schools in Rome, Italy- Paris, France, and Vienna, Austria?

Other - Europe - 1 Answers
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1 :
Your question is very wide. Of course all these towns have music schools, they are the capitals of countries. Most likely they have all levels of musical education, from beginners to masterclasses for top professional singers and musicians. And all kinds of music, classical, jazz, pop, rock, ..... So please specify what you are looking for, what level, what kind of music and what instrument or voice. Than we can advice you better. Now it is like you asking for a music school in New York.
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Friday, October 16, 2009

I want to live in Italy temporarily when I am older. How can I make this happen

I want to live in Italy temporarily when I am older. How can I make this happen?
I am just a junior in high school right now but I want to live in Italy for a while after college. Someone told me that in order for someone to move to Italy, you have to have a visa through your work or live their through college and you can't just live there to live there. Is this true? Also, if I wanted to live in Italy for say, a year or so then would I have to gain Italian citizenship and is this a hard thing to accomplish?
Other - Italy - 3 Answers
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1 :
No, it's not true what they said to you and by the way in order to gain Italian citizenship you have to stay here for ten years :-) (would be easier for some specific circumstances); anyway here, official site of Italian foreign ministry you can select the reason you want to stay and reading about what is needed. Also here and here You have to choose "Elective residence": "Type of visa foreseen for foreign citizens who intend to reside in Italy without working" 1. visa application form 2. recent passport-style photo 3. passport or travel document valid for at least three months after visa expiry date 4. documented and detailed guarantee of substantial and steady private income private income (pensions or annuities) from property, stable economic and commercial activities or from other sources 5. availability of adeguate lodgings in Italy" So, yes, you definitely can. Not only George Clooney :)
2 :
The first thing to do would be to research your family's history and find out if you can obtain EU citizenship. I managed to do this because my grandparents WERE citizens of a European country at the time my father was born. It didn't matter that my father had never been to Europe and didn't speak the language of his parents' country. Some countries are pretty relaxed about this stuff. If you can't get EU citizenship, you would need to get a skilled worker visa. First, you would have to find a job that could not be filled by any EU citizen. This can be difficult. Stuff like teaching English and working in bars can easily be done by people from the UK. If you're a neurosurgeon who speaks Italian... well you've got a much better chance. Once you found this job and your employer agreed to sponsor you, it's a fairly simple paperwork process. Alternately, you could live there illegally and hope you never need health care or the services of the police (a baby could be bleeding on the sidewalk and they would check your immigration documents before they helped the baby... they're that grumpy about immigration over there). You know the way Americans feel about illegal immigrants? That's the way Italians feel about illegal immigrants as well. You decide if you want to be on the receiving end of the hostility (I once saw a "Youth Against Immigration" rally in Torino). Citizenship would be out the question unless you were a skilled worker who had resided in the country for 10+ years, or unless you married an Italian citizen.
3 :
no it's not true. you can live in italy for a short period but if you are not a citizen of the european community you must have a sort of "green card" ...we call it "permesso di soggiorno" in alternative, if you search for a job you can stay for a long time, the same if you study in italy.... ciao Silvia
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Thursday, October 8, 2009

What should I wear in Italy

What should I wear in Italy?
I'm 13 and I'm going on a school trip to Italy in July and i don't know what to wear. I heard that its inappropriate to wear shorts that are shorter than your middle finger when your arms are at your sides. I was hoping this isn't true because all my shorts are short and i have long arms. We are also going to be walking a lot and my teacher suggested we walk fast so i'll need to wear comfortable clothes. are tank tops ok? should i use a backpack or a purse? What is the temperature going to be? How do i not look like a tacky tourist? any other tips? We are going to visit Rome, Florence, Venice, Genova, Milan, and i think that's it i unfortunately don't have money for designer clothes.
Other - Italy - 10 Answers
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1 :
Dress casual but always look neat !!!! You will need good walking shoes. Forget short shorts.......
2 :
in summer the clime in italy is hot...and you wear all you want!...the shorts, t-shirt...but...when you go for example in the church (rome) don't wear the shorts, you must wear the traousers long under the knee... and you musn't wear the top... byebye! sorry...i'm an italian girl (i live near milan) english is very terrible"
3 :
ahaha unless u go to Vatican City, Italian girls wear the sluttiest clothes in the world, so just don't care of all those sh*its about the middle finger bla advice i can give is that if u don't wanna look like a tourist, take with u ur best and stylish clothes ( i guess u're from US...well in Italy stuff like Aeropostale,American Eagle,old navy,crocks are considered shit....i'd go with Converse stuff, Nike, D&G[if u have it]....and we don't dress least the sportive ones...and an other tip is that don't do the typical cheesy pictures to the monuments as all tourists do, just do it to yourselves and ur friends and maybe the monuments too.... have fun!
4 :
Cover always knees and elbows if you wish to visit churches.
5 :
" in Italy stuff like Aeropostale,American Eagle,old navy,crocks are considered ****...." hahahah! reason #3745675456 to love italy
6 :
Do not wear american eagle or holliester or ascribe. If you have any of those clothing brands... you will for sure be known as a tourist. that is all i can say apart from the fact that they have the whole retro look going on there! good luck :)
7 :
It's not important what you wear, it's important what you are!!!! I'm an italian guy, I'm 16 and I live in Milan... when will you be in Milan??? maybe we can meet us... I'll show you our fantastic Milan!!!! if you want to talk with me about your trip or other, send me an e-mail and I'll give you my messenger!!!! see you in Milan.... bye bye
8 :
wear whatever you want.. doesnt really matter
9 :
The temperature is like 25-32°. I live in Rome, it's really hot. But I'd don't wear shorts or top because you can't enter in churches with that, and SURELY you will visit a church...
10 :
I'M ITALIAN in italy it's very very cold now because it's summer and we wear a short clothes but when we have at school we musn't wear a short vert clothes you can weara short that are long near the kneel and a lot of t-shirt when you are out of the class you can wear something but if you visit a cathedral or a religiou place you must waer school clothes too
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Thursday, October 1, 2009

