Thursday, March 24, 2011

are there any schools in venice italy

are there any schools in venice italy????????
ok I know it may sound dumb but I can't find info on that through the net. I wanted to know if there are any colleges, high schools, grammar schools, ect.. names would be great. thnx. oh yeah I want to know because im writing a book and venice is a part in it so I need info. thnx again!
Venice - 6 Answers
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1 :
yes theirs schools in Venice, i think there's even a military school. in Venice theirs towns inside of towns. and each town has a school so if you can find out the mini towns you can find the schools. most are next to the churches, even tho there not connected.
2 :
The city of Venice contains also the town of Mestre on the mainland. It the city of Venice there are 242 schools, most public, excluding universities. Of them, 83 are nursery schools, 63 are primary schools (for 6 to 11 years old), 21 secondary schools (for 11 to 14 years old), and the others are high schools or comprehensive schools (for 14 to 19 years old). You may look here: In Venice there are also some universities: * l'Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia (economy, languages, philology, philosophy, sciences); * l'Università IUAV (architecture and art); * l'Accademia di Belle Arti (visual arts); * Venice International University (international consortium for education and research).
3 :
I would have understood an answer like "How are schools in Venice?" But... "ARE THERE ANY SCHOOLS IN VENICE"?!?!? Oh my God... what idea have you of Italy? do you really think that your country has the monopoly of civilization?
4 :
of course there are schools in one of the biggests city in Italy
5 :
Yes. Info in: - Ciao!
6 :
go to google map and search venice, then digit liceo or scuola
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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

what is d website 4 british embassy in italy?how can i get addresses of some 2ndary schools in britain

what is d website 4 british embassy in italy?how can i get addresses of some 2ndary schools in britain?
I am 14yrs old. I want 2 study in britain but I dont know how get in contact with some secondary schools there.I am a nigerian currently living in can i get in contact with some secondary schools in britain?
Embassies & Consulates - 1 Answers
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1 :
British Embassy and Consulate Via XX Settembre 80a 00187 Roma Tel 06 482 5441 or 06 482 5551 night emergencies 06 482 5400/8893 email
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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

finding a job in italy

finding a job in italy?
i am going to either attend central saint martins in london or a school here in the states for fashion design. if i wanted to move to italy after finishing school, would i be able to find a job there. i speak spanish and Basic italian. would they not want to hire me if i come from a different country??is it really competitive??
Other - Careers & Employment - 1 Answers
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It's very difficult for people outside of the EU (European Union) to get a job within an EU country. You can't just put in some applications as you would do here in the States. First off, you'd need a visa. In order to get a visa you'd have to prove that you were able to financially able to support yourself OR you'd have to have a job lined up already in Italy. Italian companies are reluctant to hire foreigners, unless you have some super awesome skill that they cannot find from a local person. It's too much time, energy and money for them to have to fill out the paperwork to hire a foreigner who has basic skills. With that said, I won't say that it's impossible. Before I moved to Paris I heard the same thing. When I got to Paris I realized that I could actually make a living giving tours and teaching English privately. I'm a writer, so my business is portable, and I never had to do those things. But it was interesting to see what other people were able to do to make their way. Anyway, hope that helps.
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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Should I go to New York City or to Italy and Greece

Should I go to New York City or to Italy and Greece?
I am in the Explorer's and Drama Clubs at school. The Explorer's Club is going to Greece and Italy and the Drama Club is going to New York City. Each trip is gonna have a lot of fun activities like sightseeing, etc. as well as free time for everyone going. But, my gf lives in NYC (we have a long-distance relationship) and I can see her if I go there. But, I can legally drink in Europe! Which one should I go to? Which one would you pick given the circumstances?
Other - Destinations - 2 Answers
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1 :
Drinking aside, I would say go to Italy and Greece, simply because it's a heck of a lot easier to get to NYC later on in life. Of course the gf in NYC changes that some. If that was the case, I'd probably opt for NYC so I could see her.
2 :
Italy or Greece. Forget about your girlfriend in NYC. She is having her own fun. Go to Italy or Greece.
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