Tuesday, April 24, 2012

When does school finish in US

When does school finish in US?
When does school finish in US? or wherever you are from? I'm from Italy, here's school's already over, we are on holiday from june 16 to september 16, from december 23 to january 7, and easter holidays but it depends lol
Other - Education - 3 Answers
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1 :
All the schools are different. A lot of people that go to private Parochial school get out the last week of May or first week of June and don't go back until September 8 after Labor day. Public Schools all end at different times but they are all within the month of June. I know some let out early around the 11th and some just let out on the 25. Pretty much all schools don't go back until after Labor Day.
2 :
It depends on where you live and how many snow days you have if you live up north. I'm from columbia city, IN and we got out May 28. If its a bad year and we have to use make up days for the days we missed school becuase of snow we usually get out around June 6. I go back to school around august 16. We also get a two week christmas break and a one week spring break. We also get some holidays off.
3 :
I live in Texas. We start August 24 and end June 2nd. We get out around December18th-20th to January6th-9th.
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Monday, April 16, 2012

Cashews and Pistachios in Spain/Italy

Cashews and Pistachios in Spain/Italy?
I am traveling to Spain and Italy with my school this spring break but there's only one problem...I am very very very very very very VERY deathly allergic to tree nuts (cashews and pistachios)! :S It took FOREVER to convince my parents to let me go! anyway...I am a little worried though, because I don't want to die (obviously) so I was wondering if anyone knew if Cashews and Pistachios were very common in Spain/Italy? Like do they absolutely LOVE them and serve them on everything? and do they understand or not very well about allergies? ('cause like I know sometimes certain places/people arn't very used to it...and think that "absolutely no nuts I will die" means "take the nuts off then" BUT THAT WILL STILL KILL ME!!! ) ahha :P no nuts can touch anything I eat :P (it's a major pain in the bum...but I want to live :S) so yeah...does anyone have any information on that at all? I would really like to know a little about it, it would make me feel a whole lot better :S
Allergies - 2 Answers
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1 :
I was born (and lived for a while) in Italy, and I can say that this all matters on where you stay (i.e. region/town) as well as the restaurant you go to. I do know that pistachios and cashews are generally abundant (or they were about 5 years ago when I last visited) as snacks (whole nut), but not really found that much in food -- except in some desserts. I would assume that Spain would be similar, as I believe they are not much of a "nut-loving" country (I could be wrong). However, with that said, DO NOT take chances with this stuff. I would only recommend that you go in this trip if you are fluent with English/Italian/Spanish (all three, not either/or) so that you can ask people without any confusion. Italy and Spain are great places to visit, but they definitely aren't worth your life.
2 :
I myself are allergic to Cashews Pistachios and Almonds and I wont definitely die like you say you will, but I sure will suffer from an attack and I would not go, bc it's not that important to jeopardize your health/life!!!! I'm with your parents..DONT GO!!!
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Sunday, April 8, 2012

how cold does it get it Rome in the winter time

how cold does it get it Rome in the winter time?
I'm going to Italy with my school in February. I want to be warm when I go, and we are going to Rome and some other places.
Rome - 7 Answers
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1 :
I live in Rome and I can assure you that winter is not very cold. Bring a coat, scarf and gloves
2 :
It can snow, it can be as cold as 0-5°C. For me it's a temperature for a hat, warm jacket and gloves.
3 :
It's, ummm. Winter in the Northern Hemisphere...about parallel to Washington DC or so. http://www.climatetemp.info/italy/rome.html
4 :
I spent a month there a few years ago and half of it was in February. I'd say the 50's was normal and there were some "drizzly" days. I found it to be almost exactly like South Carolina. I think it's the best time to be there because it's the "off" season. I'd rather the coolness than the big crowds. Nice days were more often than bad days. You don't need a parka or anything but a nice warm, water repellant jacket should do you fine. A hat of some sort would be a good idea also. Even a baseball hat.
5 :
There are a lot of sites where you can check the monthly average high and low temperatures for various places here, such as: http://www.eurometeo.com/english/climate… . In Rome, the average low temperature in February is 5 °C and the high is 13 °C (41 - 55 °F). It can be somewhat colder in other places especially here in the north.
6 :
Its not really THAT cold as people think.... If you are used to winter where you live, then you won't have a problem. Just wear scarfs and gloves and some heavy clothes. Women wear skirts with heels a lot so it's not freezing either.
7 :
In February temperature ranges from 6 to 12 degrees celsius. This year occurred a snowy day.
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Sunday, April 1, 2012

What are some good high school summer programs

What are some good high school summer programs?
I am in high school, and am looking to do a program abroad. I do not have any preferences for the activities involved, but the places I would go to are: Italy, England, Australia, Greece, Ireland, France or Spain. Could you please post some websites for me? Also, it has to be affordable, so in the 1,000-2,000 dollar range. Thanks
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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1 :
There are NO summer programs I've ever come across that run for 1,000~2,000 DX Sorry! The cheapest yet extremely reliable program would be Rotary Youth Exchange! The costs are different for whatever region you are in, but in SCANEX, my region, the summer program runs for $2,300 and our options are Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Spain, Japan, Korea, Finland, Indonesia & Germany. I don't know what region you are (SCANEX, ESSEX, WESSEX, etc.) So I think it should be in that range for your rotary area too... Other programs are AFS and YFU...but those are REALLY expensive...I'm talking $7,000+ depending on the country...
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