What should I pack on my 10 day trip to Italy and France

What should I pack on my 10 day trip to Italy and France?
I'm going to Italy and France for the first time with my school in the middle of April - what kind of clothes/anything else should I bring? Also any tips or advice or anything would be appreciated!
Packing & Preparation - 2 Answers
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1 :
great walking shoes -you will probably do a lot of sight seeing. Long sleeve tops, light wind breaker, sweater (in case temperature should drop), tylenol (you don't want to start hunting around for something new at a pharmacy where instructions are only in french or italian), guide book, phone numbers of your embassy (in case something happens, you don't want to have to start searching when you are there), photo copy of your passport (in case it gets stolen), insurance, mobile phone (to call home) pocket dictionary camera have fun!
2 :
The other answer has a lot of good suggestions - layers are a particularly good idea since it can be chilly in the evenings or early mornings. Make sure you don't overpack, you don't need a lot of stuff to lug around with you here. One useful thing to have is a small folding umbrella that you can stick in a pocket or purse. It doesn't rain all that much, but it's nice to have one when it does. I live in northern Italy and have a very small umbrella that I stick in my back pocket when I go out exploring. If you've got a digital camera, bring extra memory and your charger. If you're not from the EU or you are from the UK, you'll need an adaptor for the plug, but not a voltage converter.
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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Can i leave school at 16 to do this

Can i leave school at 16 to do this?
I want to leave school at sixteen and go to italy or germany to study at college. I live in england. Would this be possible? I would move without my parents.
Adolescent - 7 Answers
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1 :
Enroll in an exchange student program, you must at least be acquainted with the language.
2 :
first you'd need to take the GED test to graduate high school. then you'd need to get emancipated from your parents to move out without their consent. after all that, your home free.
3 :
Hey, you can and stay at a student home?
4 :
No, you need parental consent since you are legally a child until you are 18 under English law.
5 :
learn your languages if u REALLY wanna c'mon, save that for college. 16 is your year, the SWEET SIXTEEN! have some drinks, partying, sex! forget school. oh, come on. i'm dead serious. if you don't like my advice, then don't bother reading it.
6 :
You will have to graduate high school EARLY (very hard) first, my friend. Then you will have to get into a college that does transfers. Some don't even do transfers abroad until after you have attended that university for a certain period of time. How about this? Continue going to school just as you are, get an afternoon job and save for a trip. You can always take a trip there first and then leave the moving abroad until later on.
7 :
AFS is a really good foreign exchange program. You could study abroad with them, but you would be placed in high school.
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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

U.S. High School:How is it organized

U.S. High School:How is it organized?
I'm an italian student who's studying at the medical school in turin,northern italy. i'm very fond of american culture and i'd like to know how your high school is structured and organized;what are the courses you follow and the subject you study?;can you choose them accordingly to your abilities and interests as we see in american fictions?how does it last? After the high school you should go to university,shouldn't you?there is a test to get through to be accepted to colleges,isn't it? if someone were interested in knowing how school is in italy may ask me and i will kindly answer. thanks a lot everybody you have been perfect,describing all that and making me have an idea of how things are. thank you thousand
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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1 :
I graduated HS a long time ago (4-5 years) but my sister is still there and things haven't changed much. 1) There is a program outline you have to follow. There are so many credits you have to earn in order to graduate. Usually, you're not left w/ a lot of choices. The courses are laid out for you already. I think I took 4-5 electives my entire HS career so there wasn't a lot of freedom. The required courses included: economics, government, english, math (algebra, geometry, algebra II, calculus), foreign language (french or spanish), chemistry, biology, physics was optional, computer science, history (european, american, world), physical education (any sport activity like volleyball, soccer, football, baseball, tennis, gym class). Then there were electives like fine art credits: choir, drama class, pottery, yearbook staff, art, home economics, etc. 2) Takes 4 years on average. You can graduate early if you get all your credits done in time. I, for example, took dual credit classes at my local college and then transferred them to my HS so I finished a year early. Finishing any quicker than 3 years is rare. 3) You don't have to go to college after HS but many kids do. These days, it's getting to the point where you almost HAVE to get a college degree to get a good job. There is a test that colleges require called the SAT. It's a standardized test that tests you on your basic knowledge of math and english. There is also the TAKS test that is required to actually graduate from HS. This test evaluates your knowledge on writing, math, science and history. Keep in mind that each HS will be different, require different courses and offer alternatives that others might not. But I summed it up pretty basic for ya. Hope it helped.
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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I want to move to Italy, and my family lives there

