Thursday, December 24, 2009

what to expect when staioned with the air force in aveno italy

what to expect when staioned with the air force in aveno italy?
i am about to finish tech school. my first duty station is in aviano italy and idk what to expect. im lost as far as bah, oah, housing and if there is any extra pay. also what to expect as far as my family and i adjusting to italy...
Military - 4 Answers
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Well the first thing you should about living in that particular spot, is that there will be Italians.
2 :
Be careful. Their husbands carry knives.
3 :
Here's a link to Aviano's newcomer's info. Enjoy.
4 :
Hi! My husband finishes tech school in July, and we are going to Aviano as well, in August! As far as housing goes, are you single or married? If you are single, you will be staying on base, so you won't be getting BAH. If you are married, the housing is different than other bases. There is no on base housing, but there are government leased units that serve like base housing. It's rent free, so no BAH. You can also choose to live in the economy housing, or "off base" housing, but I have read that that is pretty difficult if you don't speak italian. Here are a couple of sites that I have found to be extremely helpful! I hope this helps!
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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

I have to do this project for school. I need some pictures of what people In Italy wear for Christmas.

I have to do this project for school. I need some pictures of what people In Italy wear for Christmas.?
Is it something special because I have to dress like they do for Christmas and I have no Idea where to find some pictures! I have done searches and find nothing please please PLEASE help me!!! I have to have this by tomarrow and its already 11:06 pm!
Internet - 3 Answers
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ok, if you dont know the freaken answer to the question DONT ANSWER IT!!!!! YOU ARE NO HELP TO ME AND HER SO JUST SHUT UP AND STOP! Sorry Salena, I got a little mad but she'll get over it. Anyone know? I need it too... please help, not put stupid things.
3 :
I think that you could not find anything because there is nothing to find!!! Why would they dress different for Christmas!? Italy was always behind France in current fashion, so there is NO special dress code for the Christmas. They are just people like me and you and they put on clothes that are modern. I have been there many times and even celebrated Christmas in Bari Italy in 2002 and I really don't remember someone putting special clothes on....unless they have changed... Might be that some folks in Sicily and Sardinia still wear some folklore clothes.
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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Going to Italy, what is it like

Going to Italy, what is it like?
Ok im going to Italy in February with my school. Im starting to save my money now, and i am planning to bring 1500 american dollars. Do you think that this will be enough, considering it is more expensive over there than it is here in the states? What is the weather like in Italy during the month of Feb? In NY, where im from, it is very very cold, but Im just not sure if its going to be as cold over there as it is in NY. Also, what kind of clothes should I bring? We're going to be walking all day, and I know that in Italy people dress very sophisticated. I was thinking of bringing black pants and like 1 pair of good jeans to wear. For shoes, i was thinking of buying a pair of coach sneakers, since we are going to be walking alot. As for a bag to carry around, im not sure if i should buy a north face back pack or just a little messenger bag. And finally my last question, what foods do you suggest I try? Other than pizza, gelatos, and pasta, what are some other great italian dishes?
Other - Destinations - 5 Answers
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Exploring Italy... new itineraries to some of the undiscovered treasures of Italy and more ....
2 :
Italy will be cold in Feb. Much like NYC. They dress very western, like the US. Other than pasta, which you'll love, try their veal dishes or pork. Osso Buco is wonderful, the calf's knee. Too many foods to mention. All great. Lose some weight before going or your clothes won't fit on return. Else take some larger sizes. LOL I gained 15 lbs. in two weeks on my first trip. Ate my way through Italy. Always did.
3 :
when i went to italy with my school the weather was pretty much like it would be here [im from new jersey]....we walked a lot so it was good that i has not sure if coach sneakers are comfortable....but you might not want to spend money on coach sneakers for case it might rain or if you have to go through dirt or something...get a regular pair you wont miss if they get dirty....they dress casually like us....but nothing too casual [get me?] something like jeans but a nice pair....a nice version of everything [pants, shirt, skirt, etc...] for your bag...there are tons of pickpockets in italy [in europe really...haha] so take a bag thats small enough that you can keep an eye on it but big enough to hold the things you want to put into food is a complicated subject....even though you said no pizza...try tastes very different from ours [its better] and when you sit down at the restaurant just ask for the should be very italian and different...take more money [a lot more money] trust me a lot of things will catch your eye over money is extremely important especially if you plan on bringing back gifts...i hope you have tons of fun in italy...
4 :
Weather will probably be similar to NY, a little warmer in Rome and the south, but be prepared. The dress is less casual and more sophisticated there,; wear nice pants of a skirt, find some shoes that are comfortable but look nicer than sneakers, and beware the pickpockets. they can be any age, size or gender. It is best to buy one of the pouches you wear next to your body for cash and carry small purse and try not to look like a tourist. i recommend taking a credit card and a debit card for cash, no travellers checks. You can buy some euros at a bank here before you go, so when you arrive you don't have to immediately go find an ATM. The food will be fabulous and you will walk a LOT. i hope you get to visit Florence becasue it is a shoppers paradise and has the Michelangelo museum as wel as others, of course.
5 :
The question is more complex than it seems to be... In February the weather is very various and fast-changing, typically it's cold in the north and warm in the south. Take with you a credit card and change some cash in euros before you leave. The clothes.... wear the ones you prefer :-P Where are you going in Italy? Rome, Florence, Venice... other cities...?
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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How much does it cost to study abroad in Italy

How much does it cost to study abroad in Italy?
I'm a junior in high school, and I'm strongly considering studying abroad in Italy. I don't know if i want to go for 1 semester, or 2 yet. But any help and/or advice would be greatly appreciated!
Studying Abroad - 4 Answers
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23 dollars
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Generally, semester programs for just about anywhere tend to be between $7,000 and $9,000 and year programs tend to be $11,000 to $13,000. It would vary on the company and the country, but those are just general ballpark answers.
3 :
Italy has mostly public universities which are not that expensive per se, I believe it should run around 2000-4000$ a year but the cost of living there is really high and as far as I know student loans don't exist. Also most prestigious universities have very rigorous entrance exams.
4 :
If you are a Junior, I think you'd better think quick! You could go your second semester Junior Year, or your first semester senior year. I recommend not going abroad your secon semester senior year, because you will miss all those amazing events before graduation! Prom? Senior cut day? Graduation? One company that I have found that has a great Italy program in AYUSA. They also really help you through the process and give you ideas on how to save up and prepare for your study abroad. (Not to mention they offer scholarships and a bunch of discounts!) Their study abroad program costs around $7,000, but it includes international flights, health insurance, school, living with a host family, and a couple meals and excursions! (alot of the companies don't include the flights and health insurance, so they look cheap, but they are really not!) I think this would be a great place to start out, but start now! Good luck!
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