Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How much does it cost to study abroad in Italy

How much does it cost to study abroad in Italy?
I'm a junior in high school, and I'm strongly considering studying abroad in Italy. I don't know if i want to go for 1 semester, or 2 yet. But any help and/or advice would be greatly appreciated!
Studying Abroad - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
23 dollars
2 :
Generally, semester programs for just about anywhere tend to be between $7,000 and $9,000 and year programs tend to be $11,000 to $13,000. It would vary on the company and the country, but those are just general ballpark answers.
3 :
Italy has mostly public universities which are not that expensive per se, I believe it should run around 2000-4000$ a year but the cost of living there is really high and as far as I know student loans don't exist. Also most prestigious universities have very rigorous entrance exams.
4 :
If you are a Junior, I think you'd better think quick! You could go your second semester Junior Year, or your first semester senior year. I recommend not going abroad your secon semester senior year, because you will miss all those amazing events before graduation! Prom? Senior cut day? Graduation? One company that I have found that has a great Italy program in AYUSA. They also really help you through the process and give you ideas on how to save up and prepare for your study abroad. (Not to mention they offer scholarships and a bunch of discounts!) Their study abroad program costs around $7,000, but it includes international flights, health insurance, school, living with a host family, and a couple meals and excursions! (alot of the companies don't include the flights and health insurance, so they look cheap, but they are really not!) I think this would be a great place to start out, but start now! Good luck! www.ayusa.org
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