I want to move to Italy, and my family lives there?
Okay im in the usa, But my whole dad's side lives in italy, I can live with them possibly work for awhile with them until i learn the full Language, it has always been my dream to live there but im having a hard time deciding what to do....Ik i can go to school there sooner or later, i just want to live there always have and always will, but in usa i can always get a job and go to school, Just in italy will be harder, any advice?
Other - Italy - 5 Answers
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1 :
Just move.
2 :
well Italy doesn't give u all these's my's very beautiful...but even so boring if u don't live in big cities... if i were u...i'll try to come here 4 a couple of months and see if u like it or not...Italy is good for other things but not for depends about what do u wanna do in your life...what are your interests...look inside u...and think about things that u love...and then u could think about a work...anyway contact me...if u wanna know something more specific... think that i'd like to live in USA...we could switch
3 :
I agree with kittyy. Miciurina, l'erba del vicino ...
4 :
If you've got family there, go visit. Moving isn't permanent, so it can't hurt. It also depends on where they live. If it's out in the country, it may not be the luxurious life you have in your head. Go visit and see if you'd like it.
5 :
Did you watch -Under the Tuscan Sun-?? It's a wonderful movie depicting the Italian way of life, so genuine and slow, the poverty of the peasants and the food! Marcelo the latin lover, I love Itallia and Italian men. It's my dream live in Italy too!
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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

How Many Years are needed in a Drama School

How Many Years are needed in a Drama School??
Hi,Everyone...I'd like to ask you if you know how many years are needed to finish a Drama School(I hope this is the name of school I mean...anyway I mean a school where you can became an actor) in Italy...if you don't know in Italy,then tell me moreover how many years is it...And also:Is there an accelerated course(for ex. instead of doing 2 years,bringing it to 1,for people that don't have much time)???
Theater & Acting - 4 Answers
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1 :
Unfortunately, LEARNING to act is a long process. If you have natural talent, super! If not, this may be something you have to work at your whole life. I've been taking drama classes for two years and have benefited immensly, but I don't think there is any universal measure of time that you can use to say how much time it takes to become an actor. It depends on how good you are and how good you want to be. Anyone can be an actor, but not anyone can be a GOOD actor.
2 :
This is the information for studying in the United States. If you want to study in Italy you should contact the Italian drama schools for information. ---------------------- If you don't have much time to study drama, find another carer. Drama school requires a lot of focus. If you study drama at a University a Bachelor of Ats Deree, in theare, is 4 years. If you study drama at a junior college, it's two years. For a non-degree program, there are theater schools, that have courses where the school term varies in lenght of time to complete the program. From a few months to one-year. I hope this helps.
3 :
Depends on your talent.
4 :
Traditionally, the League of Professional Theater Training Schools, of which I graduated from one, require four years to get a Bachelor Fine Arts degree in acting. This is not to say that one needs a BFA but that was your question. In Italy I would call the Italian Ministry of Culture in Roma about where the local dramatic academies are what their separate requirements are. Italy is a little different as is the whole EU. Do you wish to do just stage acting? In the EU you should learn far more than English and Italian if you wish to work in the EU. I speak six languages and I still need translators over there often enough. If you intend to do musical, moreso over in Europe, you will need to consider operatic training for working in the state operas, which you know are the most prestigious venues. Also try getting into one of the internships of the historic theaters in Italy. Again ask for further information from the Cultural Ministry or if you are stateside call the Italian Cultural Institute on Park Ave. in New York. They can help you. If you need further help IM me.
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Monday, August 24, 2009

I need someone to crunch some numbers for me

I need someone to crunch some numbers for me?
Okay there is a trip to italy my school is planning for nest year's spring break. it costs $2314 and i currently have no job and have no money saved up but my parents would give me like 200 bucks to help out. In 12 months, how much money should I earn each month to make enough to be able to pay and go? I mean like monthly how should I get PS I KNOW I AM DUMB AND IT'S TRUE. I'M IN A BIG HURRY TOO
Other - Business & Finance - 1 Answers
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1 :
$200 a month is your goal so you can have a little spending money while there
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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Does Studying abroad make you look good for med school? Cost

Does Studying abroad make you look good for med school? Cost?
i'm thinking of ways to improve my medical school application, would studying abroad in italy or england look good. And does studying abroad cost money or does the college pay for..if so how much usually?
Studying Abroad - 2 Answers
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1 :
i'd think it would. and it depends on the school/program. but its well worth it. so much cultural experience is great.
2 :
Yes. It looks very good. Anything that makes you stand out and show that you are driven is good for graduate school applications.
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Saturday, August 8, 2009

How much Euros will I need in Rome for souveniers and lunch

How much Euros will I need in Rome for souveniers and lunch?
well, I will be in a school trip to italy for one week, hotel, breakfast and dinner, and most of the other stuff will be paid, the only thing I will like to know if how much will you recomend to spent on souveniers and lunch, and as well, what kind of souveniers will be really nice to bring to the US? Also, about how much will it be for a really unique shot glass?
Other - Europe - 1 Answers
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1 :
Shot glass will probably be $7. So that's like 8 Euros, Lunch is about $12 with drinks, so that's about 14 euros. So i dunno, bring maybe 20 to 30 euros for that day. A really cool souvenir my parents brought back for me when a Roman leather belt and a Roman Soldier helmet, like the kind they wore in Acient Rome
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Saturday, August 1, 2009

which ski school is the best in livigno, italy.

which ski school is the best in livigno, italy.?
three total beginners and three intermediate snowboarders need lessons for 3 or 4 days in late december.
Other - Italy - 1 Answers
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1 :
just follow your instinct...
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Friday, July 24, 2009

