Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Immigration green card question involving spouse

Immigration green card question involving spouse?
I was wondering I just received my U.S. Citizenship, my wife who is Italian citizen as I was wants to get her green card. Does she have to be in the U.S. to start this process? She's attending school back in Italy at this time.
Immigration - 4 Answers
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first decide if she wants to finish school there. if so then wait to file the I-130. she does not have to return to start the process.
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No, she can apply at the local US embassy. It is a 2 step process. The first costs about $400 with DHS(dept. Homeland Sec.) and they will require a bunch of paperwork, marriage & birth certificates, some government forms, an interview, and passports and Italian ID. They if approved your case will be sent to the State department and after another $400 and an interview she'll have her green card. It took about 3 months for my wife here in Honduras. Applications take about a year if filed in the US due to the volume of cases. So she'd be better off in Italy, but you may need to be there for her interviews. Go to the USCIS website and you can find all of the forms on line (downloadable & printable) there as well as instructions for applying.
3 :
NO!!! unless you want to take at least 3 years to get her to the United States. Provided you have not filed any immigration paperwork of any kind you may have an extra option. If she comes to visit you in the United States see an immigration attorney and ask them to change apply for a change of status from tourist to resident. At the same time submit the application for the spouse. Our attorney did this for us and the entire process only took 6 months from start to finish.
4 :
no she can stay in italy
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Monday, May 16, 2011

Italy and children with dual citizenship

Italy and children with dual citizenship?
My fiancé and I are both dual citizens, and so I'm supposing our children will be as well. We have residences in both the United States and Italy, and plan on homeschooling our children through elementary school as we spend time living in both places. What I'm confused with is who we have to inform about their method of learning? I know the guidelines and such with the United States and homeschooling, but would I have to inform the Italian government about my children's education as well? Would I have to inform them even if we only lived in the United States?
Other - Education - 1 Answers
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in my opinion it is enough to report this to the italian school's director. anyway, your children should follow the track.
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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Italy and children with dual citizenship

Italy and children with dual citizenship?
My fiancé and I are both dual citizens, and so I'm supposing our children will be as well. We have residences in both the United States and Italy, and plan on homeschooling our children through elementary school as we spend time living in both places. What I'm confused with is who we have to inform about their method of learning? I know the guidelines and such with the United States and homeschooling, but would I have to inform the Italian government about my children's education as well? Would I have to inform them even if we only lived in the United States?
Immigration - 1 Answers
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The safest approach would be to contact both US and Italy immigration.
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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Why does Italy form a new coalition government almost every year

Why does Italy form a new coalition government almost every year?
I have a hard time in government class and i thought i would ask my fellow cyber friends to help me out. I need to know why italy forms a new coalition government almost every year by tonight for an assignment that is due tomarrow, I for got my book at school. If you could help me out that would be great. Thanks so much *Tessa*
Government - 2 Answers
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Because they like it. MIX. Every one having rights to do what ever he wants.
2 :
It seems to be the result of the political system in Italy.The Italian parliament comprises the Chamber of Deputies and Senate and since 1993 75% of the 315 elected seats in the Italian Senate are elected for a 5 year term on a first past the post basis and the rest elected seats filled by proportional representation. In the Chamber of Deputies 75% of seats are elected on a first past the post system and 25% by proportional representation. This seems to be a recipe for chaos because no political party or faction ever has an overall majority so can not exercise power except by compromise and partnership with other parties, who sooner or later decide to cease supporting the party in government.
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