Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I'm depressed...My dreams for Italy smashed.

I'm depressed...My dreams for Italy smashed...?
I feel depressed. I was supposed to go on a study abroad trip this summer to Italy with my school, but I also need an apartment to live in with my room-mate because our school is kicking everyone out of the dorms. Well, my mom won't cosign any loans for me so I have to do things by myself. That means that this wonderful trip with these wonderful people won't be happening, I think I'm going to have to use the study abroad money for the apartment and its making me feel the worst I've ever felt. I'm going to have to tell my teacher and the kids in my group...I'm just really sad right now. I'm going to try to save money to go next year maybe even use financial aid from my school and live there for a semester instead of just a month. I hope it works out. I just need to talk to someone because this all happened so fast...can anyone help me with suggestions about visiting Italy? I just can't believe this happened! I'm just worried that I'll never be able to go since I have to pay for an apartment and the costs for the program. It's pretty much impossible to get loans for these things unless you have a cosigner; which no will do that for me. I feel like I'll never be able to do anything great like this...I had such big expectations for this trip and I feel like someone just stabbed my heart out. I know this is such a weird message to some of you, but I just need to get my thoughts out...
Studying Abroad - 3 Answers
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1 :
Sweet Ruby! Don't get upset. There is a law of nature. It says " There is cause behind every effect". If you see smoke coming, there must be fire. What has happened in your case, there must be some or the other reason. It would have happened to make you self-sufficient. Find out the cause. Don't get nervous. Your life principle is with you and it is always helping you. It"s power is so strong that you can move the world. You would be successful 100%. No doubt about it. My best wishes are with you. God bless you and let your dream come ture early!
2 :
dont cry hahahahahahahahahahaha
3 :
I'm sorry. I had been planning for something like this, though on a much smaller scale, for two years. When I thought that I couldn't go two months away from departure, I felt like my heart had been ripped out. It was dreadful. Lucky for me, it worked out in the end. Just keep trying. Talk to your school counselor. Tell them "This is what I want to do, now help me make it happen." Sitting down with a bank representative might be effective as well. Good luck dude.
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Monday, January 16, 2012

hello my name e' Antonio dress in Italy is a fan of the America but to school in ingles I go very badly I have

hello my name e' Antonio dress in Italy is a fan of the America but to school in ingles I go very badly I have

Other - Education - 5 Answers
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1 :
no. yes. hell, i don't know what your question is.
2 :
whatever you say man cuz i'm stil tryin to find out what da q was
3 :
i'm sorry but we are italians....we can't speake well English......
4 :
your english is very bad!!! why don't you try to study?
5 :
ciao Antonio che cosa avete detto? Non capisco ! Mi dispiace molto --------------------------- I think you're trying to say that your address (live) in Italy and you like America but your inglish is very bad at school.but ,what's the question ?
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Sunday, January 8, 2012