I am going to italy in mid-april with a small school group..what should i pack? what do i need to know

I am going to italy in mid-april with a small school group..what should i pack? what do i need to know?
we are visiting rome (vatican city) florence, pisa, venice, and assisi. websites with helpful info please and other info. thanx
Other - Italy - 4 Answers
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1 :
well first i would look up the weather for there and then i would see what i would want to pack the most!! hope I could help :)
2 :
I have never been to Italy but I have traveled to Paris and London. First find out what the temperature is going to be like and pack accordingly. Bring clothes that will be easy to layer, such as tank tops and long sleeve shirts, a hoodie as well. Do you have a passport? If not, find out which post office in your area takes passport applications. I also recommend exchanging a small amount of dollars for Euros before you leave, this creates less confusion and then you can get anything you need right away with out a hassle. Bring a suitcase (that rolls) and a backpack for during the day. Do you know any Italian? If not learn at the very least, Hello, thank you, goodbye, water, please, I would like, and do you speak English. Um I can't think of anything else right now.
3 :
try to type in Italy, usually they have different languages and also english, most Europaen cities have an english language site. For clothes takes spring clothes and one warm jacket. Long pants a must, jeans are fine for casual, for the vatican bring a head covering like a scarf. Good running shoes, otherwise just what ever you like to wear. You need a converter for your hairdryer and curling iron if you use one. Available at Wal-Mart. Have a nice trip.
4 :
Hi, Usually the weather is warm during this time of year but some warm clothes are recommended... You can check the weather online before you leave here: For other good information check this site: If your time schedule allows it I would suggest a visit to the ancient town Spoleto. It's not far from Assisi and is allways a wonderful place to visit! Another nice place not far from Assisi is Orvieto.
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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hello, What is the best and legal way to move to Italy permently

Hello, What is the best and legal way to move to Italy permently?
This is my ultimate Goal, to move to Italy as a legal resident. I am in School in right now getting my Art Degree. I plan to take as many Italian classes and learn the language and dialects profencintly
Etiquette - 3 Answers
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Why is this question in this section?
2 :
If you want to become a permanent resident, you'll have to look up Italy's immigration policy, and comply with it. You'll have to be employed, not be charged with any criminal offense, etc.
3 :
Italy makes you take a spelling test before you can legally move there .......... and it looks like you`re in BIG trouble !!
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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

How do I avoid theft in Florence and other parts of Italy

How do I avoid theft in Florence and other parts of Italy?
I am spending five weeks in Florence for school in two weeks. My grandparents (who have visited Italy on more than one occasion) are telling me how important it is that I get a money belt thing to wear under my clothes because it's so unsafe there with pickpockets and theft. Is this really necessary? Do they tend to pick out the tourists? And is there ways to avoid this? I'm just concerned that the tourist-y belt thing might scream, "pick on me, I'm not from around here!" My grandparents are really starting to freak me out.
Packing & Preparation - 3 Answers
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1 :
Hm. It sounds as if your grandparents are talking about the gypsies. You do need to be smart when around them. They are often women, who are often with children. They may approach with a piece of cardboard, laid flat, to distract you. (It makes you look down at the cardboard, to read what it says. They use this opportunity to use the board as a shield for their hands that will pick your pocket.) Gypsies target tourists, and there are a few ways you can avoid getting picked. I've been to Florence several times and have never been picked. I'm going to assume that you are a staying at a secure place; a host family's home, I guess. Whatever bag you use during the day, a purse or a knapsack, make sure that it's the zippered kind, not the clasped kind, which is harder to get into. Avoid putting anything valuable in an outside pocket; I usually just keep gum or tissues in the outside pocket. If you need to take money out of the ATM, try to go inside of the bank and using inside machines. If you use the ones that are outside, people can see how much money you're taking out. If you have to use the ones outside, have a friend stand next to you, to hide what you're doing from the stares of people in the street. If you're alone, be quick about putting in your PIN and putting your money away, and keep looking around you. Try to take your money out during the day, when it's easier to take in your surroundings. As to where you keep your money on a daily basis, you can do what I do. I travel with a "main" money wallet, one that I never take out in public. This holds the bulk of my money and documents. This I always keep in my messenger bag, in an inside pocket that is zippered up and never opened unless I'm in my hotel room. Every morning, before I leave the hotel, I put in a different "shopping" wallet my allowance for the day; this is the money I'm expecting to spend for the day. I divide my allowance by two. One half I hide in a compartment (you know the ones; where you can slip business cards and such). The other half I actually put in the money part of the wallet. That way, if I take my wallet out to pay for stuff, I don't show a whole wad of cash. I also make sure that the shopping wallet goes into a different zippered compartment of my bag, and that the zipper is always closed up. If you pay attention to your surroundings, you should be fine. Always make sure that the zippers of your bag face INWARD of your body. Never take your money out in public if you can help it. If you need to take out more money from a "main" wallet, like I do, do it in a bathroom stall, from the prying eyes of other. Avoid the gypsies, and ignore women and children who approach you for money. I know it's hard, especially when it's children, but keep in mind that the gypsies will use their children to distract you while they pick your pocket. If you insist on keeping your wallet on your person, always, always keep your wallet in the front pocket of your jeans. Keep one credit card separate from the shopping wallet, just in case. I had a money belt, and although it was helpful, it was a pain in the neck (I had to keep lifting my shirt to get to it). Just travel smart, and you should be fine.
2 :
The answerer here above has already given a few good suggestions. I'm living in Italy, close to Florence, and I've never been pick pocketed here in spite of I'm not putting my values under my shirt in a money belt. You know what, till now I've been pick pocketed only once in my life and it was in NYC...!! I don't know where you're living but wherever you're coming from I bet when you are in yr town you're paying careful attention to yr valuables by using the common sense. I guess this is really the only one thing you'll need while you're in Florence. In any case I'm sure in yr first days here you'll get very good tips from other students of yr school who probably have already had experience of gypsies but please now you musr relax since tourists are not the only one target of this gypsies people, all of us we are continuously "under attack". Have a nice staying here in Italy.
3 :
The 1st answerer gave very good advice. Other than keeping your valuables well, try your best to behave unlike a tourist. Dress like the locals. Don't carry a fanny pack and walk a camera hanging off your neck- these just scream "tourist!". You really need to watch out for the pickpockets who are mostly gypsies in Italy. They are very experienced in picking out which are the tourists. The women gypsies may even throw you their baby suddenly- you have no choice but to hold on to it and they would take the chance to grab your money. They are also good at cutting open your bag and taking your money WITHOUT you even realizing it. So watch out. I think you should carry a money belt if you are wearing clothes that wouldn't show it.
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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Can someone tell me about this castle in Italy

