Saturday, September 24, 2011

How can i ask my mum if i can shave my legs

How can i ask my mum if i can shave my legs?
I have already said that i hate my legs because they are all hairy and yucky and all she said was 'who has told you you have horrible legs?' Its not only my legs though but in not going to tell her about.... anywhere else lol. I need to shave before i go on holiday to Italy with my school in october because i dont want any hair shown anywhere lol. What can i do apart from asking her straight off? Please be understanding and don't make fun. thanks
Women's Health - 3 Answers
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1 :
Just ask her. It's very, very common (really the norm in Western countries) for women to shave their legs.
2 :
Many girls have negative self body-image - in other words, they have been taught to hate their bodies as ugly or inferior. And that negative mindset often leads to destructive behaviors, like eating disorders, cutting, premature sexual activity, and depression. That's why your mom is concerned, because she wants you to be happy and healthy and not to fall victim to any of these things. So show her that you have a positive mindset, that you love your body and want to take care of it. There's a small but important difference between "I want to shave my legs because they are horrible unless I do" and "I want to shave my legs so I can be just as beautiful on the outside as I am on the inside." Remember to emphasize the positive. Tell her that you're growing older and want to start exploring different facets of your personality, which includes different looks and beauty styles. Ask her to take you shopping (maybe once a week for each topic) and explain everything she knows about shaving, make-up, skin care, lingerie, menstruation, etc, and then let you experiment on your own. That way she gets to give you a solid foundation, but you still get to explore on your own and find out what works for you.
3 :
Just ask her...I was terrified to ask my mum, but once I did I felt better and there was nothing to worry about! Best of luck :)
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Friday, September 16, 2011

Help! guide conversation english-italy

Help! guide conversation english-italy?
Where can i find a free guide conversation english-italy?!I have to learn the italian language because i'll go in Italy at the school in the next year ,and i don't know nothing!!!Please help me!
Languages - 1 Answers
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Hey constellation... you should buy a book called Italian Now! Level one by Marcel Danesi and study it the whole summer it might help you...I've been learning Italian and that book seems easy to understand for beginners, but if you want to learn the language then more resources should be used.
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Thursday, September 8, 2011

what about joining Centro Culturale Giancomo Puccini in Viareggio in Toscany, Italy

what about joining Centro Culturale Giancomo Puccini in Viareggio in Toscany, Italy ?
I m thinking of spending the period from 5th to 18th of Oct 2008 and Italy is the place I want to learn Italian a little bit coz I love Italian language So, please advise about the weather at that period and about teh school and the city Viareggio . Thankssssss.
Other - Italy - 2 Answers
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Viareggio is the holiday place of Tuscany, i'm sure that you could learn basic Italian, but i know that you will have a lot of fun!
2 :
I took Italian lessons at that school. It is a good school with good teachers, but you need to be prepared to do some work after hours if you really want to make the most of your experience. You attend class from 9am until 12:30pm each day and can add an extra session or two of private lessons- which I highly recommend. Be aware that it is not cheap though. Viareggio is a nice seaside town with one of the largest shipbuilding ports in Europe. In October it will be cool and the beach clubs will have closed for the season. It will be olive harvest time when you are here- you may enjoy staying up in the hills and experiencing the olive harvest more than staying by the sea. If in fact this interests you visit the website of the villa where I live- they rent out fully furnished vacation flats and have tons of olive trees. I helped with the olive harvest last year and it was so interesting.
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Thursday, September 1, 2011

I really want to work in another country when I graduate. Possibly Italy? How realistic is this

I really want to work in another country when I graduate. Possibly Italy? How realistic is this?
I am either going to major in political science and then get my MBA or major in accounting and get my MAcc, then get my CPA license. I do not speak Italian, although I could go to school for an additional year and learn if necessary (funds are not a problem). How hard would it be to land a decent job in a European country, specifically Italy?
Immigration - 6 Answers
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Realistic without speaking the language .... It will never happen
2 :
If I were you I'd be worried more about getting a job at all.
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You will have to have a job before you get there.
4 :
It would not be unrealistic at all if you are able to learn the Italian language. In fact, it will make it easier to get a job anywhere if you can speak more than one language. Being bilingual is a very powerful tool that can be used to gain an advantage in the employment world.
5 :
I have a degree in polisci, and after I graduated I worked in England with a BUNAC work permit. It allows college students and recent graduates to work in a handful of countries from 6-12 months (depending on the country) and enjoy the same work rights as a citizen. The permit, I believe, cost me $290. However, Italy is not one of those countries. You could always join the Peace Corps. With a polisci or accounting degree you could teach English, provided that you attained 3 months' worth of tutoring/teaching experience before departing. My friend is currently doing this in Ukraine. All that being said, if your choice is between polisci and accounting, I would suggest you go with accounting. A degree in accounting will offer you more opportunities than a degree in polisci, and you could still go on for an MBA with a degree in accounting.
6 :
Its almost impossible to find work in a European country if you don't speak the language. Put simply all the paperwork, meetings and client conversations are going to be in Italian, so if you don't speak the language there isn't really much of a role for you. Even for companies with foreign clients they would want someone who was bilingual, which many Italians are. Some multinational companies though operate in English, and hire English speaking staff. The best bet for getting such a position would to get a job with some such company in America, and then apply for a transfer to their Italian branch. This is fairly common in the financial and insurance sectors, at least.
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