Saturday, October 24, 2009

Does anyone know any Music schools in Rome, Italy- Paris, France, and Vienna, Austria

Does anyone know any Music schools in Rome, Italy- Paris, France, and Vienna, Austria?

Other - Europe - 1 Answers
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1 :
Your question is very wide. Of course all these towns have music schools, they are the capitals of countries. Most likely they have all levels of musical education, from beginners to masterclasses for top professional singers and musicians. And all kinds of music, classical, jazz, pop, rock, ..... So please specify what you are looking for, what level, what kind of music and what instrument or voice. Than we can advice you better. Now it is like you asking for a music school in New York.
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Friday, October 16, 2009

I want to live in Italy temporarily when I am older. How can I make this happen

I want to live in Italy temporarily when I am older. How can I make this happen?
I am just a junior in high school right now but I want to live in Italy for a while after college. Someone told me that in order for someone to move to Italy, you have to have a visa through your work or live their through college and you can't just live there to live there. Is this true? Also, if I wanted to live in Italy for say, a year or so then would I have to gain Italian citizenship and is this a hard thing to accomplish?
Other - Italy - 3 Answers
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1 :
No, it's not true what they said to you and by the way in order to gain Italian citizenship you have to stay here for ten years :-) (would be easier for some specific circumstances); anyway here, official site of Italian foreign ministry you can select the reason you want to stay and reading about what is needed. Also here and here You have to choose "Elective residence": "Type of visa foreseen for foreign citizens who intend to reside in Italy without working" 1. visa application form 2. recent passport-style photo 3. passport or travel document valid for at least three months after visa expiry date 4. documented and detailed guarantee of substantial and steady private income private income (pensions or annuities) from property, stable economic and commercial activities or from other sources 5. availability of adeguate lodgings in Italy" So, yes, you definitely can. Not only George Clooney :)
2 :
The first thing to do would be to research your family's history and find out if you can obtain EU citizenship. I managed to do this because my grandparents WERE citizens of a European country at the time my father was born. It didn't matter that my father had never been to Europe and didn't speak the language of his parents' country. Some countries are pretty relaxed about this stuff. If you can't get EU citizenship, you would need to get a skilled worker visa. First, you would have to find a job that could not be filled by any EU citizen. This can be difficult. Stuff like teaching English and working in bars can easily be done by people from the UK. If you're a neurosurgeon who speaks Italian... well you've got a much better chance. Once you found this job and your employer agreed to sponsor you, it's a fairly simple paperwork process. Alternately, you could live there illegally and hope you never need health care or the services of the police (a baby could be bleeding on the sidewalk and they would check your immigration documents before they helped the baby... they're that grumpy about immigration over there). You know the way Americans feel about illegal immigrants? That's the way Italians feel about illegal immigrants as well. You decide if you want to be on the receiving end of the hostility (I once saw a "Youth Against Immigration" rally in Torino). Citizenship would be out the question unless you were a skilled worker who had resided in the country for 10+ years, or unless you married an Italian citizen.
3 :
no it's not true. you can live in italy for a short period but if you are not a citizen of the european community you must have a sort of "green card" ...we call it "permesso di soggiorno" in alternative, if you search for a job you can stay for a long time, the same if you study in italy.... ciao Silvia
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Thursday, October 8, 2009

What should I wear in Italy

What should I wear in Italy?
I'm 13 and I'm going on a school trip to Italy in July and i don't know what to wear. I heard that its inappropriate to wear shorts that are shorter than your middle finger when your arms are at your sides. I was hoping this isn't true because all my shorts are short and i have long arms. We are also going to be walking a lot and my teacher suggested we walk fast so i'll need to wear comfortable clothes. are tank tops ok? should i use a backpack or a purse? What is the temperature going to be? How do i not look like a tacky tourist? any other tips? We are going to visit Rome, Florence, Venice, Genova, Milan, and i think that's it i unfortunately don't have money for designer clothes.
Other - Italy - 10 Answers
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1 :
Dress casual but always look neat !!!! You will need good walking shoes. Forget short shorts.......
2 :
in summer the clime in italy is hot...and you wear all you want!...the shorts, t-shirt...but...when you go for example in the church (rome) don't wear the shorts, you must wear the traousers long under the knee... and you musn't wear the top... byebye! sorry...i'm an italian girl (i live near milan) english is very terrible"
3 :
ahaha unless u go to Vatican City, Italian girls wear the sluttiest clothes in the world, so just don't care of all those sh*its about the middle finger bla advice i can give is that if u don't wanna look like a tourist, take with u ur best and stylish clothes ( i guess u're from US...well in Italy stuff like Aeropostale,American Eagle,old navy,crocks are considered shit....i'd go with Converse stuff, Nike, D&G[if u have it]....and we don't dress least the sportive ones...and an other tip is that don't do the typical cheesy pictures to the monuments as all tourists do, just do it to yourselves and ur friends and maybe the monuments too.... have fun!
4 :
Cover always knees and elbows if you wish to visit churches.
5 :
" in Italy stuff like Aeropostale,American Eagle,old navy,crocks are considered ****...." hahahah! reason #3745675456 to love italy
6 :
Do not wear american eagle or holliester or ascribe. If you have any of those clothing brands... you will for sure be known as a tourist. that is all i can say apart from the fact that they have the whole retro look going on there! good luck :)
7 :
It's not important what you wear, it's important what you are!!!! I'm an italian guy, I'm 16 and I live in Milan... when will you be in Milan??? maybe we can meet us... I'll show you our fantastic Milan!!!! if you want to talk with me about your trip or other, send me an e-mail and I'll give you my messenger!!!! see you in Milan.... bye bye
8 :
wear whatever you want.. doesnt really matter
9 :
The temperature is like 25-32°. I live in Rome, it's really hot. But I'd don't wear shorts or top because you can't enter in churches with that, and SURELY you will visit a church...
10 :
I'M ITALIAN in italy it's very very cold now because it's summer and we wear a short clothes but when we have at school we musn't wear a short vert clothes you can weara short that are long near the kneel and a lot of t-shirt when you are out of the class you can wear something but if you visit a cathedral or a religiou place you must waer school clothes too
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Thursday, October 1, 2009

What should I pack on my 10 day trip to Italy and France

What should I pack on my 10 day trip to Italy and France?
I'm going to Italy and France for the first time with my school in the middle of April - what kind of clothes/anything else should I bring? Also any tips or advice or anything would be appreciated!
Packing & Preparation - 2 Answers
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1 :
great walking shoes -you will probably do a lot of sight seeing. Long sleeve tops, light wind breaker, sweater (in case temperature should drop), tylenol (you don't want to start hunting around for something new at a pharmacy where instructions are only in french or italian), guide book, phone numbers of your embassy (in case something happens, you don't want to have to start searching when you are there), photo copy of your passport (in case it gets stolen), insurance, mobile phone (to call home) pocket dictionary camera have fun!
2 :
The other answer has a lot of good suggestions - layers are a particularly good idea since it can be chilly in the evenings or early mornings. Make sure you don't overpack, you don't need a lot of stuff to lug around with you here. One useful thing to have is a small folding umbrella that you can stick in a pocket or purse. It doesn't rain all that much, but it's nice to have one when it does. I live in northern Italy and have a very small umbrella that I stick in my back pocket when I go out exploring. If you've got a digital camera, bring extra memory and your charger. If you're not from the EU or you are from the UK, you'll need an adaptor for the plug, but not a voltage converter.
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