Can someone tell me about this castle in Italy?
What can you tell me about Castel del Monte in Italy? I am doing a school project on it and need to get some info
History - 1 Answers
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1 :
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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

How do I avoid theft in Florence and other parts of Italy

How do I avoid theft in Florence and other parts of Italy?
I am spending five weeks in Florence for school in two weeks. My grandparents (who have visited Italy on more than one occasion) are telling me how important it is that I get a money belt thing to wear under my clothes because it's so unsafe there with pickpockets and theft. Is this really necessary? Do they tend to pick out the tourists? And is there ways to avoid this? I'm just concerned that the tourist-y belt thing might scream, "pick on me, I'm not from around here!" My grandparents are really starting to freak me out.
Florence - 7 Answers
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1 :
yes pickpockets are really good at when stealing your stuff so here are things that can help you: Wear a money belt or pouch dress like a local person don't dress like a tourist for more info click on the site hope that helps
2 :
Sorry, but your grandparents are right. On my trip to Italy, a women near us got dragged by 2 teens trying to take her backpack. (Her husband caught one & beat the snot out of him. Then the Police arrested the teen.) Then, on line for David, our tour group had a woman posing as a tourist (ugly clothes, camera & all) join our group to look for someone to steal from. She just didn't know that she'd joined a group, so we spread the word and stared at her, and she left us to find some other prey. My sister's husband nearly got pickpocketed on their trip, but he always looks like a tourist. Definitely use a money belt or something under your clothes. Don't wear flashy colorful clothes or sneakers (major tourist thing). Watch your surroundings. Be safe. Italy is AWESOME!
3 :
Grandparents are generally a little paranoid. There's no reason to be nervous or freak out. Just use common sense. Use a money belt if it makes you feel comfortable -- at least in the beginning until you get the lay of the land. Pick-pocketing does happen (especially around the train station), but it's not as common as it is in Rome, for example. Walk confidently, don't carry a lot of cash, leave the credit cards in a safe if possible. You should be okay.
4 :
I live in Italy and yes pickpockets are everywhere here especially in the major cities. Wearing the money belt under your clothes is a very good idea. Also you can get an ID holder on a string that you wear around your neck to put your money and credit cards in. I have been told that pickpockets don't generally hit when you are standing still but when you are moving and in crowded area....train stations, tourist areas, etc.
5 :
I live in Italy and I feel safe from theft here for the most part. It is like going to NYC or any other major city, but not worse. With the exception of Naples, which is extremely dangerous. In Florence I would use the same precautions you would use in any big US city; be aware of your surroundings, don't stop and talk to people trying to hand out fliers or sell stuff on the street, keep your purse tucked under your arm, possibly with a zipper. I go to Florence often and have never felt uneasy or witnessed any trouble.
6 :
I have never felt so safe as I was in Rome and the rest of Northern Italy last year I travelled on the metro throughout Rome and also walked all over Florence - with no problems at all. Although I do have a personal travel motto - "carry what you can afford to lose". I carried credit cards in my top pocket of my denim jacket and a bit of cash - then had stuff like a camera and purse in my handbag. It is best to have a bag you can sling across your body - but all the locals carry handbags (almost like normal people really!!!) If you are worried - take a money bag and decide when you get there - I spent a fortune on anti- stealing devices before I left for Italy only to arrive and find them unnecessary and very obvious to every one else. I left mine in my luggage after day one. I did a tour thing and the tour guide really ramped up the fear factor about how unsafe it was to all on the tour - I felt that she did that to make us all more scared and therefore more reliant on her and the tour company. Live your life and enjoy Italy - it is simply such a magical destination to be a part of!
7 :
Yes unfortunately Italy is a high spot for pick pockets as is Paris one of the best things is a money belt. another thing is to wear a back pack a smallish one and wear it in front so you can see it another thing if your really scared is to use a simple luggage lock on the zippers don't put anything in your pockets and when shopping people usually pull out their whole stack of cash keep the lesser bills on the out side it will fool someone if their watching you. also always use the safe in your hotel rooms. don't let worry ruin your trip Italy is one of my favorite places to be! live laugh enjoy!!! In tensione è grande in modo da vive!!
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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Italy-- Turino or Vertibo, Travel/study abroad to turino or vertibo? Italians, Study Abroad, Italy Trip.

