Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I'm depressed...My dreams for Italy smashed.

I'm depressed...My dreams for Italy smashed...?
I feel depressed. I was supposed to go on a study abroad trip this summer to Italy with my school, but I also need an apartment to live in with my room-mate because our school is kicking everyone out of the dorms. Well, my mom won't cosign any loans for me so I have to do things by myself. That means that this wonderful trip with these wonderful people won't be happening, I think I'm going to have to use the study abroad money for the apartment and its making me feel the worst I've ever felt. I'm going to have to tell my teacher and the kids in my group...I'm just really sad right now. I'm going to try to save money to go next year maybe even use financial aid from my school and live there for a semester instead of just a month. I hope it works out. I just need to talk to someone because this all happened so fast...can anyone help me with suggestions about visiting Italy? I just can't believe this happened! I'm just worried that I'll never be able to go since I have to pay for an apartment and the costs for the program. It's pretty much impossible to get loans for these things unless you have a cosigner; which no will do that for me. I feel like I'll never be able to do anything great like this...I had such big expectations for this trip and I feel like someone just stabbed my heart out. I know this is such a weird message to some of you, but I just need to get my thoughts out...
Studying Abroad - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Sweet Ruby! Don't get upset. There is a law of nature. It says " There is cause behind every effect". If you see smoke coming, there must be fire. What has happened in your case, there must be some or the other reason. It would have happened to make you self-sufficient. Find out the cause. Don't get nervous. Your life principle is with you and it is always helping you. It"s power is so strong that you can move the world. You would be successful 100%. No doubt about it. My best wishes are with you. God bless you and let your dream come ture early!
2 :
dont cry hahahahahahahahahahaha
3 :
I'm sorry. I had been planning for something like this, though on a much smaller scale, for two years. When I thought that I couldn't go two months away from departure, I felt like my heart had been ripped out. It was dreadful. Lucky for me, it worked out in the end. Just keep trying. Talk to your school counselor. Tell them "This is what I want to do, now help me make it happen." Sitting down with a bank representative might be effective as well. Good luck dude.
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