Tuesday, November 24, 2009

i met this guy on a school trip and really like him!! how do i get his attention now wer back at school

i met this guy on a school trip and really like him!! how do i get his attention now wer back at school???
last week i went on a school trip to italy and i spent most of my week with one of my guy mates best friends (we wer in the same group) we spent almost all are time together and i really started to fancey him. hes so cute and we have so much in common. we flirted loads and sat next to each other on the bus home (from the air port) my mate noticed i seemed to fanceyed him and was joking about it on the bus. i didnt want to say anythink so i just said 'who i fancey is my buissness' and shutup. wev been at school now for a day and we no longer really see each other because we have no classes together. i really miss talking to him and i want to get to know him more but as we dont even hang round with the same poeple i dont EVER see him. all iv said to him since we got back from the trip was when he shouted 'hi' to me across a hall way and i wave back . how can i get him to notice me when we hardly see each other? hes seemes so confided and im really shy!! help.
Singles & Dating - 11 Answers
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1 :
Just show him Ur breast that always gets my mans attention when he isn't listening
2 :
3 :
email him and tell him u wanna get together.
4 :
Have one of your friends who have classes with him or gets to see him give him your number. If he doesn't call, then you will know he's not interested and to move on.
5 :
well guy's always fancey getting talked to bey girls, it is a good passtime, but if you just talk to him, then you should be able to find out more.
6 :
maybe u should ask him for his email address that way u can chat online, and the shy thing wouldn't be such a big deal since u guys will talk online. also that would give u an opertunity to talk to each other and make plans!
7 :
Write him a note including ur fone #! tell em u miss him ...but not in a desperate way but be very flirty . it always works for me.
8 :
talk to him over aim, myspace, or even texting him. tell him that you two need to hang out more. and then, after you hang out once, you will hang out more and more ( if he enjoyed it.) and when you hang out more you will see each other more, hopefully bringing you closer.
9 :
give him a note saying meet me some where then he will tell him the time and stuff
10 :
Text him and say to each other that you want to go out with him that you had a great time hanging out with him at itally and that you had a lot of common
11 :
well i think u should let him know becuz who knows he may feel the same way bout u n if u dont ask him u ll be sayin wat if. i say go 4 it sweetie
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Monday, November 16, 2009

Help with questions about Raphael’s painting of the School of Athens

Help with questions about Raphael’s painting of the School of Athens?
1. 6.At the time the School of Athens was painted, what did Renaissance Italy have in common with the fresco subject matter? 7.What Renaissance values are reflected in Raphael’s School of Athens? Please help!!! IMPORTANT
Painting - 1 Answers
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1 :
The Pope wanted everything to show off his money and brains. He was terrible and the artists hated him, he was pompous and tried to fight the Medicis (the artists patron) for control of rome and italy so he was showing off thinking he was better than king david and wanted to build a "roman jerusalem". Raphael, Michealangelo and Davinci all hated and despised the papal office and the church of rome at the time. The Medicie's were actually good to them and this group supported the jews and Rome persectuted them at the time. There is NOTHING in common with Athens and Rome except the fact that like Socrates (not pictured in the painting) was killed by the government for telling the truth. Alot like Jesus, who is unseen. The values reflect the arguments over learnign and the division of religion and science. Rome was trying to supress science with faith and science was at the time considered witch craft. The jews and all jewish/greek philosophies were suppressed by Rome and the Catholic church. Also note the lack of women's presence in the school at Raphaels time, but in early Greece, women were more free. Until Roman suppression. Which was blamed on the Jews. And as far as greek homosexuality, see the Roman senatorial tradition for truth on that. It wasnt the Greeks butt plugging, it was Roman Catholic Rich MEN and they blamed the greeks. Kind of like the Priests of today, and how they like little boys that look feminine, now see why John looks feminine in Davincis paintings? Preist of Rome have been doing this for years and years and blaming the Greeks.
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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Help with questions about Raphael’s painting of the School of Athens

Help with questions about Raphael’s painting of the School of Athens?
1. 6.At the time the School of Athens was painted, what did Renaissance Italy have in common with the fresco subject matter? 7.What Renaissance values are reflected in Raphael’s School of Athens? Please help!!! IMPORTANT
Painting - 1 Answers
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1 :
The Pope wanted everything to show off his money and brains. He was terrible and the artists hated him, he was pompous and tried to fight the Medicis (the artists patron) for control of rome and italy so he was showing off thinking he was better than king david and wanted to build a "roman jerusalem". Raphael, Michealangelo and Davinci all hated and despised the papal office and the church of rome at the time. The Medicie's were actually good to them and this group supported the jews and Rome persectuted them at the time. There is NOTHING in common with Athens and Rome except the fact that like Socrates (not pictured in the painting) was killed by the government for telling the truth. Alot like Jesus, who is unseen. The values reflect the arguments over learnign and the division of religion and science. Rome was trying to supress science with faith and science was at the time considered witch craft. The jews and all jewish/greek philosophies were suppressed by Rome and the Catholic church. Also note the lack of women's presence in the school at Raphaels time, but in early Greece, women were more free. Until Roman suppression. Which was blamed on the Jews. And as far as greek homosexuality, see the Roman senatorial tradition for truth on that. It wasnt the Greeks butt plugging, it was Roman Catholic Rich MEN and they blamed the greeks. Kind of like the Priests of today, and how they like little boys that look feminine, now see why John looks feminine in Davincis paintings? Preist of Rome have been doing this for years and years and blaming the Greeks.
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Sunday, November 1, 2009

15 and going to italy alone, for 2 months for school, what should i expect

15 and going to italy alone, for 2 months for school, what should i expect?
I'm doing a summer program in summer 2011 to study art in italy, i'm gonna be 16 by then. I'm going to be studying art in Lanciano italy, and i'm gnna be living with roomies and stuff. what should i expect? Should i learn some italian before i go? Yeah but it's with a safe program, i'm attending a program with a cerfew and teachers from toronto (where i live) plus i'm italian, i have relatives there
Family - 2 Answers
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1 :
i dont think you should go. you hear on the news stories about young girls going away on trips and never coming back. dont do it
2 :
Definitely learning some Italian would make your trip to Italy more enjoyable and make you feel more safe. Even if you have teachers and other students from your country going along, what if you find yourself alone and need to call a taxi or make a phone call, or ask where the nearest restroom is? Get in touch with the Italian Institute of Culture in Toronto, and find out whether they have Italian language classes near your home.
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