Italy-- Turino or Vertibo, Travel/study abroad to turino or vertibo? Italians, Study Abroad, Italy Trip....?
This summer I am going to study abroad for about 7 weeks. I want to travel to Italy and the 2 places that are offered by my school are Turino, Italy and Vertibo, Italy. I really am not familiar with these places, so I was hoping I could get some suggestions, or hopefully some people's experiences from either or both. The only thing I do know about these two places are that the Olympics were once in Turino, and Vertibo, is right outside of Rome, about an hour away. My school does not offer Sicily, Rome, Florence, Naples, etc. I am still looking forward to going and living there for about 2 months! I hope that you all can help. If not, share an experience you had about your study abroad and give me some travelling tips! I will be taking accredited classes. The University in Turino is the 4th best university in Italy. But anyway, the bottom line is....Turino or Vertibo? It's a difficult decision, and I have to make my decision this week. Hope you can help! Thank you.
Studying Abroad - 3 Answers
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1 :
First of all correct spelling in Italian of the two towns is Torino and Viterbo. Torino is a large town with all the good and bad things of a large place. Its University is rather renowned here in Italy but it's also depending on which course you want to attend. I don't know about schools in Viterbo. The town is much smaller than Torino but in some way more friendly. Also locals in this region are warmer / more welcoming than in Torino. As you know Rome is not that distant. If I were you I would go with Viterbo but my suggestion is only based on the ambiance of the town and not to the quality of its school.
2 :
I agree with what Martox45 already answered to you. Viterbo is a nice and friendly place and could allow you to travel easily to Rome and to the seaside. You are in the middle of Italy so you can also travel by train to Florence and Naples. Torino is not a touristic place (mainly industry, fog and pollution) and is far away from some artistic cities and from the seaside. From the point of view of which place, I can really reccomend you Viterbo!!! If you have other questions, just ask. P.S. I forgot, if you should go to Viterbo, don't miss the monster park in Bomarzo (close to Viterbo).
3 :
Why visit Turin? Because it is a city that is undergoing profound urban transformation. The city has taken on a new guise, thanks to the creation of ultramodern Olympic facilities and state of the art infrastructure. Turin with its new subway system has entered in the company of modern European cities. Turin’s has an innate industrial vocation that has enabled it to adapt to new technological needs, to the extent that today it has become one of the main centres of the ICT sector. Turin has known how to speak of its own history through the testimony of its many artistic and architectural sights. We can learn of the Ancient Roman times through the Palatine Gates, the Savoy era through its Baroque palaces and churches, the nineteenth century that saw Turin as capital of the Kingdom of Italy, and the 1950s through its factories. Turin has been able to transform itself recently into an important international capital of taste. It is the “homeland” of vermouth, of grissini bread sticks, and of chocolate that is craved by refined palates the world over. Turin is a great commercial centre. Besides the stores in its city centre, there are about 50 open-air markets and 18 kilometres of arcades that frame the main squares and city streets. Turin, where Italian cinema was born, has dedicated one of its most interesting museums to this “seventh art” located right inside the Mole Antonelliana, the symbol of the city. Turin is tied in with cinema as a privileged set for important film and television productions. As Le Corbusier said, “Turin is the city with the most beautiful natural location.” In fact, one of its assets is its extraordinary environmental heritage. It has 16,000,000 square metres of parks and gardens, 400 kilometres of tree-lined streets, more than 60,000 plants, 17 parks, and 70 kilometres of green areas along the four rivers in the city - the Po, Dora Riparia, Stura and Sangone. Turin is a city that is fascinating, aristocratic, literary, magic and very beautiful. As a young Sicilian writer wrote, we should visit Turin because “Turin is Turin and it is not a city like any other.” So, don't waste your time in Viterbo.
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Monday, June 8, 2009

Italy-- Turino or Vertibo, Travel/study abroad to turino or vertibo? Italians, Study Abroad, Italy Trip.

