Saturday, March 24, 2012

Can anyone recommend a language school in Sicily

Can anyone recommend a language school in Sicily?
I'm looking for a good language school in Sicily to learn Italian. Does anyone know how easy (or difficult) it is to rent an apartment in Italy?
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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Friday, March 16, 2012

I'm in love with a foreign exchanged student from Italy.

I'm in love with a foreign exchanged student from Italy...?
There's a foreign exchanged student from Italy at my school, he's a senior and I'm a freshman, but we slow danced at my school dance like for 4 songs.. and i just fell in love. It was so romantic and I couldn't stop thinking about him that night when I laid down on my bed. I dremt about him, too, LOL :P then we started talking on the phone alot and became good friends. Then to make a long story short TOTAL DRAMA flipped out and I kind of had to stop talking to him to stop it. So I haven't talked to him in like two weeks and he leaves to go back to Italy on Nov. 25 and I just can't stop thinking about how I don't want him to leave without me getting his like phone number or email address. His name is Luca and he is so cute! Everybody at my school is in love with his body. At lunch I can't help but glance at him every 2 seconds and everytime I look he's looking BACK. it gives me total butterflies. What should I do? I cannot just go up to him at lunch because of the drama...
Singles & Dating - 2 Answers
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just like in the movies.
2 :
pretend you're going to die tomarrow, what would you do? do it.
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Thursday, March 8, 2012

How can a high school student under 18 study abroad in other countries

How can a high school student under 18 study abroad in other countries?
Hi, right now I'm a Freshman in Highschool, and want to spend a month in another country for culture studies. What kind of things do I need to do in order to qualify? I live in California, and would plan on going to Italy. What kind of rules/regulations are there? Are there any sites you can refer me to? What tips from your experiences do you have?
Studying Abroad - 2 Answers
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poor sean... i now have 7 answers!!!
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there are several programmes going on when it comes to studying abroad. i cant give you a specific website, but put youth study programmes abroad in google. also, you might want to check some organisations that can help you with this. ask around ur highschool, ask ur teachers! they surely know more as i tip.. hmm what can i say?? it is really worth!!! it is great fun!!!!!
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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Need some advice for studying in Italy.

Need some advice for studying in Italy......?
Hello everyone ! i'm from Thailand and my last year high school will start soon. I'd love to go to study in Italy after high school, I want to study Politican Science, International Relationship. At I least will go for a bachelor there. There's a Scholarship here from the Italian government which they ask for acceptance from the University. So I have to apply for a University but I have no clue what to do. I have one year left but I want to do it now otherwise I could miss out things. If you could please tell me how you apply for a Public University in Italy as a foreign student ? Grazie !
Other - Italy - 2 Answers
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I just stumble on this question and add to put my two cents in. I hope you realize that studying Political Science in italy is like trying to get into a Egyptian catholic seminar. The country is been falling apart politically since the early 90's and the economy just sucks!! I know because I ran out of there the first chance I got. The country is beautiful and I have always loved it, but the people's Ignorance will drive you insane. Any ways, if you are determined to go I suggest you try going to the local Italian consulate.
2 :
In response to the previous comment.. Italian people are not ignorant!!! Anyway, first of all.. i think you should decide which university choose.. You could choose a city you'd like to live in.. After that you should talk with Italian Consulate and the Thai one.. =) Then you'll contact the university you want to attend and ask if there are programs for foreign students..
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