Thursday, June 24, 2010

How is the educational system in Venice, Italy

How is the educational system in Venice, Italy?
I'm doing a research project on Venice, Italy and I've come to the educational section. I'm aware the schooling has beautiful architecture are most of the buildings have a history to them, but that seems to be the only information I can find on education in Venice. I want to know more. Are all or most of the schools in Venice prestigious? Are they private or public? Are they expensive? How is the general quality; are the teachers helpful? How early do parents register their children for classes and how many years are you in school for? (whether school year-wise or years-wise).
Other - Italy - 2 Answers
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1 :
You are probably aware that VERY FEW people actually live in Venice itself these days, and the majority of them seem to be retired. I don't know this for a fact, but would therefore expect that there are few schools, and those probably operated by the Roman Catholic Church. When I was last in Venice, all of the school children I did see were in uniforms of private schools based in towns near Venice but not in Venice itself.
2 :
Schools in Venice are not different from the other italian schools. The more prestigious ones (i'm talking about university) are in Bologna, Roma Milano and of course, the "Normale" in Pisa. There are both private and public schools, but private ones are better! italian public school quality is not very high but we (i'm italian) learn more literature and history and less math than the english students. Children start school at six ("scuole elementari" for 5 years) than there are other 3 years (scuole medie) before arriving to the "scuole superiori" at 15. At 15 you have to decide what you want to do (there are different kind of school to prepare you for university or for a job). at 19 you start University. usually students prefers staying near home than chooseing an other city like americans do.
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

How much should I save to go to Italy

How much should I save to go to Italy?
Okay so I am in my sophomore year of high school. After i graduate high school three of myy cousins and I are going to go to Italy. I want to have enough forr a two week trip which includes airfare plus extra money so I can have back up. My cousins are right now 23,33,28, and I am 15. Please let me know how much and some places to go while we are there. Thank you ahead of time.
Other - Italy - 3 Answers
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1 :
I'd save up a good 2k, and as far as places to go I would suggest looking up Florence, Sienna, Rome, Assisi, Venice, and definitely the Amalfi Coast. Be careful there though. I wouldn't go anywhere without your cousins. I was there for 3 months and my sister just got back a few months ago from about a three month stay. The people there can be nice, and some can be... too nice.
2 :
accommodation +local transport + food may cost about 100 euro per day; Shopping extra. Rome, venice, milano + many places, depending to your interest, are important. Be careful of your money, specially in rome in metro stations or crowded places.
3 :
Come in Milan, it's fantastic !!!!!!! Other beautiful city are Venice, Rome, Torino, Bologna, Dolomiti(fantastic !!!!!!), Florence, Assisi, Montepulciano, Alberobello, L'Aquila, Val D'Orcia, Valle D'Aosta( Mont Blanc), River Po, Siena, Pisa, Palermo, Catania( with Etna), Naples( with Vesuvio), Agrigento, Pompei....... bye bye :)
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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How can I receive a grant for a school field trip

How can I receive a grant for a school field trip?
I am a sophomore in high school and we are being offered an amazing opportunity to visit Spain and Italy. The trip isn't until the summer of 2011, so I have until then to come up with $3,300 to go. I am a good student and I think this would be a wonderful opportunity for me to expand my education. Do you know of any grants I can receive to be able to take advantage of this opportunity?
Financial Aid - 1 Answers
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1 :
Unfortunately, government grants do not exist for individuals in high school. They exist for schools, nonprofits, and government entities. You could fundraise like a bake sale or something else in your community.
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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Who are some famous people born in Italy

Who are some famous people born in Italy?
I am doing a school project and need to know of some famous people born in Italy. Thanks in advance!
Trivia - 5 Answers
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1 :
Christina Scabbia - lead singer of Lacuna Coil, Casanova (can't remeber his first name)
2 :
Leonardo da Vinci, Gina Lollobrigida, and Benito Mussolini. That's all of them...
3 :
Famous Italians. Explorers - Giovanni Caboto commonly known as John Cabot. Christopher Columbus Marco Polo Giovanni da Verrazzano Amerigo Vespucci Scientists - Guglielmo Marconi Enrico Fermi Music - Luciano Pavarotti Enrico Caruso Vincenzo Bellini Giuseppe Verdi Giacomo Puccini Fashion & Design - Giorgio Armani Gianni Versace Enzo Ferrari
4 :
Napoleon was born on a island in italy but after napleons birth it was sold to the french
5 :
I would also like to add the painters Michelangelo ( ), Caravaggio ( ) and Sandro Botticelli ( ); Galileo (scientist); Pico della Mirandola (philosopher); Machiavelli (author of "The prince"); Giacomo Casanova, adventurer and heartthrob ; Giuseppe Garibaldi (revolutionary); Alessandro Volta (who invented the battery ); Rudolph Valentino (actor ); the film directors Sergio Leone and Federico Fellini (Fellini is also the inventor of the word "paparazzi"); Enzo Ferrari (founder of the Ferrari car factory)... just to name some no one else had yet named.
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