Saturday, April 24, 2010

I live in ny and i want to go to college in Italy but I heard that the Italian consulate only accepts visa

I live in ny and i want to go to college in Italy but I heard that the Italian consulate only accepts visa?
applications from actual schools themselves which means I have to be enrolled in a US college and the college handles all the paperwork. Is this true? Do I really have to go to school here in order to attend college in Italy?
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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Of course not. If you want American credits for it then, maybe yes. But you are free, mate. Most especially in Italy. Just don't headbutt their star football players in the chest when you are over there. You can learn Italian and then attend an Italian-speaking University. What are your larger plans? It really depends of if you just want a four or eight month lark to beef up your American resume or if you really want to participate long term within Italian academic structures and (maybe later) society. -Also... Do your homework. Look at the Consulate website in English. Maybe call them or send them an email.
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Friday, April 16, 2010

I want to start my MA online from my school here in the USA, but I want to study in Italy. Possible

I want to start my MA online from my school here in the USA, but I want to study in Italy. Possible?
Ok so here's my problem. I want to begin the MA program from my school in the USA online and run to Italy ( maybe Florence/ Tuscany) for a few months and study there, then transfer to the campus program in the Spring. I would LOVE to rent a room from a family and live with them, but haven't been able to find any information about where to do so, and if people even still do this! And all of the information I can find about studying abroad say that you have to go to their college and study culture or language to stay in their dorms. I'm only planning on staying there for about 2 months, so I don't want an apartment and I want to be around people to enjoy the culture and make friends. Please help me! Any information is better than none right now! Thanks!
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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1 :
Have you looked on Craigslist Italy??
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Thursday, April 8, 2010

What bank should I switch to because I'm being stationed in Italy

What bank should I switch to because I'm being stationed in Italy?
Well I just graduated airborne school and I'm getting hooked up with the 173rd in Italy and currently have a local bank account and was considering switching to USAA and was wondering if that would be my best bet being that ill be doing a 2 yr tour in italy. I was also wondering how to change the army's direct deposit from my old bank to start direct depositing into my new USAA account?? Thank you for any and all your advice!
Military - 7 Answers
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The America is Broke bank
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seriously u got that straight from osut?? usaa is great...
3 :
hooked up?! assigned is the military term! Why not open a local bank account at Camp Darby?! Go to finance to set up your direct deposits! -
4 :
I am a retired LTC and have been a member of USAA since I was a cadet in ROTC in 1973. I retired in 1996 and have remained a loyal member. Go with USAA, call them if necessary and they will assist you in filling out the paper work for switching from your current bank to USAA. Lucky you...Italy... all I got was Germany and Korea...actually, loved 'em both....
5 :
I agree with you, they would definitely be a top choice for you. They work with military overseas every day, so the process for you will be smooth. Plus, it's an organization that's dedicated to military and their families. They'll walk you through what paperwork you need in place if you want your loved ones to help run your accounts or pay your bills, they'll make sure you have sufficient life insurance coverage, etc. There's no commercial bank that I've seen, that actually cares as much about it's clients. Call them, set up the account with them, then they'll tell you how to switch over the direct deposit. I think that you fill out some form on your end with the new account number, but call them and they'll walk you through. Besides USAA, the only one I can think of is Bank of America. They have military banking, and they have presence in most developed countries (although not branches, mostly ATMs of their partner banks). Still, they aren't as good for what you're looking for, and their military banking is run on a completely different system, so when you walk into an actual branch, they can do very little for you other than make a deposit. Go with USAA and never look back. They are solid.
6 :
USAA is a great bank. I strongly recommend it. Good luck in Italy!...Lucky! lol
7 :
USAA is good for people in the military but this can be a problem for you if you are going to be doing separate deposits other than the direct deposit you have. You either have to mail it in which can take up to 2 weeks to go through as you are overseas or you can do the online scan deposit. But the later requires you to have either a credit card, a line of credit, a loan or insurance through them. You will pay ATM fees but it will be refunded up to a certain amount each month except for hte international transaction fee Check to see if there is a local bank/credit union on the base/post for doing deposits like that so you have immediate access to it. Plus it is good to take out cash that way and then do it through the money exchange to get a better rate without the fees. You could do both the USAA and the post bank. It can take up to 45 days for the deposits to go through so you should keep your old bank until you have them for awhile. And make sure you have changed all banking information because if you don't then travel pay, bonus, etc.. can always go to the old account.
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Thursday, April 1, 2010

If you want to study abroad, do your grades matter?I heard it doesnt matter. from several people.

If you want to study abroad, do your grades matter?I heard it doesnt matter. from several people.?
i want to study overseas in some school in italy switzerland and i was just wondering that if you have average grades could you still get in that school? i heard from several people all you have to do is pay the fee and thats it..
Studying Abroad - 2 Answers
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It depends if you are in high school or college, what program you use, and where you want to go. I am actually an exchange student right now throught Rotary Youth Exchange, and with them, grades actually are very important in their decisions.
2 :
It really depends what program you do the exchange through. all of them have their grade and language requirements posted on their websites. some require a 3.0 gpa or higher but most only require a c average grade. also with some you'll need two years of high school foreign language(that is if the country ur going to speaks a different language of course) like i said just look at different programs online and look at their requirements. you should also look into their prices too because some charge more than double of what other programs do for basically the same package. i don't know google it or something
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