Friday, February 24, 2012

Need some advice for studying in Italy..

Need some advice for studying in Italy......?
Hello everyone ! i'm from Thailand and my last year high school will start soon. I'd love to go to study in Italy after high school, I want to study Politican Science, International Relationship. At I least will go for a bachelor there. There's a Scholarship here from the Italian government which they ask for acceptance from the University. So I have to apply for a University but I have no clue what to do. I have one year left but I want to do it now otherwise I could miss out things. If you could please tell me how you apply for a Public University in Italy as a foreign student ? Grazie !
Other - Italy - 2 Answers
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1 :
I just stumble on this question and add to put my two cents in. I hope you realize that studying Political Science in italy is like trying to get into a Egyptian catholic seminar. The country is been falling apart politically since the early 90's and the economy just sucks!! I know because I ran out of there the first chance I got. The country is beautiful and I have always loved it, but the people's Ignorance will drive you insane. Any ways, if you are determined to go I suggest you try going to the local Italian consulate.
2 :
In response to the previous comment.. Italian people are not ignorant!!! Anyway, first of all.. i think you should decide which university choose.. You could choose a city you'd like to live in.. After that you should talk with Italian Consulate and the Thai one.. =) Then you'll contact the university you want to attend and ask if there are programs for foreign students..
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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Need some advice for studying in Italy.

Need some advice for studying in Italy......?
Hello everyone ! i'm from Thailand and my last year high school will start soon. I'd love to go to study in Italy after high school, I want to study Politican Science, International Relationship. At I least will go for a bachelor there. There's a Scholarship here from the Italian government which they ask for acceptance from the University. So I have to apply for a University but I have no clue what to do. I have one year left but I want to do it now otherwise I could miss out things. If you could please tell me how you apply for a Public University in Italy as a foreign student ? Grazie !
Other - Italy - 2 Answers
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1 :
I just stumble on this question and add to put my two cents in. I hope you realize that studying Political Science in italy is like trying to get into a Egyptian catholic seminar. The country is been falling apart politically since the early 90's and the economy just sucks!! I know because I ran out of there the first chance I got. The country is beautiful and I have always loved it, but the people's Ignorance will drive you insane. Any ways, if you are determined to go I suggest you try going to the local Italian consulate.
2 :
In response to the previous comment.. Italian people are not ignorant!!! Anyway, first of all.. i think you should decide which university choose.. You could choose a city you'd like to live in.. After that you should talk with Italian Consulate and the Thai one.. =) Then you'll contact the university you want to attend and ask if there are programs for foreign students..
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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I'm very dreams for Italy smashed.

I'm very dreams for Italy smashed...?
I feel depressed. I was supposed to go on a study abroad trip this summer to Italy with my school, but I also need an apartment to live in with my room-mate because our school is kicking everyone out of the dorms. Well, my mom won't cosign any loans for me so I have to do things by myself. That means that this wonderful trip with these wonderful people won't be happening, I think I'm going to have to use the study abroad money for the apartment and its making me feel the worst I've ever felt. I'm going to have to tell my teacher and the kids in my group...I'm just really sad right now. I'm going to try to save money to go next year maybe even use financial aid from my school and live there for a semester instead of just a month. I hope it works out. I just need to talk to someone because this all happened so fast...can anyone help me with suggestions about visiting your beautiful Italy? Also, what time of the year do you recommend going? I just can't believe this happened! I'm just worried that I'll never be able to go since I have to pay for an apartment and the costs for the program. It's pretty much impossible to get loans for these things unless you have a cosigner; which no will do that for me. I feel like I'll never be able to do anything great like this...I had such big expectations for this trip and I feel like someone just stabbed my heart out. I know this is a weird message to alot of you, but I just need to get my thoughts out...
Other - Italy - 7 Answers
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1 :
Accept it and move on. It will be much more rewarding to see Italy when you do it on your own without any assistance. Things happen for a reason. Believe that whatever happens it will be for the better.
2 :
save your money for better things.....i'm living in italy(military) right now and its not all that. i'm counting the days till we go back to the states.
3 :
can you take on a second job until you go. i know its a lot of work, but you have the summer off, i would think the semester abroad would be so worth it. ( i was supposed to have one too and missed it, i got pregnant and didnt want to give birth in a foreign country) i love my daughter, but i wish i really had been able to go, what a wonderful opportunity
4 :
Hey...Come on dont be depressed!!! Italy its always here...If u cant go this year u will be able to do that next year...Come on...Its not a big problem...If u want to come here, the best time in the year i think its in the summer ( June-September)...In this period the weather is hot and sunny almost everywhere...So u can visit everything...
5 :
I'm really sorry to hear this. I'm sure you are depressed. Don't listen to that military-brat, Italy is very beautiful and there's so much to see. Sure it has it's downfalls, but it's full of art and history and culture and good food and ..... Don't worry, you'll visit Italy one of these days. Just start saving up...50 dollars a month goes a long way. Hugs.
6 :
Depressed!!!!!!!!! For what try living with Cancer when you think you have it bad go to your nearest Hospital help the kids in the cancer ward or burn ward and you wont feel so bad this may seem like a harsh answer but come on your alive and healthy "LIVE" ok you will be fine we dont always get what we want and that's so when you do get it you appreciate alot more. Cheerup Hey.
7 :
Hi..I'm italian....I'm really sorry for you...if I could I'd give u my home....!! Don't leave your dream....!! I'm waiting for u! And don't lost hope to come here for this from Venice..and sorry for my english
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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How do you say "Livigno has always been a famous resort for skiiers all coming to Italy" in italian

How do you say "Livigno has always been a famous resort for skiiers all coming to Italy" in italian?
We're doing a school-project on the Lombardia region and could use a little help with the italian translation.
Other - Italy - 6 Answers
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1 :
Hi, I study Italian, try to translate!! Well. Livigo siempre ha stato famoso albergo per sciatori tutti di venire a Italia.
2 :
Livigno è sempre stata una famosa località di villeggiatura per gli sciatori che vengono in Italia.
3 :
Livigno e' sempre stata una famosa località di villeggiatura per gli sciatori che vengono in Italia. hope this helps
4 :
Livigno è sempre stata una famosa località di villeggiatura per gli sciatori che vengono in Italia Jenna you should study more
5 :
Livigno è sempre stata una famosa località per tutti gli sciatori che vengono in Italia.
6 :
Hi there, i'm italian, so i can say that the closest translation to your phrase and the correct one is this: "Livigno è sempre stata una località famosa per tutti gli sciatori che vengono in Italia." If you need any help, just let me know Best regards
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