Thursday, February 24, 2011

How long does divorce procedure in Italy take

How long does divorce procedure in Italy take?
If a husband and wife both are italian citizen lived in italy has already separated for 3 years and already filed a divorce and they have a son and he is 3 years old when they're separated. Father support for all his son expenses, school and house how long it takes to get a final divorce certificate? Is it possible that the period that they've been separated and filed the divorce since 2003 until now they didn't get a final divorce certificate?
Other - Italy - 3 Answers
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It could take as long as 3 years unfortunately.
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It can even take up to five years or more and it is very complicated.
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the whole procedure takes four years. i got separated in june 2002, prepared all the papers for the audience which took place in november 2002, and got divorced in february 2006, but papers were ready in may 2006. I had two daughters, my ex husband gives me 200 euros a month, for both of them, not for each girl!!!!
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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How long does divorce procedure in Italy take

How long does divorce procedure in Italy take?
If a husband and wife both are italian citizen lived in italy has already separated for 3 years and already filed a divorce and they have a son and he is 3 years old when they're separated. Father support for all his son expenses, school and house how long it takes to get a final divorce certificate? Is it possible that the period that they've been separated and filed the divorce since 2003 until now they didn't get a final divorce certificate?
Other - Italy - 3 Answers
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It could take as long as 3 years unfortunately.
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It can even take up to five years or more and it is very complicated.
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the whole procedure takes four years. i got separated in june 2002, prepared all the papers for the audience which took place in november 2002, and got divorced in february 2006, but papers were ready in may 2006. I had two daughters, my ex husband gives me 200 euros a month, for both of them, not for each girl!!!!
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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Anybody who is a italian student and lives in italy

Anybody who is a italian student and lives in italy?
i am doing italian this year and i love the language and mite be going over to italy in december for a tour and exchange just was wondering if any students who live over in italy could tell me a bit about the school life there and just about your culture :) it would be great to here from italian students!
Languages - 1 Answers
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I'm italian and I live in Italy.... In italy we start the school at 6 years (elementari).....elementari last for 5 years....after we go to (medie)...medie last for 3 years.....after qe go to (superiori)....they are divided in: liceo, scuole professionali and istituti tecnici.....we must go to school until we are 16 years so....ehn we finish medie we must do at least 2 years of superiori....after if we continue school we finish superiori...liceo and istituti tecnici during for 5 years....and after we can go at university....but professionali during 3 years and after we can't go at university....when we finish liceo or istituti tecnici we are 19 years.. ahh.....I'm sorry for my bad english
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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I am an American surgeon. Would I be allowed to work as a surgeon in Italy

I am an American surgeon. Would I be allowed to work as a surgeon in Italy?
I am an American spinal/trauma surgeon. I have graduated medical school, but have not completed my residency. If I move to Italy will I be allowed to operate there? Oh and I also meant once I completed my residency.
Immigration - 1 Answers
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No. You would need to go through residency. Perhaps even the degree if it is not accepted in Italy.
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