Monday, January 24, 2011

Incidences of anorexia and/or bulimia in Italy and Australia

Incidences of anorexia and/or bulimia in Italy and Australia?
I was after statistics on the incidences of anorexia/bulimia in Italy and Australia for a school assignment. I was able to find a few for Australia but I really could not find anything for Italy. Any help (plus sources!) would be much appreciated! Thanks :)
Other - Diseases - 1 Answers
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Hi, this is what I found (my translations, sorry if it is unclear): "Every year, 3.500 italians become anorexic, and circa 6.000 become bulimic, according to the latest data reported by the Minister of Health" "the people who get sick* are mostly between the age of 12 and 25. In the latest years, the incidence of anorexia is stable: 4 to 8 new cases every 100.000 inhabitants per year. The incidence of bulimia nervosa is, however, increasing; 9 to 12 out of 100.000 people become bulimic every year." (in Italian) The data was recorded by Eurispes, a private institute of statistics, in 2008. I found some other data (here , it's a no-profit association that tries to help people who suffer from alimentation disorder), but it's a bit out-dated. If you are interested and need a translation, though, I'd be happy to help.
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Sunday, January 16, 2011

How hot is Italy in October

How hot is Italy in October?
I'm going to Northern Italy in October on a school trip. I'm not sure what clothes to bring cause I'm not sure if it's hot or cold :L Thanks! xxx I think near Verona
Other - Italy - 5 Answers
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Northern italy is cold at that time, depending where you are. southern italy is hot
2 :
Actually, Lisa, even the south is getting colder and the rain is starting (my husband is from Sicily). Bring lots of sweaters and scarves...... boots too. If you ARE going to the south, it never really gets that cold, so you wont need a coat, but if you're going to the north, I'd bring one just in case. Bring an umbrella too.
3 :
In northern Italy? Cold and often rainy
4 :
mmm where are you going? Milan? Turin? Venice? Verona? welll it could change, for example i live near Milan, Northern Italy, and in october it begins being quite cold, but not too much, and no snow or wind :D a jumper is ok, but in some lucky days you could even wear a simple t-shirt
5 :
these are the temperatures (average) in october in Verona: max temperature 66 degrees, minimum 48. If you will be there at the beginning of october it will be warm. In northern italy actually it starts to be cold at the end of november.
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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Travelling in october. What bag should i use? 10 points for 1st answer

Travelling in october. What bag should i use? 10 points for 1st answer?
Im going on a school trip to italy on the 2nd week of october. I was just wondering what kind of bag i should bring for touring. Should i bring a sling bag or a backpack? Or if there is another kind of bag that is better for travelling, please let me know. Thanks!
Packing & Preparation - 2 Answers
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id take a backpack, itll be getting cold and youll need to carry extra clothing. Its be easier to have extra room to carry stuff
2 :
Take a sling bag or a messenger bag. Backpacks provide easy access for thieves. Make sure the type of bag you get won't allow easy access to pickpockets and is one that you can carry either in front of you or off to the side, somewhere in your view.
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In italy, is it legal to give someone a drug test without consent

In italy, is it legal to give someone a drug test without consent?
I have a friend who is a teen and the principal of his school in florence might be giving drug tests to students. In the school's rulebook, there is nothing stated about students refusing such tests being punished in any way, and my friends mother is not going to let him consent to any such tests, so is it legal in italy to administer unconsented drug tests?
Law & Ethics - 1 Answers
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If the mother is OK with it then it can be done.
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