Italy-- Turino or Vertibo, Travel/study abroad to turino or vertibo? Italians, Study Abroad, Italy Trip....?
This summer I am going to study abroad for about 7 weeks. I want to travel to Italy and the 2 places that are offered by my school are Turino, Italy and Vertibo, Italy. I really am not familiar with these places, so I was hoping I could get some suggestions, or hopefully some people's experiences from either or both. The only thing I do know about these two places are that the Olympics were once in Turino, and Vertibo, is right outside of Rome, about an hour away. My school does not offer Sicily, Rome, Florence, Naples, etc. I am still looking forward to going and living there for about 2 months! I hope that you all can help. If not, share an experience you had about your study abroad and give me some travelling tips! I will be taking accredited classes. The University in Turino is the 4th best university in Italy. But anyway, the bottom line is....Turino or Vertibo? It's a difficult decision, and I have to make my decision this week. Hope you can help! Thank you.
Studying Abroad - 3 Answers
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1 :
First of all correct spelling in Italian of the two towns is Torino and Viterbo. Torino is a large town with all the good and bad things of a large place. Its University is rather renowned here in Italy but it's also depending on which course you want to attend. I don't know about schools in Viterbo. The town is much smaller than Torino but in some way more friendly. Also locals in this region are warmer / more welcoming than in Torino. As you know Rome is not that distant. If I were you I would go with Viterbo but my suggestion is only based on the ambiance of the town and not to the quality of its school.
2 :
I agree with what Martox45 already answered to you. Viterbo is a nice and friendly place and could allow you to travel easily to Rome and to the seaside. You are in the middle of Italy so you can also travel by train to Florence and Naples. Torino is not a touristic place (mainly industry, fog and pollution) and is far away from some artistic cities and from the seaside. From the point of view of which place, I can really reccomend you Viterbo!!! If you have other questions, just ask. P.S. I forgot, if you should go to Viterbo, don't miss the monster park in Bomarzo (close to Viterbo).
3 :
Why visit Turin? Because it is a city that is undergoing profound urban transformation. The city has taken on a new guise, thanks to the creation of ultramodern Olympic facilities and state of the art infrastructure. Turin with its new subway system has entered in the company of modern European cities. Turin’s has an innate industrial vocation that has enabled it to adapt to new technological needs, to the extent that today it has become one of the main centres of the ICT sector. Turin has known how to speak of its own history through the testimony of its many artistic and architectural sights. We can learn of the Ancient Roman times through the Palatine Gates, the Savoy era through its Baroque palaces and churches, the nineteenth century that saw Turin as capital of the Kingdom of Italy, and the 1950s through its factories. Turin has been able to transform itself recently into an important international capital of taste. It is the “homeland” of vermouth, of grissini bread sticks, and of chocolate that is craved by refined palates the world over. Turin is a great commercial centre. Besides the stores in its city centre, there are about 50 open-air markets and 18 kilometres of arcades that frame the main squares and city streets. Turin, where Italian cinema was born, has dedicated one of its most interesting museums to this “seventh art” located right inside the Mole Antonelliana, the symbol of the city. Turin is tied in with cinema as a privileged set for important film and television productions. As Le Corbusier said, “Turin is the city with the most beautiful natural location.” In fact, one of its assets is its extraordinary environmental heritage. It has 16,000,000 square metres of parks and gardens, 400 kilometres of tree-lined streets, more than 60,000 plants, 17 parks, and 70 kilometres of green areas along the four rivers in the city - the Po, Dora Riparia, Stura and Sangone. Turin is a city that is fascinating, aristocratic, literary, magic and very beautiful. As a young Sicilian writer wrote, we should visit Turin because “Turin is Turin and it is not a city like any other.” So, don't waste your time in Viterbo.
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Monday, June 1, 2009

Hi! A question from Italy? (I'm Italian) XD

Hi! A question from Italy? (I'm Italian) XD?
Hopefully you'll understand why I used Google translator >.<'' Let me introduce myself, I am writing to you and Federica from Italy ... xD I'm 13 years old and I wanted to ask you Americans, why and by so much that I wonder, is there as the school. Here in Italy, everyone wants to be born in America, including high schools with lockers, class upgrades at any time and mess. Here it is so boring: we have a class setting and the same fellow >.<'' are the professors to move and change every now we move between the desks to talk to friends and comrades, until the teacher arrives . We envy you all here: we have schools like yours and live in a country like yours, because the language is English and you will learn how we Italian, while we are here to study English there is a grind XD we already know that it would be great, and I when I went from elementary to middle there are upset because a lot of watching American TV series set in schools with lockers thought to have lockers, but no D: XD We know how the schools because there are organized MTV look through a variety show. But it is true that there are the cheerleaders, the football team and are divided into nerds, geeks, unfortunately 'losers', and popular sports? Just today I watched 'If you know me' and I was really hurt by the discrimination that run for some schools. I'm not a girl 'popular'. Of course, everyone knows who I m not much courted, are normal, I'm nice and I have many many true friends. They are quite nice, but I do not boast, even those who hate you have. I explained as best as you are and are set to your schools? How do you live there, your routine .. how are you? Which group do you belong to? And there has never crossed my mind as if it were here in Italy between these villages deadly boring? And tell me, there like Justin Bieber? I love it here but not so much appreciated XD And everyone dreams of going to be big in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco ... but you realize how lucky you are? xD PS: I will try to write well in English use the translator and chewed my English XD Thanks again: D D: Oh my god! @Aphroditex: No! You are the best u.u The economic crisis is worldwide... but italians love America, and as for the policy here our prime minister is constantly being accused D: @Layla: Escuse me but yes, I study english but is so difficoult for me. MTV does show, but i don't know because we are so attracted... perhaps because of the diversity of culture? Thanks for the answers :D Referring to the groups is really ugly! I'm sorry D: No thanks, i hate German XD
Adolescent - 5 Answers
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1 :
Google ha fatto un lavoro orribile a tradurre. I wrote in Italian that Google did a horrible job translating.
2 :
3 :
The United States isn't what it's cracked up to be. It's a pretty good country, but we're no better than the European countries. You guys are pretty caught up to us, except for a few things. Right now our country has problems with the economy, people are always fighting about politics, and arguments are always getting heated up.
4 :
I don't really know what your question is but I'm Irish and in my school we have lockers. Dont know how to answer this for you sorry
5 :
Uhh. This was very confusing to me. Yeah we have Justin Bieber..I think you asked that question somewhere in there? and yeah unfortanely there are "cliques" in schools which include people like cheerleaders, jocks, nerds, emo/scene, and band geeks. But MTV just glamorizes teen pregnancy. So don't think everything is so glamorus just because of something shown on tv.
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Sunday, May 24, 2009

