Wednesday, October 24, 2012

How do get information for entering in NYU dentistry school

How do get information for entering in NYU dentistry school?
I live in Italy but have lived most of my life in the States now that high school is almost over I'd like to come back to USA and enter a good med school..i'd like to know how i can get help doing that?and what are the main requirements..
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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1 :
Start here and click your way around the site:
2 :
Read up on them on their web site and contact the department for international programs for help.
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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

16yr old going on school trip; sharing a room. i need your help.

16yr old going on school trip; sharing a room. i need your help.?
This has nothing really to do with health but I need a guy's view. So here's the situation. I'm currently 16 and have been given the opportunity to go to Italy as a school trip next spring (i'll be 17 then). I have just learned that the students will be staying in triple rooms. This means it would be myself and 2 other boys. I am a bit 'jittery' when it comes to these kind of things because I don't like these type of awkward situations. It's a 10 day trip and an experience of a life time. I am unsure if I should go or pass up the offer. I was hoping you guys could give me your input, advice, and maybe even personal experiences with this kind of situation. Anything would be great. If you would like more details, just ask and i'll be more than happy to let you know. to be honest i dont really know what im scared of, it's just that i've never really spent the night with other people like my age, especially not in a hotel. and i don't really have close friends that are going. i do have a guy that i get along great with that might be going but i'm not sure if he is or not, or if he would want to room with me.
Men's Health - 9 Answers
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1 :
'Go for it. You will have a place to dress/undress in private, no worries. They are alot of reasons for having more than 2 in a room (cost and such) but one reason is no one will do anything if it's 2 against one. Go have a ball.
2 :
Well what exactly are you nervous about?? I really wouldnt worry about it if I were you. I have been on school trips like this and we hardly were ever in our room. We got there at night, showered and passed out. Then got up really early the next day and went out. Are you scared they are going to do something to you? Do you have any of your friends going that you trust? Try rooming with them
3 :
Hey Justwonering, It's really hard to determine exactly what your concerns are from the question. Please feel free to email me through Yahoo Answers if there are specific concerns I can help you with. I've had a lot of experience being in situations like the ones you describe, Boy Scouts, Navy, Traveling, Burning Man etc. Jim
4 :
If you think that is awkward then you should feel how I feel when I have to take a shower with 5 naked men in the gym.
5 :
dude you should totally go it shall really fun as i can already tell sharing rooms on a trip to italy thats all i needed to hear dude its gonna be awesome
6 :
What is awkward about that?
7 :
Dont be Nervous about sharing a room with a guy or even sleeping in the same bed. Trips like that are pretty fun. I mean really your just a bunch of guys.
8 :
I had a trip to D.C. last summer and I stayed in a room with 3 of my friends. There is no awkward experience at all and we had a guy confessional which was cool. Take it from me dude, don't pass it up if you really want to go, go. Trust me, sleeping with 3 guys in the same room (no homo) will be the least of your problems.
9 :
Take the trip and leave your phobias behind. You sound like you don't have any experience being nude around other guys or even changing in the same room. You have a while to work on that- spend more time yourself nude for one thing, that gets your body used to nudity as normal, not just for sex. Likely you won't get nude that much in front of the other guys anyway, if at all. But nothing wrong with changing clothes with other guys, that's really a recent thing, 20 yrs or more ago, was accepted as the norm. You should not let your apprehension of sharing a room with other guys ruin the trip of your life- just makes no sense, and you need to decide that it is normal for guys to dress and undress together, and yeah, even see other guys nude. The norm in any locker room or college dorm. Maybe in fact you need to join a gym and get used to changing around other guys. Remember too-- every guy is pretty much the same down below, nothing to be ashamed of. Good luck.
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Monday, October 8, 2012

How safe is Catania !

How safe is Catania !?
I want to go and study Italian there ! The school is called Scuola Ulisse... Would you reccomend another school in Italy !? Guiseppe : Can you elaborate your answer ?
Other - Italy - 2 Answers
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1 :
Its a big city, so just like any other city it has its good and bad parts. My husband was born and raised in Catania, his family still lives there. Its a beautiful city, lots to do and I highly recommend you go. It would be a great life experience.
2 :
well, i wouldn't define it "safe", just keep your eyes open.
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Monday, October 1, 2012

What are some programs that offer full ride scholarships to high school students wishing to study abroad

What are some programs that offer full ride scholarships to high school students wishing to study abroad?
The countries I'm primarily interested in are China, Japan, the Korea's, Norway, Spain, Italy, Mexico, and most other european countries. I'm looking for a scholarship that is 2011-2012 and that is too selective (meaning only gives scholarships to people who go to certain schools, live in certain areas, or whatever else). All information regarding the subject I am asking about will be greatly appreciated.
Studying Abroad - 2 Answers
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1 :
Hi Stephanie, try going here: Go down the page a bit and click on "GSE Abroad". :) Good luck!!
2 :
You can get info about such college scholarships and grants online here -
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