Thursday, February 16, 2012

Need some advice for studying in Italy.

Need some advice for studying in Italy......?
Hello everyone ! i'm from Thailand and my last year high school will start soon. I'd love to go to study in Italy after high school, I want to study Politican Science, International Relationship. At I least will go for a bachelor there. There's a Scholarship here from the Italian government which they ask for acceptance from the University. So I have to apply for a University but I have no clue what to do. I have one year left but I want to do it now otherwise I could miss out things. If you could please tell me how you apply for a Public University in Italy as a foreign student ? Grazie !
Other - Italy - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
I just stumble on this question and add to put my two cents in. I hope you realize that studying Political Science in italy is like trying to get into a Egyptian catholic seminar. The country is been falling apart politically since the early 90's and the economy just sucks!! I know because I ran out of there the first chance I got. The country is beautiful and I have always loved it, but the people's Ignorance will drive you insane. Any ways, if you are determined to go I suggest you try going to the local Italian consulate.
2 :
In response to the previous comment.. Italian people are not ignorant!!! Anyway, first of all.. i think you should decide which university choose.. You could choose a city you'd like to live in.. After that you should talk with Italian Consulate and the Thai one.. =) Then you'll contact the university you want to attend and ask if there are programs for foreign students..
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