I'm going to Italy....and I'm black

I'm going to Italy....and I'm black?
In Feb 2008 I am going on a school trip to Italy with a group of about 30. The group I am traveling with is predominately white, and I am the only person of color. I know my experience will be different than my fellow classmates, but i was wondering how are the Italians when it comes to the darker skinned? I know my experience will be different, i just hope it wont be a bad one. If anyone can give me insight on what i could expect over there that would be great.
Other - Society & Culture - 24 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
italians are not racist (or at least not publicly) so u should have no problems
2 :
I don't think they will care! I'm Italian, and as far as I know, Italians are very kind. They can be kind of obnoxious and a little mean sometimes, but I don't think you'll have a problem. Have fun!
3 :
You'll be fine italians are nice dont worry...
4 :
i really dont think it will matter what color skin u are. and personally i think its a dumb thing to worry about
5 :
okay...well the same thing with high school went to italy on my senior year..and there were like 3 i think black people in our class of about 20 i think..the girls were all over was quiet funny! hahaha..they dont look at it any different..enjoy and have fun! dont even worry about it!
6 :
raice and color have nothing 2 do withit have fun
7 :
well they dont really care, there are alot of italians that are dark, im italian and jamaican and i have been to italy plenty of times, they look at dark people the same way they look at a white person. good luck.
8 :
I think the most discrimination when it comes to blacks happens in America. (speaking from experience) I'm from Romania and people there don't think less of you. Blacks are actually in 'vogue' I dont know about Italy but it would probably be the same. I know you'll have a good time! TO CHLOE: The Eiffel Tower is in France not Italy. lol Don't lie and say you've been there twice.. haha
9 :
So? There are less racists over there in Europe so don't sweat it homie you will be straight. Italian people are nice.
10 :
the real Italy - Italians are nothing like the Howard Beach Italians. You'll be fine.
11 :
There is no part of Europe that doesn't have a Black presence, although it is more prevalent in some places than others. As an example, Paris has been a place where African Americans have chosen to live to escape political pressure or just to experience a different culture since the 1800s. During WWII, Black brigades fought on French shores and many settled there after the war. The infusion of Afro-French cuisine is something to be seen as well, with the community in Paris really creating quite a sub-culture
12 :
I've been to Italy a few times with a black friend and she has never encountered any racism, I hope you have the same experience, we have really enjoyed or trips there.
13 :
I think you will be just fine. Racism is an American sport. Believe it or not, there are black people in Europe.
14 :
Many Italians (southern ones mainly) have black ancestors themselves. The ones with jet black hair and eyes are partially from the Moors who invaded Italy many times during the Middle Ages. The lighter Italians are germanic and are from the Lombard, and Ostrogoth tribes that settled in northern Italy.
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16 :
Your experience will be as wonderful as you'll allow it to be. God created you in your beautiful tanned skin, and its your job to be comfortable in it. If you make this trip a racial issue, it will be a racial issue. Italy in general is very liberal, and tolerant of all people. You'll have the same wonderful experiences as your classmates, your all going the same place... the only difference will be your personal mind set. Its your choice... what will it be?
17 :
you may have a feeling that italians are racist because of movies and tv shows like a bronx tale, the godfather, the sopranos. that kind of stuff. and the whole mafia thing. but, it's not true. europeans are actually really accepting of all races. just keep in mind that there are people in every country who act rude and obnoxious to people of a different race than them. try not to worry too much about it. i think you will have a great time. you're so lucky you're going to italy!! ;)
18 :
Hey! Don't worry absolutely! I'm Italian from Rome, and me and my friends used to go dancing hip-hop very often when I lived there. There are a lot of black people in Italy,unfortunately most of them are poor because immigration to Italy started not long ago and integration is still far from being complete. You shouldn't expect racism though, in Europe people are different, they like to accept everyone with their differences and peculiarities. I find the situation to be worse here in the US. Obviously I can't speak for everybody, but that's the average feeling that Europeans and Italians have. I hope you feel more confident now and have fun!!! :-) Ciao!!
19 :
Your experience won't be any different. I really don't think you will feel any discrimination based on your race.
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21 :
OMG are you going with Model UN? I was going to go but then decided not to
22 :
I'm not sure if you've noticed or not, but Italians are dark skinned too-... and it isn't from the sun.
23 :
Bro, listen to me I have been the only black man in many engagments mostly with whites,I never let it phase me and not allow it to keep me from enjoying myself, I just be me cause I cant change my skin,never been to Italy , but my two sister have ,an they were recieved warmly,so go have a good time.
24 :
dont think it should matter at all
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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Started high school yesterday.

Started high school yesterday....?
My daughter started high school here in Italy yesterday. She'd like to know how any other students' first days were around the world! ANd if you're old like me, but you remember any great high school stories to make her feel better, give me a response! Thanks and Peace
Polls & Surveys - 5 Answers
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1 :
I amat school now. it goes by faster as you get older.
2 :
I just remember feeling awkward and out of place.Hopefully your daughter is more studious than I was.
3 :
First day is always the easiest because there is never that hard of homework. It can be confusing to find wear your next class if going to be and how lunch time is going to work. But all in all in can be a pleasant experience and their right it goes by faster than you know, and when you are my age 25 you never ever want to go back and you are glad that it is over. High school is nothing but a 'utopia' of jocs/cheerleaders, bullies and cliques. Makes you wonder how these people evolve into the productive doctors, lawyers, business owners....etc., doesn't it?
4 :
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