What do you think about homosexual marriage in the USA

What do you think about homosexual marriage in the USA?
Hi everybody! I'm writing from Italy; at my school we're doing some research about new kinds of families, and my work consists of checking the situation in other countries.. It would be great if you would tell me your real opinion, an maybe your experiences, if you have any. Thank you so much! And greetings from Italy :D Yours Time4Tibet
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered - 9 Answers
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1 :
Well, it is the land of the free, but apparently, only for certain people.
2 :
I am a gay man, fixing to marry my soulmate. We live in a state that bans it. We are still doing it. We won't get any legal benefits from doing it, but we want to anyway. I think it should be legal in the US. I think we should have survivor benefits, tax breaks, and right to be "next of kin" just like straights do.
3 :
I am gay, but I grew up in a traditional Roman Catholic household and very much like the idea of monogamy through marriage (gay or straight). Especially when children are involved. The commitment adds stability and protections, as well as religious connotations for myself and many ... and I think it could be VERY important to a swath of issues in the gay community (Promescuity, broken / depressed gay children, inequalities towards the children of gay couples, etc). Im not just for gay marriage, I'm for marriage period. I think it's an overwhelmingly positive thing.
4 :
My friend, you are asking this question in the section of homosexuals. What answers do you think your gonna get? If you want what people think in America, you should search for opinion polls on google. This page won't give your work anything good. ;)
5 :
Simply put, Love is love.
6 :
Speaking as a LEGALLY MARRIED gay man (who is LEGALLY MARRIED to a gay man), I rather like the idea of having the same rights to marriage as anybody else. My partner and I went to San Francisco, California (from Dallas, Texas), in September of 2008, when a brief window of opportunity presented itself for gay people to get legally married in that state. Eighteen thousand gay couples got married during that all-too-brief period. We had a beautiful wedding in the truly magnificent S.F. City Hall, atop a sweeping white marble staircase under a soaring marble dome while standing in a 12-foot inlaid marble "marriage ring" on the floor. Everybody wept in joy, including our family members and many friends who flew out there with us. After the Mormon (Church of the so-called Latter-Day Saints) and the corrupt Roman Catholic churches poured tens of millions of dollars into a campaign to get the new law over-turned and gay folks were again denied their equal civil rights, those 18,000 couples remain legally married, including my partner of 26 years and I. My previous partner of 18 years died of liver cancer before gay marriage was legal anywhere in the world or we would surely have married. I can only hope that one day the world will awaken to the fact that all human beings are equal and eligible for any and all rights enjoyed by anyone else. While we live in Texas where nobody expects gay marriage to be allowed any time soon, we are working to make it legal in ALL of America, which would automatically include Texas. (Yes, our laws here are a little strange and complicated...) As it stands now, our marriage is only recognized in California and the two or three other states that have allowed gay marriage. We can't even file joint Federal income tax returns. IN ANY EVENT: Greetings to you in Italy! It's great to hear that at least conversations are being held in other countries that may lead to greater acceptance of gay marriage everywhere. It's only fair.
7 :
Hello Time4Tibet :) My personal opinion is that every human being on this earth is capable of and has every right to love regardless of gender, race, health, financial status etc. If someone out there is in love with someone of the same gender, it doesn't affect me one bit. As far as I'm concerned, there's so much hatred and violence in this world I'm always pleased to hear that SOMEONE out there is happy, content and not terrorizing others. lol When people share a special love or a true love, that is something very personal, special and sacred to them and no one else can possibly understand or comprehend the feelings involved because that chemistry is unique to only them. Every person loves in their own way, has their own personality, character, background, experiences, and so much more. It is humanly impossible to attempt to take on other people's situations and judge others at a glance without having walked a mile in their shoes. However, there are many people in the U.S. who are hell bent in judging entire groups of individuals without knowing a thing about them and, of course, they spend much of their time very stressed, frustrated and miserable with a constant fight on their hands. The majority of those people seem to be religious. It can become very heated, argumentative and hateful and really doesn't accomplish a whole lot in the long run. I personally have plenty going on in my life with family, friends, health issues and many other things and the thought of trying to take on some type of burden of judging others on who some person I don't even know should or shouldn't associate with, date, marry, etc is just ludicrous. I live my life honestly and sincerely and although I hope others do as well, I just don't delve into people's personal and private lives. For the folks around me like friends and neighbors and even my family, the subject comes up at times and we all put our 2 cents in with varying degrees of feelings from many different angles but in general we don't spend much time fretting over homosexual marriage or any other type of marriage or association for that matter. I hope this is helpful just coming from my perspective. Take care! :)
8 :
I think those who think they are "protecting marriage" would do well to look at Massachusetts. One of the few states in the US to allow gay marriage and it has the lowest divorce rate in the US. Actually the rate is lower than it was in 1949. Go figure.
9 :
It's gonna be legal in the whole US. There are open minded people in this generation that will stand up for this generations black sheep. Gay actually is the new black and I can say this as a black man. Federal protections aren't given because DOMA is on the books and people can't have the security that comes with the word marriage. There are some states that have full on marriage like Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Iowa and I believe there are one or two more I hope NY is added to it soon, I believe it will be in about ten years. Some have civil unions and domestic partnership registry which doesn't give the full range of benefits that marriage does. I think it's great and as soon as DOMA and bigots get out of office in other states or the push is made for marriage equality in other states then it's a snowball that will get bigger and bigger until there's equality for all!
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Sunday, January 1, 2012

What are two important events that happened in Italy and what are their historical significance

What are two important events that happened in Italy and what are their historical significance?
This is for a really important project at school ! please help!
History - 2 Answers
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1 :
Mussolini in 1921 and Mussolini in 1943
2 :
10 July 1943 รข€“ 8 May 1945 allied forces, in a joint coalition, invaded the Italian peninsula to create a third front in WWII. 476 Odoacer the Scirian, commander and elected King of the German troops in Italy, deposes Romulus Augustus and resolves to rule independently, but nominally as the viceroy of the Roman Augustus of Constantinople. End of the Western Roman Empire.
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