Thursday, December 24, 2009

what to expect when staioned with the air force in aveno italy

what to expect when staioned with the air force in aveno italy?
i am about to finish tech school. my first duty station is in aviano italy and idk what to expect. im lost as far as bah, oah, housing and if there is any extra pay. also what to expect as far as my family and i adjusting to italy...
Military - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Well the first thing you should about living in that particular spot, is that there will be Italians.
2 :
Be careful. Their husbands carry knives.
3 :
Here's a link to Aviano's newcomer's info. Enjoy.
4 :
Hi! My husband finishes tech school in July, and we are going to Aviano as well, in August! As far as housing goes, are you single or married? If you are single, you will be staying on base, so you won't be getting BAH. If you are married, the housing is different than other bases. There is no on base housing, but there are government leased units that serve like base housing. It's rent free, so no BAH. You can also choose to live in the economy housing, or "off base" housing, but I have read that that is pretty difficult if you don't speak italian. Here are a couple of sites that I have found to be extremely helpful! I hope this helps!
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